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Everything posted by Ntrain2k

  1. Ntrain2k

    ILuvJDM's Build Thread

    Try turning the LPF up a little bit. You might have it crossed over too low, and it is cutting a lot of bass out.
  2. Ntrain2k

    Box for 2 15" Fi SSDs..

    Nick, Would you reccomend subs up port back for an Astro van as well? Doing 4 15" SSD's on two Sundown 1500d's. Roughly the same sizes on the box, but doubled of course? Daily ride, but do compete heavily. TIA
  3. Ntrain2k

    Bandpass Enclosure design??

    I don't think you have enough room for a decent bandpass with those measurements and 4 18's..
  4. Ntrain2k

    Fi is taking to long! Fed up

    I'd say you owe them an apology for chitting on them...