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About JosephR

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    Saturn Ion Redline
  1. JosephR

    14th buisiness day

    Mine is UPS, and i ordered my sub on the 6th of September.
  2. JosephR

    AA Mayhem Ship

    Thanks guys for the response! Building my box and amp rack to connect on box and hide the wire's in a few days!!
  3. JosephR

    AA 12" Mayhem Box

    Hiiii, im building a sub box for a ascendant mayhem, but RE calc is wayyy off.. So I was wondering if i could get some help with someone so i can get the understanding of doing this so i dont have to have help again. PLEASE. The Mayhem is single 12", and in ported can only be in 1.75cf - 3cf. And sub displacement i know nothing of which i do and this is confusing i have 2 sheets of plywood ready to be drawn on, all going to be 1.5" thick unless you think otherwise? Was thinking around 25-35 wide, 15-17" high, 18" deep but the hertz from torres, 12 volt, and RE are all different and confuse me! Could someone make up a thing for me that would work prime around 2-3 cubic ft Please!! Thanks, Joe. P.S the driver displacement is 0.18 Cuft
  4. JosephR

    Enclosure for AA Mayhem 12"

    Can you show me your diagram you used to make box demensions so i can copy that? I suck at this lol.
  5. JosephR

    AA Mayhem Box Help

    Hiiii, im building a sub box for a ascendant mayhem, but RE calc is wayyy off.. So I was wondering if i could get some help with someone so i can get the understanding of doing this so i dont have to have help again. PLEASE. The Mayhem is single 12", and in ported can only be in 1.75cf - 3cf. And sub displacement i know nothing of which i do and this is confusing i have 2 sheets of plywood ready to be drawn on, all going to be 1.5" thick unless you think otherwise? Was thinking around 25-35 wide, 15-17" high, 18" deep but the hertz from torres, 12 volt, and RE are all different and confuse me! Could someone make up a thing for me that would work prime around 2-3 cubic ft Please!! Thanks, Joe. P.S the driver displacement is 0.18 Cuft
  6. JosephR

    Enclosure for AA Mayhem 12"

    I just found out that RE audio's box calc is way off, can someone help me out with designs of a box for this sub at 31-33 hertz! Please!
  7. This is what i have came up with, i have the wood, tools, and these are the specs I found most best for the sub and is wondering if this would work prime with the AA mayhem single 12" dual voice coil. http://imageshack.us/a/img22/3130/subspecs.jpg
  8. JosephR

    AA Mayhem size

    I got everything ready to cut untill I forgot... What tall is the mayhem 12". I have it ordered but don't have it yet. On site says mounting depth of 7.75 inches. I don't know what that means.. Help pleaseeee
  9. JosephR

    AA Mayhem Ship

    Now that is dedication. Do you have an order # we can look up for you? Yeah it's Order #4668
  10. JosephR

    AA Mayhem Ship

    Thanks guys for the responce, i'm not much in a hurry since i work 12 hour shifts everyday! Once I get it thought ill be waking people up at 5:30 in the morning! ))))))))))
  11. JosephR

    AA Mayhem Ship

    Helloooo! . I ordered my Ascendant Mayhem 20 exact days ago and was wondering how much longer you will think it will be:) My New AQ3500D is lonely:(. Thanks, Joe. Thanks TEAM SSA.
  12. Hey guys, i drive a 2004 saturn ion, and first of all. Not using the trunk. Puting bucket seats down and putting the box on that and building my amp space in trunk by battery. Wondering some good specs for box you can reply to i can start building . I also want it double baffled and double baffled faceplace. Powering the beast with kicker kit 09PKD1, and AQ2200D.