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Everything posted by rowdyful7

  1. rowdyful7

    loud exhaust

    Sorry if this has been asked before but if I decide to get a loud exhaust system is it worth it if my system is my main priority and by is it worth it I mean will it take a full shop pack of deadner for it not to affect my system?
  2. rowdyful7

    wall in 04 gmc seirra

    Well I already have the box built and want to seal off everything around it now
  3. rowdyful7

    wall in 04 gmc seirra

    I was wondering if anyone could help on a the best way to approach walling my truck off I have 2 18" zcons facing forward and the port forward and I want to wall it off I was thinking getting cardboard and getting the outline of the rest of the space that I need sealed off and putting it on some mdf and cutting it out but I can't think of how I would attach that piece to my box without wood gluing it so if anyone could help ibwould appreciate it
  4. rowdyful7

    zcon quick review

    Hello everyone I've had the zcons for a few weeks now I got 2 18" zcons on a sundown 5000d my build log is in the build log forum if your interested but the zcons are pretty great so far I plan to mess with the amp a little today I haven't had much time to lately but as of right now these things are crazy loud but they are slightly peaky but that might be more to do with the box design than the subs here is a status I seen the other day after I gave some friends a demo
  5. rowdyful7

    zcon quick review

    I had a single 18" bl and this is alot louder
  6. rowdyful7

    chevy ext cab zcons

    After paint
  7. rowdyful7

    chevy ext cab zcons

    I accidentally put a post about box help in the build log section the other day but this will be where I put my build log if anyone who can wants to delete that box help thread but to the build 2 zcon 18s Saz 5000d Xs 2400 Xs 7500 Two runs of 1/0 gauge positive and negative Pioneer touchscreen Kicker 350.4 Singer 6 phase alt Bulk pack of damlifier pro And I think I'm going with the ia component set I will upload more pics when I get home but I need permission from ssa to do this so if they give me a thumbs up I'm going to cut out pretty much a metal box with this design on the sides with no ends so I can run all my wire down the middle on the floor board through it and have some leds inside to make it glow out
  8. rowdyful7

    uploading pictures from phone

    My phone won't let my upload pictures is it just my phone or is something wrong with the website?
  9. rowdyful7

    chevy ext cab zcons

    And the sub box soon to be wrapped in black leather
  10. rowdyful7

    chevy ext cab zcons

  11. rowdyful7

    chevy ext cab zcons

    The zcon box before I painted it
  12. rowdyful7

    chevy ext cab zcons

  13. rowdyful7

    uploading pictures from phone

    There we go I got it well instead of making another topic this is what I seen on Facebook after giving a few freiends a demo of the zcons
  14. rowdyful7

    uploading pictures from phone

  15. rowdyful7

    uploading pictures from phone

    I'll get photobucket it use to let me just upload by clicking more reply options and clicking upload photo
  16. rowdyful7

    zcon box rebuild

    Oh sorry 2 18s
  17. rowdyful7

    zcon box rebuild

    Long story short my friend built my box and it turned out horrible it wasent his fault he did not have enough tools or supplies but I'm getting a shop to build me a new one and I have an original design but its to wide but I can add to the height my dimensions are 22 deep 33 high 55 wide the box design is 27 high 27 deep and 54 wide wouldn't the volume even out if I went 32 high and 22 deep?
  18. rowdyful7

    chevy ext cab zcons

    That's where I went also I have a shitty thrown together box in there until Friday I'm having a better one built since I'm short on tools but my step dad was standing by the door and it was moving his shirt and its pretty destructive inside and I put my singer alt in and the regulator was out so I sent it back and he's fixing it he's a great guy to do business with I'll upload pictures when I put the new box in
  19. Why do people run two runs of 0 gauge negative when they do runs of positive can't I just ground it in the back off my second battery
  20. rowdyful7

    chevy ext cab zcons

    Can anybody help with the wire delima I'm gonna try to finish up today
  21. rowdyful7

    chevy ext cab zcons

    Sunday i got the false floor built and I need to order a battery adapter but I got it deadened has anyone ran multiple runs of 0 gauge on a Sierra/Silverado 99-06 I'm not sure where to run it does anyone have ideas
  22. rowdyful7

    chevy ext cab zcons

    I would like to get the box built tomorrow but it might rain and mdf is pretty bad about absorbing moisture I'll be working under a car port could I just cut my pieces and bring them back inside on a tarp or something and glue them together so they dont have to sit and dry in the humid weather or should I just wait until next weekend to build the box or will it be fine long enough to get it built
  23. im thinking about checking it out also I don't plan on competing but maybe giving some demos of my zcons
  24. Any shows close to east Texas anytime soon?