I haven't built it yet I am just exploring options and found a design I kind of like. 8 cu. ft. tuned to 34 hz with 101.25 square inches of port. The port opening will be 4.5 " wide and 21.5" long. The box dimensions are 33x24x27.5 overall. It will be a crx style box , and will go inside of the cab of a 2000 chevy silverado. I plan on pointing the port towards the driver's side and have the sub behind the passengers seat. Do these specs seem alright to everyone? Would a different direction with the ports yield better results? Does that tuning seem alright or should I go lower/ higher? I want SPL but also enjoy the low notes that a highly tuned box sometimes lack. If anyone has construct a similar box, were you satisfied with the results? Thanks in advance for any help that you may be able to offer.