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Everything posted by audioxtremes

  1. audioxtremes

    sundown apparel

    I just made mine online and orders my hats myself. $23 bucks shipped each though is high for a hat. Unless you really wanted it like me.
  2. audioxtremes

    18" NS and 3000D

    Why no 10" spider?
  3. audioxtremes

    Midwest sundowners?

    They are having the same event in my town in october the week after finals. I may have to check it out.
  4. audioxtremes

    Sundown Audio T-Shirts

    Money sent for 2 4xl shirts. Hope they fit.
  5. audioxtremes

    Prototype Big Boy SPL Motor

    Anxiously awaiting final results. I'll have an ulcer by the time its done.
  6. audioxtremes

    Prototype Big Boy SPL Motor

    Send it my way then!
  7. audioxtremes

    Maxxlink/SAZ3000D question

    I would not advise people to run over 18v. Glad you have had success with it though. And yes running at .99 or below will technically ruin your warrenty. But competing with the amp I would think would do the same thing.
  8. audioxtremes

    Prototype Big Boy SPL Motor

    Um you know I have 4 3ks and 18v.....
  9. audioxtremes

    Maxxlink/SAZ3000D question

    I wouldn't say he is the only one! Don't go over 18v. Most comps don't allow it anyway. Jack them amps down to .35ohm and watch your score soar!
  10. audioxtremes

    Big Oki's Mammut Uueeehhh

    I burped 2 of my saz3k's off of one 4 year old pc2150 at .35 each and they liked it. Still pulled a 154.5db. The amps are tuff.
  11. audioxtremes


    Yeah I guess ssa isn't too bad.
  12. audioxtremes

    cant wait !!

    I heard this at spring break. Its totally nuts. Loudest I've ever sat in from a feels loud standpoint.
  13. audioxtremes

    Prototype Big Boy SPL Motor

    Why do I feel like the smelly cousin that you don't invite to the family get togethers? You gotta keep me in the loop Jacob!
  14. audioxtremes

    new guy to the sundown family

    Welcome. Glad to see another member of the sundown family. Its growing strong.
  15. audioxtremes

    Box for AQ HDC3 10"

    Looks fantastic. Listen to it yet?
  16. audioxtremes

    DP 18" & SAZ-1500D build log

    If its strictly for a show why did you tune so low? To demo it?
  17. audioxtremes

    First Comp.... First Place

    Glad I could help a little. Man i'm not going to live the windshield thing down. Its everywhere.
  18. audioxtremes


    Got to see this in person yesterday at Slamology. Helped him out a little and he ended up getting first in Street C. Did a great job. I havet forgot what I told you and I'm gonna work on it!
  19. audioxtremes

    Vote for SAZ-1000D!

    I like it.
  20. audioxtremes

    Happy birthday jacob

    Happy b-day!
  21. audioxtremes


    Nice! I need 32 sent to my address. Thanks.
  22. audioxtremes

    Vote for SAZ-1000D!

    Man this is darn near exactly what i was hoping for next year.
  23. audioxtremes

    SAE-1000D Questions

    Yeah I was thinking of downgrading next year to street stock b with 4 1000watt amps.
  24. audioxtremes

    SAE-1000D Questions

    Man I leave for a while and these are canceled. I wanted 4!
  25. audioxtremes

    Sundown E12 Driver

    Jacob, please don't count on me buying anything. I have so much going on and so many things spinning in my head.