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Everything posted by TheNewSon

  1. TheNewSon

    Interfire subs

    Yeah, the Pro 15's work very well in small enclosures which is what I'm looking for, but I didn't know if they were geared more toward SPL or SQ. -C
  2. TheNewSon

    12" and 15" subwoofer blowout

    Alright thanks. -C
  3. What class of amp is the Autotek? Class A/B? -C
  4. TheNewSon

    new headunit

    All I will say is that I have a Clarion, and I wouldn't buy another one. It's a solid unit, but I just haven't been impressed overall with the feature set it has. Plus they all have very weak internal amps. -C
  5. TheNewSon

    12" and 15" subwoofer blowout

    What is an acceptable range of sealed box sizes for a 12"? I'm looking for two good SQ/LSQ subs in a small enclosure, and am considering some IDMAX's, but I think this might be a good option as well. -C
  6. TheNewSon

    mmats vs. kicker

    Don't know about Kicker amps, but Mmats makes some amazing amps. -C
  7. TheNewSon

    Icon and SSD

    I would agree. The Icon's interest me very much. -C
  8. TheNewSon


    Well, I mostly hang out over at ROE, but it appears you guys have all the sponsors over here. So I'll give it a shot. I'm staying in Utah right now going to school, and If I'm not careful I'm going to spend all my tuition money on Car stereo equipment. -C
  9. TheNewSon

    Fi is taking to long! Fed up

    Well by my basic math skills, this looks like the sixth day to me. That's sucks that you missed the comp man. I can understand your frustration at that, but six days isn't really that long like everybody has been saying. -C
  10. TheNewSon

    Determining F3

    What exactly is the F3 of a speaker, and what should that number be relative to a ported box's tuning frequency, if at all? -C
  11. TheNewSon

    Determining F3

    Ahh, I see now. So I find it interesting that the F3 can be both above and below the tuning frequency. I thought the tuning frequency was usually the loudest point of the system, but apparently not. -C
  12. TheNewSon

    Determining F3

    So I still don't really understand what it is. Does that mean that the F3 is sort of the high end of the port tuning range, and anything above the F3 will drop off sharply in volume? What would a typical F3 be for a sub with a tuning frequency of say 30 hz? -C
  13. TheNewSon

    Determining F3

    So does that mean that you can change a subwoofer's F3 depending on how you build the box or set the amp? -C
  14. TheNewSon

    New Mids for the Impala

    Why not stick with Cadence and try out the CVLW-84S's? They're only 175 right now direct from Cadence. 100 DB sensitivity as well. -C
  15. Farenheit CK15-D. I have 2 CK12-D's right now that I can't even get recones for cause Farenheit doesn't carry them anymore. Very sad. -C