Purchased the New Minataur II, Currently have two IDQ 10's running off a Zapco Comp 300 (Will be replaced with the Minatuar), Sounds decent, Was possibly looking to pick up a single Alumapro Alchemy MX 12 and giving that a shot instead of the two 10's, I'm pretty much in to SQ and prefer tight base but def dont mind it getting a bit load every now and then. Was curriuos if anyone had any thoughts / Exp with both Subs. And just FYI, This will be going in a 2010 Camry, top end will be ran off a Kronos and it'll be pushing one of the following set of comps, Boston Acoustic Pro 6.4's / 6.5's, Diamond Audio Hex DA6.6's (loved these in my old truck) or a set of MBQ QSD 216's (just picked these up,have never owned a set,currious to hear them) any way they'll all get a shot. P.S Either or, l'll be running both possible sub set ups in a 4 ohm load ( looks at steve and smiles)