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Everything posted by Mark

  1. Mark

    How heavy is big bass

    A very nice looking box. Excellent work :boink: :whipitgood:
  2. Mark

    IN SHOCK....

    Unfortunate to hear things like this happening. If anything good will come of this, it's definately seeing the loyalty you've built up among those who use your product, and those that don't. I'll give you a call tonight Nick.
  3. Mark

    Every man's fantasy!

    :boink: s :boink: w :boink: e :boink: e :boink: t :boink: j :boink: o :boink: b :boink: :boink: :boink: :boink: :boink: :boink: :boink: :boink: :boink: :boink: :boink: :boink:
  4. Mark

    My kicks

    Lookin' sexay Good work :boink: :boink:
  5. Mark


    Hah! I haven't seen those since elementary school! Awesome. Those warped the minds of my generation.
  6. Mark

    Yay For Fiberglass

    Bah. Make the damn ring! It's not some weird-ass sized sub, or just ask Joshy for the dimensions of it. Have the enclosure done by the time the sub gets there so that you can just plug her in and go! No excuses! :soap:
  7. Impressive. Most impressive. B)
  8. Mark

    mag power handling

    Yep. You'll hear a "tap tap tap" sound of the cone hitting the spider assembly. Excursion is limited by suspension. I don't recommend you crank it up to the point of hearing that noise, though. That's not especially a good thing.
  9. Mark

    They are in folks..

    You have two choices for purchasing the drivers. You can either A) Paypal the money to me, and in return I will send you a small piece of paper indicating that I did, in fact, recieve your money. or (possibly the more plausible option, however, I urge you to strongly consider option [a]) B) Go to www.stereointegrity.com email Nick indicating the number of drivers and the size that you require. I'm not sure, but his paypal address may be there as well.
  10. Mark

    new truck..new system

    Well, (a) you have too much money, (B) I did an intall in a Dakota with dual SI 15's off a 'measley' 1400W RMS and I can't tolerate sitting in it for any length of time. 10cubes tuned to 26. You really don't need that amount of power, but it's nice to have headroom, I suppose.
  11. Mark

    Coolest Avatar???

    Nope, not a clue. But since I stole it fair and square, I made it. It took me 21 beers and 2 hours. :boink: :whipitgood:
  12. Mark

    Coolest Avatar???

    Ah awesome! Wangatron the great! All hail
  13. Mark

    Coolest Avatar???

    Boo-yeah! My avatar is neat-o I like watching the little turd, whom I've dubbed Wangatron, go rank on that wall.
  14. Mark

    Screw sealed....going back to ported

    Your latter idea is better. You'll be pleased with that one, I'd wager.
  15. Mark

    Ported vs. Sealed

    You mean you don't know?? Geeze... The pole vent acts as a rail gun, shooting out air at supersonic speeds. I've seen a small cat die from such things. Subsequently, SPL shoots up because the mic is bombarded.
  16. Sexay business you have there. Keen work
  17. Mark

    New box pics...

    I like mine too. Links no worky anymore
  18. Mark

    What I've been busy with

    Welcome to my world. It's a cold, desolate land with nothing but pinholes that cause sleepless nights and incontinance. Try a talc/resin mixture - works for the most part. Or just gel coat, fill those bastards in but good.
  19. Mark

    SI 8" pictures

    Okay, here's the deal. you give me the 8" you have. Sound good?
  20. Just installed couple of D2's in some odd looking enclosure (psuedo-seat like) in the back of a Dakota quad cab. No rear seats. I'll get some pics up and see if I can't get it metered this week. Quite impressive, to say the least. Oh, ran off a single JBL BP1200.1. The poor bastard is going to be deaf within a month. 33hz will wind you if you're not expecting it. Very very cool. Too bad Mojo had to be a biatch and move back to Fort McCrap so he can't hear them
  21. Mark

    No more "Magnum"s

    I vote you call them "Mark" People would be all like, "Yo, my Mark wangs huge...way huger than any else. Way huger." Catchy.
  22. I'm entirely sure that the forum already knows how sexy I am. I'll put up some pics in the next couple days with some numbers as well
  23. Mark

    Standing waves in SQ and SPL installations

    Unless your enclsoure is 5+feet deep
  24. Mark

    mag 15 pored for SQ

    Now who has the time to sit and figure that one out?? Leave TL's to the British. Too much work, too much space to warrant any advantage they may hold. Impractical to say the least.