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About tbear55

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  • Interests
    Spl competition
  • Vehicle
    2000 blazer
  1. tbear55

    2 12" fi ssd dual 2 subwoofers

    Thanks. I'll try and post them as soon as possible. For now their available by email.
  2. tbear55

    2 12" fi ssd dual 2 subwoofers

    How do I post the pic?
  3. I purchased these subs less than a year ago. They have only been at one show. They have every option available from fi. Flat wound aluminum coils, cooling, etc. Paid over $600 for them but due to illnesses I'm having to sell them. I'm asking $475 obo. Shipping will be only what the actual cost is. Contact by email at [email protected].
  4. tbear55

    need some quick advice

    It didn't hurt the batteries. Appreciate it though.
  5. tbear55

    need some quick advice

    I've got a competition tomorrow and had my batteries just arrive this evening. Setup is two hc2400 and two hc600.the question I'm posing is only one run of 0 ga. Enough for just this one time event or just forget about it and spend the day making a second run. I'm powering a sundown 2500. What's your thoughts? It will have the second run done I'm just not sure if only one run will hurt the batteries.
  6. tbear55

    WTB term lab

    I'm looking to buy a term lab meter, preferably with two mics. Software included would be nice.
  7. tbear55

    ssa store warranty

    That's what I like about you guys. A great forum to learn and share with a store that stands behind their products. Rare find these days. I just wanted reassurance.
  8. tbear55

    ssa store warranty

    Thanks. Just don't want to sink a lot money in them and they not be covered. They don't mention a warranty in the listings.
  9. tbear55

    ssa store warranty

    Does the xs batteries listed in the store carry the warranties advertised on other sites? I've seen the d series have a 3yt and the xs have 2yr. Just want to make sure their warranted before buying. Thanks!
  10. Yeah the sundown worked fine. Those amps only cost 250 new. I can't get a hold of spl to see about cost of repair. What do you think I could get out of them if I just sold them as a pair for someone else to fix? I'm thinking $75-100 would be fair. I don't need them anymore anyway.
  11. I've got two grl5500's that I picked up cheap and used for awhile while I was doing upgrades. Problem I ran into is that when I upgraded my alt. I made a noob mistake of not upgrading my fuse to rear battery. I know Duh! Adw I didn't catch it and everything was fine until my rear batteries voltage just gave out. After doing all the proper wiring upgrades, which I should have done first, I charged the battery made sure it was fine then proceeded to hook amps back up. They powered up but produced no sound. Not for sure what to do. I've since got my sundown in, but would have liked to recoup some money on these. Any ideas on what could be the problem or just write it up as a loss and ditch them?
  12. I'm currently running at two ohm and can't turn it up past about a third of gain without clipping. I know I'm underpowered now, will that be enough to burp at .5 ohm in comps? Xs is a new brand to me as well, I've always used kinetik, but everyone raves about them. I want to try them. Hey if that will work I would be tickled.
  13. I just got my 2500 and am wondering if my planned battery expansion will be enough to really get this amp going. This is my 1st experience with sundown product so I would like to know what other owners have done. As far as electrical goes I've got a 220 amp alt., big three, and an hc2400 along with a standard battery. I'm looking to change batteries to 2 xs3400's piggybacked with a xs680 with each one. Two runs of 0 awg. Will be running a yellow top upfront. That maxes out the space I've got to use. Will this be enough to power the amp up to be able to get enough power to compete? Is there a better configuration I could run? All advice appreciated! Thanks
  14. tbear55

    problems with new fi ssd subs!!!!

    Old dogs can still learn! Lol I used to always triple check, but admit wanted it done fast and I messed up. Plain and simple. I went back through useful threads got to thinking and I just plain messed up. Haven't competed in ten years. Just excited to get back into it. Look forward to seeing you guys in the lanes when all is finished. BTW to the one doubter what's the mark up on $0.00? You do the math and get back to me. To the rest of you thanks to all and I really do appreciate it!