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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Another box build for a previous customer. Upgrading from 2 Kicker CVR 15's to 2 Sundown X 12's (he really loves the lows, and that was the goal). Will be going in a Corolla trunk. 5.6 cubes net 6.5" Octaport 32 hz "X" style bracing... Will be adding "speaker rings" to the front of the box tomorrow as some added baffle bracing, for looks, and so the customer can use longer screws to hold these puppies in.
  2. Miles

    Box Build for 4 SSA Evil 18's on 2 NS-1's!!

    So far, he says everything is still working properly, except the melted aluminum brake lines...
  3. Miles

    Box Build for 4 SSA Evil 18's on 2 NS-1's!!

    Always carry a fire extinguisher or at the least a water bottle in your vehicle. Never know when a power wire is going to short on your brake line...
  4. Miles

    Box Build for 4 SSA Evil 18's on 2 NS-1's!!

    Thank you! Can't wait to get #4 in and get this thing on the meter.
  5. Miles

    Box Build for 4 SSA Evil 18's on 2 NS-1's!!

    Videos are uploading.......
  6. Miles

    2 Sundown X 12's box build

    Brace is ample distance away from the port as to not cause interference.
  7. Miles

    2 Sundown X 12's box build

    Box is finished! Will get better pics tomorrow in the daylight. Just couldnt bring myself to bedline over that wood grain...
  8. I'll get pictures tomorrow. Haha. I'm already lounging on the couch for the night.
  9. Miles

    2 Sundown X 12's box build

    You don't need a jig to build an Octaport. Since quite a few people have asked me on this site and others, I'll go ahead and make another thread and do a write-up on how to design and build Octaports. Sound good?
  10. Miles

    2 Sundown X 12's box build

    I'll be bedling this box. It's funny you ask. I actually don't even use fasteners to secure Octaports to the front of boxes. Before the fronts are mounted, I take the Octaport, put glue on one end, put it where I want on the front piece, then place a 45 lb. weight on top of the port. Then just let pressure do it's job and create a tight bond.
  11. Miles

    2 Sundown X 12's box build

    Thank you! Just wait for the next box build I have lined up...
  12. Miles

    Enclosure Pricing

    This is how my enclosure from DC Creations came and it was fine.Ive talked with Dustin about his shipping methods. This semester will come to a close May 8th, so after that I'll have more time to think about shipping methods.
  13. Miles

    Box Build for 4 SSA Evil 18's on 2 NS-1's!!

    Thank you! It should be pretty insane with the 4th one in there. Then when he puts the other 2 NS-1's in there... might need to do some metal bracing on the roof. Haha.
  14. Miles

    Box Build for 4 SSA Evil 18's on 2 NS-1's!!

    L.e.d.'s in the box..
  15. Miles

    Box Build for 4 SSA Evil 18's on 2 NS-1's!!

    Not sure. Im sure Bobby will get on here and answer that question sometime soon. And this is just HALF of the power he has... 2 more ns-1's....
  16. Miles

    Box Build for 4 SSA Evil 18's on 2 NS-1's!!

    Playing on just 3 subs! Cant wait to see what 4 will do...
  17. Miles

    Box Build for 4 SSA Evil 18's on 2 NS-1's!!

    2 of 3 new Evils in from SSA. Just waiting on number 3 to fill the box. FOAD leads FTW!
  18. Miles

    Enclosure Pricing

    You're lucky Quentin. That sounds like a crushed corner waiting to happen..
  19. Miles

    Enclosure Pricing

    Maybe if I put "Fragilé" on the outside they wont drop it... Might think its a leg lamp or something...
  20. Miles

    Enclosure Pricing

    I like to have close to 100% satisfaction with everything i build, so for me, it wouldnt matter what size the enclosure is, i would want a wooden crate. In the last 3 months, locals around here have had 4 DD9515's and 2 SSA Evils destroyed in shipping. Its not a matter of if the shipper will drop the package, the question is how high are they going to drop ot from and how many times will they drop it..
  21. Miles

    Enclosure Pricing

    I do plan on figuring out a secure system of dhipping enclosures. Maybe this is the place I should ask... If you, the consumer, were to buy an enclosure from me, would you pay an extra fee (im thinking $20-30) for me to build a 3/4"thick wooden shipping crate lined with 1" styrofoam insulation instead of just wrapping it up un cardboard?
  22. Miles

    Enclosure Pricing

    I never once stated i was offering enclosure building services for people on this website. Im here to show case local builds, until i can find a RELIABLE way to ship enclosures. I was asked to give a break down of my enclsoure pricing, and so I did.
  23. Miles

    Ham Radio Field Setup

    Finished it up today! Will probably put another coat of bedliner on it tomorrow to get a cleaner look. I went with a 4.5" computer fan with integrated led's to cool the radio (theres a small space open at the back of the case to allow air flow out). I think it came out awesome!