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Everything posted by pinkfloydms

  1. pinkfloydms

    Hooray, finally ordered a sub!

    What kind of turbo and how much boost do ya have?
  2. pinkfloydms

    I can't

    Oh yeah, I just ran some good 4g for my 2.150 today, do you think the 4g could handle 1300w rms I was thinking about just putting a distribution block to it? I just didn't wanna spend like $70 more bux on 1/0g but if I need to I will.
  3. pinkfloydms

    I can't

    Yeah I think it should sound great too. It will be in a 1.2 cubic feet sealed box. I just got done hooking up my pdx-2.150 to my MMC6500 and I love the way they sound. It only makes that much harder to wait on the sub.
  4. pinkfloydms

    Gain setting?

    A DMM is useful IF you have an occiliscope...or if you're using two amps to drive ONE speaker. Otherwise, just use your ears. Yeah this is basically what the whole post was talking about. I thought it was stickied somewhere but, oh well. Thanks
  5. pinkfloydms

    Gain setting?

    I was trying to find the one that was on here, talking about why it's basically stupid to set it with a dmm.
  6. pinkfloydms

    Congrats to tejcurrent...

    Here is a good THX Onkyo 7.1 receiver. http://cgi.ebay.com/INTEGRA-Onkyo-DTR-8-4-...1QQcmdZViewItem
  7. pinkfloydms

    Congrats to tejcurrent...

    What about something like a rack amplfier to power it? Those can be had on ebay fairly cheap $150-$400 new. Look 1400w@ 4ohms. $159.00 http://cgi.ebay.com/GEMSOUND-3000w-STEREO-...1QQcmdZViewItem
  8. pinkfloydms

    A little advice guys.

    Ok well cool, cheaper for me! Thanks for the help guys.
  9. pinkfloydms

    A little advice guys.

    OK I'll be ordering my Q 12 friday when I get paid. I am wondering if I should get the BP power option, and what it is excatly. I will have the alpine pdx-1.1000 on the sub and it will be in a sealed enclosure about 1.2 cubit feet. Thanks.
  10. pinkfloydms

    A little advice guys.

    Does it help with cooling the sub or something? I thought I read a post that someone said that in? They said something along the lines of since it's going to be in a sealed box I would go with the bp power option it think. Also for 4 ohm I need the dual 2 vcs right?
  11. pinkfloydms

    Gain, Hz, and Db

    WOW! I promise you guys, not everyone from Arkansas is like this.
  12. pinkfloydms

    Box help.

    I am needing box plans for a FI.Q 12. I know I could probably go out and buy one, but I would rather build it myself. I am planning on making 1.3 cubes like recomended as optimal. I don't want just a square box though. I would like it to be 4 sided with a little slope in the front. I'm sure you know what I am talking about, I hope. Anyway if you could tell me the size height, depth1(bottom), depth2(top), width, and angle that the slopes on the front usually are, I would appreciate it very much.
  13. pinkfloydms

    Box help.

    How does this look guys? Would you have any suggestions for me? It is 1.23cf.
  14. pinkfloydms


    Ok well I guess I will tell ya a lil about what I have and plan on getting. I have a 99' 4-door blazer HU - kdc-x990 components - Polk MMC6500 amp for components - Alpine PDX-2.150(spose to be here 6/13) And as far as the substage i will be able to order it within the next month. Sub - FI.Q 12 sealed Amp - Alpine PDX-1.1000 So thats about it tell me what ya think or whatever, c ya.
  15. pinkfloydms

    Box help.

    Yeah I remember how from math. Just divide into a square and a triangle and get the volume of each.
  16. pinkfloydms

    Box help.

    Ok I guess I'll just play with it to make it look good. What depth do you recomend to make it?
  17. pinkfloydms

    Box help.

    Or may be a website I can look at to get them off of. Thanks again.