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Everything posted by theo111

  1. Hey I just made an all new setup in my car. I have 2 skar audip vvx 12s in a 3.7 ft box tuned to 34 hz running off a crescendo bc2k. I have a 100 amp alt not sure if its stock and a northstar agm battery. its pretty much an xs3400. I aslo hace the big 3 done in 1/0 gauge. The setup is alright but it just doesn't slam as hard as I expected. I used to run one of the vvx 12s on a kicker zx1000.1 with the gajn and bass boost like 3/4 up and bassboost and loudness on on my deck and it would slam just as hard as these do now. Iy did burn the voice coil after about 2-3 months though so I learned my lesson about all yhose settings and clipping. Now I just use the bass knob with the gain maxed out on yhe amp and I adjust the knob for everu track so the clipping light doesn't come on. all my eqs are flat, no loudness no bassboost on the amp or hu and I never get a burning smell but they just don't slam thaat loud. This is making me want to up it to 1 ohm and run the full power of the amp. My question is will my car be able to run the amp at 1 ohm as is or wjll I need to upgrade something? Also if anyone has any suggestions on makjng my setup sound louder without fryjng it I'm open to it. Also is it okay to be usjng the bass knob like that? adjusting it for every song?
  2. Optima yellow tops are good i hear, XS power batteries. you should look around for a local battery shop though, I got a very nice battery, a Northstar AGM from a local store that came with a 4 year full warranty for a lot cheaper than I would have paid for an equivalent XS Power battery or something similar online.
  3. Isn't wiring your subs out of phase not good? I'm not an expert but I've never heard of anyone purposely wiring their stuff out of phase. Anyway though, upgrading from your stock battery would be the next step for you. Get the biggest AGM battery you can fit under the hood and you should be good. I had the same problem and replacing my battery fixed it 100%. Also I don't know about your amp but it could be inefficient. I have an old kicker amp that when wired to 4 ohms produces 500 watts of power, It causes my lights to dim at full tilt when running my Crescendo BC2K at 2 ohms (1100 watts) rarely makes my lights dim. Technically the kicker should present less of a load but I assume its the effiency of each amplifier that makes the difference.
  4. I've been waiting for someone to say something like this forever. Can you or someone please elaborate some more on all of this?
  5. Hey my BC2K just came in today and it looks great. I'm looking to install it tomorrow after work but I'm confused as to how to hook up the amp. I've never owned a mono amp that had more than 2 speaker terminals. I have one 2 ohm DVC sub right now rated at 600 watts and would like to wire it in series to 4 ohms to get the 700 watts of power @ 4 ohms. I undersant I have to wire the sub in series but I don't know which speaker terminals to use. Im also receiving another matching sub soon amd would like to know how to wire them both for the 1100 watts @ 2 ohms when. Please help me out these 4 speaker terminals have me stumped Also, does the bass knob control the gain or does it control the bassboost? Thanks for reading and thank you for the amp
  6. Ill have to see if its still under warranty. Thanks a lot for your help with everything man!
  7. So I've had my BC2000D for about two weeks. I've only had it running on 4 ohms for 3-4 days and then 2 ohms for the other two weeks or so ive had it. It's been playing mint and today i was just driving around, had my music playing at about 10/62 for half an hour and then i decided to turn it up a little bit. I had it around 20/62 and then my subs just cut out. I went to look at the amp cause its in the back seat and they go back on, they went back off again and then just stopped coming on at all. No protection light and they still have power. I was even playing them earlier this day for almost an hour at near full tilt. I've checked everything fifteen times, the ground is fine and I know it because I have another amplifier grounded to the same bolt (on top of the bc2000d so if it was the ground this one definitely wouldnt work), I tried using three different pairs of rca cables ( which work with my other amp), the power wire is hooked up to my battery perfectly still, I redid the wires going to the box and the subs and still no output. Like nothing at all. Throughout me checking all of this it did cut on for 2 seconds about three times. It seems as though theres a bad connection inside the amplifier or something. Anyone have any thoughts on this? I'm going to try and call Crescendo tomorrow and see what they say. I'm so disappointed Ive gone broke trying to have a decent reliable setup and am still having problems..
