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Everything posted by deerhunt1988

  1. deerhunt1988


    Think I may go with an 18" Xcon myself.
  2. deerhunt1988

    Xcon box size recommendation????

    Any quick ideas on the 18" for killer lows?
  3. deerhunt1988

    Sent a sub in to be reconed over a year ago...

    It doesn't have to be perfect. I was aware of this when I sent it in. Just do the best ya can with it. Thanks for the quick response!
  4. And still haven't received it back. I have e-mailed several times over the past few months and not gotten any response. it was a 15" Kicker L7..I contacted Fi and they said they could take try and take care of it. Well they took care of it, but said they had a problem finding an old style dust cap for it. I understood it may not be the exact same before I sent it off. Well I just want an update on the sub and what not. my e-mail is [email protected] I sent it to Vegas if that helps any.
  5. I currently have 2 15" Fi SSDs with the copper coils in a 8ft^3 enclosure tuned to 33hz. They are getting about 1600 watts. I am thinking about upgrading to the Fi Qs and using the same enclosure and power.. Would it be worth the upgrade? What differences would I see?
  6. deerhunt1988

    Difference in upgrading from 2 15"FI SSDs to Qs.

    Go sealed with the SSDs or Qs? And when I refer to lows, I am talking about 35hz and below.
  7. deerhunt1988

    Difference in upgrading from 2 15"FI SSDs to Qs.

    It peaked at 47hz..It would still pull 140s @ 30hz.
  8. deerhunt1988

    Difference in upgrading from 2 15"FI SSDs to Qs.

    Well I would like a little more low end. I had an improperly braced box supposedly tuned to 32hz that absolutely RAPED the lows. But the box kept breaking from flex and what not so I got a new one..This one is pretty much the exact same specs with proper bracing and all that..For some reason I lost several dB off my lows but the subs are 2-3dB louder in the 40hz+ region. They also seem to sound better on music. I have no clue what the deal is from switching boxes, but I want my lows back... My old box i metered 145.dB @ 47hz..This new box is definitely going to meter 147ish..I am not really worried about the meter but was hoping the Qs could meter about the same and bring my low end back.
  9. deerhunt1988

    New Video up.....just minding my own business then......

    Great vid man, I absolutely love watching them! And if I recognized you in your vehicle at 2 A.M. ..I'd buy your meal and then ask for a demo!
  10. deerhunt1988

    Cheap place to buy textbooks online?

    I was wondering if any of you knew a good website to buy college textbooks..I heard that you can save a lot of money buy getting them online..
  11. deerhunt1988

    Frankenwoofer - TCON style

    thats one beefy sub
  12. deerhunt1988

    Ran My Q's in Street Max 1-2 and Bass Race

    Geez! Bet that is a low end MONSTER! Feed those babies more power.
  13. deerhunt1988


    Looks goooooooood! Me and my room mates had a cook out last night..I am always the designated griller..Last night I grilled deer tenderloin and wild turkey..Man was it goooooood!
  14. deerhunt1988

    Welcome to the IHoP

    i am going to hit the Jim Beam again tonight.. promise not to make stupid ass drunken posts
  15. deerhunt1988

    Welcome to the IHoP

    guess red wasps are a southern thing
  16. deerhunt1988

    Welcome to the IHoP

    thats a red wasp..haha...they have like the worst stings
  17. deerhunt1988

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I am here... Have a wild turkey breast, 1 whole deer tenderloin, and 2 tenderloin halves out thawing to grill tonight...Gonna be GOOOOOOOOOOD!
  18. deerhunt1988

    Welcome to the IHoP

    People of every color are welcome!
  19. deerhunt1988

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Wow.I can't believe I made that post last night.
  20. deerhunt1988

    Welcome to the IHoP

    it rained here today for the first time in like 2 weeks..on topic..haha
  21. deerhunt1988

    Welcome to the IHoP

    thwew was no need to lock my topic.it was a perfectly legit question. I didn;t bone her tonight..but i think i could have..tomorrow night I will have another cghance..do I turn into a man whore or not..that is the question
  22. ok...... I am in my 2nd year of college..I giot this bich I can fudge on command.... I am banned from CAF.com b/c I posted pics of pancake boobs.. I invited the ole underage over for a deer burger cook out tomorrow..she wants to fk....I am 19 she is 17 and hot..do I or do I not?>>I am gonna go pick her up probbably...And I will probbaly nail it... But what do yall think?>
  23. deerhunt1988

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Waffl;e house here doesnt take debit cards and thwe biches don't eithr... Ugjh!!!!!!! I got this chick I can bone but here I am on the forums drunks as fudge...That grand slam breakfes twould be nice
  24. it isnt pancake boobs...i am really =fudgeed up and this bish is decent looking..I think???????????ahwe is wanting to come over right now...I cant decide???????