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Everything posted by ladi3sman55

  1. any news on these beasts? do they still look like they will be done by the 7th of april? and am i reading this right.. it takes them 25 days on top of the 21 days just to ship it to you?
  2. dibs on the first one! edit: how do you want the payment?
  3. ladi3sman55

    quick question $$

    thanks mark! i had them at 110 shipped and had alot of interest but nobody giving offers.. dropped em to 100 sihpped and got less interest but more offers lol 100 shipped for a like new maw15 if anyone is interested! are there any plans for a spl 15?!
  4. ladi3sman55

    quick question $$

    quick question.. how much is a maw15 worth? only bumped for a couple weeks and in perfect cond. 10/10 cosmetically and mechanically..
  5. ladi3sman55

    15's or 18's sealed for ht

    i could sell you my 2 maw 15s.. pm me if your interested.. (they are brand new btw.. not even broken in yet..) but i do agree 2 mj's would b the better choice..
  6. ladi3sman55

    Another MAW15 build happening this weekend :)

    x2!! i was actually planning on building a box just like this soon.. ironic.. tell me how it sounds.. btw we have the same amp too.. crazy.. cept my amp took a chit on me.. and no longer works.. im figuring this out with cadence right now tho.. gl on the build!!
  7. ladi3sman55

    how to seal box?

    ok since i used a jigsaw my circles for my baffle suck balls so i need to find something to seal the holes i have.. i cant use window seal b/c it will hurt the subs.. anyone have a solution for me?
  8. ladi3sman55


    ok so when i power my amp all that happens is the subs hit at one tone and thump at the same tempo the whole time.. it does not go to the beat of the song and also does it when the song isnt playing. my amp has both lights on (red and green) it is a cadence sounds txa1000d. i bought it brand new from their site so it has the 2 year manu. warranty. Should i take it back or is it trying to tell me something? here is the amp: http://www.cadencestore.com/ProductCart/pc...uct=380#details i read the manual and what i read didnt help or solve the problem.. i will email cadence in a few minutes.. but from what i have experience from them their cs isnt the greatest.. i have emailed them other times and have yet to recieve an email back.. hopefully they will answer this one tho. thanks in advance for the help!! if you need to know anything else about the problem let me know.. ps: i dont have a dmm at my disposal right now so i cant single out the problem but my guess is the amp is going into protect b/c the rca's arent giving them power but idk if that would cause this problem.
  9. ladi3sman55


    well i borrowed a dmm from my school and i have power everywhere.. my ground is great and i honestly dont know what else to check or do other than send it back and cadence still hasnt answered my email.. so much for their great cs..
  10. ladi3sman55

    how to seal box?

    was that comment really necessary? i cut the circle with a dull blade and had nothing to hold it (other than myself) and what does cutting a circle have to do with driving? compare apples to apples not oranges to oragnes..
  11. ladi3sman55

    few questions

    i think the amp is faulty.. i read some of the manual and they said that is what happens when there is a problem with it.. so i'll send if back and hopefully just get a new one.. hopefully they are fast with their shipping!! i'll see if i can get it shipped off tomorrow!!
  12. ladi3sman55

    few questions

    ok first off i have 2 maw 15's in a sealed box.. not the loudest setup but it sounds damn good! anyways i have a few things i have been thinking about trying.. 1) 2 external aero ports (tuned to 30hz)(size? amount?) the box is 5.7 cu ft (inside the wood) not sure o sub displacement.. and option 2) i just use one maw 15 and port it to 30 hz.. which would get the loudest? ok and just today my subs quit playing the beat of the music and had a really faint thump that kept going.. the speakers in my car were still fine. im thinking its something with my rca's.. also b4 this happened my sub would go into what i thought was protect mode. when i woud start my car for the first time it would seem like the amp had to warm up or something b/c it would cut out occasionally (usually on harder hitting bass and long notes) i thought mayb it was getting 2 many volts b/c it would go away after a while but i never really figured outwhat was causeing that.. so any help on those problems would be great.. (btw amp is disconnected from battery) o and the faint thump was at a consistant rate and would play when ever the car was started.. didnt matter if there wasnt a song playin or if the faceplate was off or anything like that..
  13. ladi3sman55

    few questions

    thanks!! and would u happen to know how much room that would take up in the box? 257 cubic inches. THANKS!! edit: so .14 is for both ports or just one?
  14. ladi3sman55

    few questions

    thanks!! and would u happen to know how much room that would take up in the box?
  15. ladi3sman55

    few questions

    yeah i know that subs dont go into protect.. that was a typo. and why would it be louder facing the other way? ive heard this b4 but i dont remember the reasoning behind it.. the only reason i faced them the way that i did was to make it easier on my self when installing the subs.. i had to screw them in in my car and the baffles were chitty so they wouldnt go in right. i will think about turning the box when i redo the baffles and brace the box.. also any views on 1 sub in a ported box vs 2 in a sealed..?
  16. ladi3sman55

    2 MAW-15's

    thanks.. and i just started having more problems i'll explain more later.. i have to go..
  17. ladi3sman55

    2 MAW-15's

    sorry pics are from my phone so the quality isnt that great.. i am planning to build the box this sunday (unless i have to work)
  18. ladi3sman55

    2 MAW-15's

    this video is MUCH better.. ignore the other one.. youtube ftw!
  19. ladi3sman55

    2 MAW-15's

    umm that is mdf.. and the wiring kit is amazing!! the wire is all copper for 50 bucks you cant beat it
  20. ladi3sman55

    2 MAW-15's

    ok is it just my comp or does the bass sound like a bball hitting the floor.. it sounded normal untill i put it on photobucket.. does that ruin some of the quality? edit: it sounds normal on youtube
  21. ladi3sman55

    2 MAW-15's

    a vid of my amp running at half power.. 500 watts at 1 ohm.. the rattling is from the trunk, amp, and box.. the box needs more bracing and is flexing more than hulk hogan!! edit: video is a few posts down now..
  22. ladi3sman55

    2 MAW-15's

    lol umm no.. actually no reason at all.. my buddy thought i should and did it while i ran to get us something to drink.. im redoing the baffles anyways so i'll keep that in mind when i screw them into the new baffles!
  23. ladi3sman55

    2 MAW-15's

    its a lil past due for an update but o well.. everything is in and running.. only problem is box flexing (i took bracing out for clearance reasons when i put the box in..) the bracing will go back in when i redo the baffles (my other problem) i cut the holes on the baffle with a jig saw so they look like chit and let air out of my box.. im planning on porting the box with some external ports also.. anyways here are the pics: o and the amp kit came in too.. lol pics: pic with dash some what apart: the first cd to play on them: (and yes i was disappointed he was out sold by kanye but i have to admit this cd is nothing like his other 2.. and kanye's new cd is definitally better)
  24. ladi3sman55

    Sound quality of MAW-15 sealed?

    i got 2 maw15's sealed.. sounds good and gets loud.. you will be more than happy with the performace and price! what are you thinking for a box? jw.. sorry for the late reply ive been really busy lately.. o and what amp?
  25. ladi3sman55

    chance to get metered!

    you are running 800 watts to 1 maw 15?