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About stangme01

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  1. When someone asks "how much power to get full output" they mean how much "amp rated" power do you need 99.9% of the time and thats what everyone seems to stick to, otherwise everyone would be lost all the time wondering who is talking about what. And actually for music, some dynamics can reach way above the rms rating if the amp is well made. Thats what peak power ratings are for, dynamics.
  2. I don't see why not all of us that owned Magnum D2's were running up to 2000w amps on ours and i only know of 1 person that blew their D2. I'm sure there are others but none that i know of. Are you talking sine waves or for music? because for music you can run ALOT more power to a sub for alot longer.
  3. stangme01

    Linear Motor Technology - A Reference

    yeah be we are talking about the actual performance of the sub not frequency response, great frequency response is good, but accuracy and timing are even more important to me. I'm no genius when it comes to sub design but from what i do know that inductance plays an important roll in accuracy of a sub. Hmm maybe i'll have to pick up 1 of the RL-p's then instead because after hearing 1 last week i am very impressed. I actually liked it better than the Magnum D2 for overall SQ.
  4. stangme01

    2 rl-p sealed or 1 rl-p ported

    Depends, in all honestly if money wasn't a factor there would be no question 2 sealed would just rape the ported for overall SQ and upper bass. But a ported single is cheaper.
  5. stangme01

    Linear Motor Technology - A Reference

    Hey are you guys going to offer this in the rl-i too? I'm a bit worried about the inductance being so high, i'd rather have a lower power handling sub with lower inductance than higher powerhandling and more inductance when talking this much inductance. I would rather have a pair of subs with 2" or 2.5" coils with inductance in the 2.5-3.5mh instead of a single sub with 3" coil and 6.5mh Since LMT technology is for SQ its kind of going backwards by adding more than 50% inductance I'm really excited about LMT and buying an SS LMT enabled driver so i'm hoping you guys will use a small coil sub with less inductance. I didn't read but a few pages of this thread so i'm not sure if this has been discussed.
  6. stangme01

    SI 8s performance

    nick does the 8" use xbl^2 technology? I'm not sure if IApony made a mistake when he said it but he was comparing a few different 8's and said something like "and the SI 8" with its xbl^2 technology? WTF?
  7. stangme01

    They are in folks..

    wait so after we pay how long till they ship out if he is out of town? Rob
  8. stangme01

    questions for 12" or 15" with 1000-1500wrms

    man I would get the 15" and seal or port it. THAT will definitely be ALOT louder than his kickers, 12" would be too, but the 15" is much more efficient, and let me tell you, it has the precision of a 10" IMO. And obviously its going to have alot more low end.
  9. stangme01

    So whats the deal with the 15's?

    i have LOTS of subs bud, I've owned the SI D2 15" before, and would like to add it to my collection again. I don't just own 1 sub and thats it, Magnum D2 is one of the best subs you can buy IMO. Very comparable SPL to the PBX, Magnum has a bit better SQ. After being EQ'd the PBX is close, but no cigar
  10. stangme01

    So whats the deal with the 15's?

    guys!!!!!!!!!!!!! its June 18th and no word on the subs!!!!!! :ugh:
  11. stangme01

    SI 8" pictures

    hmmm maybe I'll use 8 of these instead of 8 of the RE8's. But I have no idea what the cost is. how much will these run for?
  12. stangme01

    For those so eager....

    so back to the topic, for us so eager the update is......................!!!!!!!!!??????????
  13. stangme01

    Are the magnums compareable to the re SX

    oh woops you're talking about 12's, same thing applies I'm sure.
  14. stangme01

    Are the magnums compareable to the re SX

    i've been hearing the sx subs sound "okay" , from what i gather I'm betting the SX and Magnum are probably close as far as efficiency and I doubt either one can handle any more or less power than each other. I cannot imagine the SX is anymore efficient. I've never had a 15" sub that was more efficient than the Magnum and I've had some REALLY efficient subs before. So in conclusion, i've never heard anyone say the magnum sounds "okay" nothing less than 'great" so from that and the fact that the Maggy is probably my favorite all around SQ sub i be willing to say it would sound ALOT better than the SX. As for SPL i would put money down that the SX does equal or not much better for SPL. Its the best value sub I've come across so far. Even if it is more than the SX. I'f you do go with RE I'd get 2 SE 15" and go sealed. not much more than a single SX and will get as loud or louder (sealed that is compared to a ported SX) and sound alot better. But once again I'm only going by word of mouth as far as the SX is concerned.