  8. I've already tried three pairs of rca cables and I just fully unhooked my deck and brought it inside to closely look at the wiring of it and everythjng was mint.
  9. Soso it passed the aux to rca test that means my deck is blown or its wiring is bad?
  10. Okay I will try this tomorrow
  11. Yes I have and evertthing appears to be connected properly
  12. New update on this situation here... I plugged my old amp in and the subs still hsd the same problem. then I tried the subs on a buddies amp in his csr and thwy worked. I've checked all of my wiring 16 times so is it possible that something messed up in my deck? I have a pioneer deh4800p. I noticed that when I mess around with the volume knob on my deck the subs will momentarily cut in.
  13. Yes thats right, Ill contact them first thing tomorrow thanks for your input man.
  14. I guess I can try to open it up and take a look.. I wouldn't really know what im looking at but a loose speaker connection should be easy to spot out right
  15. If my clipping light is going off does that mean my amp is definitely clipping then? Since its producing DC voltage i cant hear? But the clipping light is worthless because the amp can be clipping even when the light isnt going off? Or is it that the clipping light usually goes off before the amp clips? And Welter, your saying you believe I can run 2200 watts off just a second battery without buying the 190a alt?
  16. Alright well i guess its time to save uo some more dough. Thanks everyone for your input
  17. I'm debating on the alternator, I got a quote from singer and they said 439 shipped for a direct bolt on 190amp alt. mechman has nothjng for my car and I don't know where to get an adapter bracket made aroubd here. the problem is I don't reallly ljke my car and probly wjll want to get a new one soon and an alternator won't be somethj g j could transfer into a new car or get my money back for throygh selling it. I was hoping I'd be able to get by with just a second batteru for now but I might seriously consider getting an alternator. Just how nuch of an jncrease in output should I expect going from 2 vvxs at 1100 watts to 2 of those subs I listed at 2200 watts? would it be worth the money spent?
  18. If I were to go to one ohm I'd buy 2 Fi BLs, ssds or icons first
  19. oh they're definitely wired correctly. they sound pretty damn clean and they do go kinda loud and spin the cans around in my cup holders on some songs (any song if i ignore the clipping light) I followed the diagram from crutchfield for a 2 ohm load with 2 2 ohm dvc subs to the letter. If I were to just add another identical battery it shoild be sufficient for 2200 watts at 1 ohm?
  20. So basically I can play it with the light going off and be okay? as long as its not audibly clipping of couese. I had my box made at dc creations so ill enail them for the full specs on it
  21. Why do you say the clipping light js useless? the box is about 36" wide, a foot deep and 2 feet high. its the net volume that is 3.7 and I have the subs and port facing the roof. about getting a second battery, doesn't that only help for playing them when the engine js off? I'd love to be able to jusr buy a battery instead of an alternator but I heard its not the best solution
  22. Anything wikl work as long as its at least 8guage for the power and ground. you could definitwly find a cheap one for about 30-40 $ that will work
  23. theo111

    Just got my bc2000d, have some questions

    Getting this thjng in tonight, I'm stoked to hear it. mondat my 5ft enclosures coming in too. exciting times
  24. theo111

    Just got my bc2000d, have some questions

    Alright that makes sense for the terminals then, ai thought it was so much more complicated lol So the bass knob can't turn anything up higher than what the dials on the amp are set to? And if I have the bass boost at 0 on the amp what will it turn down?
  25. I have a few questions about HU settings as well since it seems to be on topic. What do you think about using the Loudness setting? Is it recommended? What does it do exactly? My deck also has a "Sound Retriever" setting that can either be set to Off, 1, or 2. Apparently it tries to restore some of the sound quality lost in compression and 1 is supposed to be for low compressed files and 2 for high compressed files. Should I be using this? Ive had it set to 1. I have a Pioneer DEH-P7400HD.