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Everything posted by ThomasG

  1. ThomasG

    DC Sound Lab Sub Arrives for Testing

    x2 looks like a good sub
  2. ThomasG

    **WorkLog** Honda Civc hatch

    oo my seat covers i get it
  3. ThomasG

    **WorkLog** Honda Civc hatch

    Well I wanted to do things a little differently and decided to save it all till I have everything complete. Ive put it all in a video. I have put a lot of work into all of this. Enjoy
  4. ThomasG

    **WorkLog** Honda Civc hatch

    custom gator seats lol what?
  5. ThomasG

    **WorkLog** Honda Civc hatch

    ha, thanks^^^
  6. ThomasG

    **WorkLog** Honda Civc hatch

    Thanks guys... my bad on wrong section.
  7. ThomasG

    JBL GTi's

    you sick bastard
  8. ThomasG

    JBL GTi's

    mmmm crown
  9. ThomasG

    JBL GTi's

    how much power were/are you giving it?^^^
  10. ThomasG

    JBL GTi's

    How much power are you feeding it and what do you think of its performance?
  11. ThomasG

    JBL GTi's

    this topic wouldnt be complete without some pics
  12. ThomasG

    JBL GTi's

    i think ill hit it, not close to positive about it though.. last time i didnt even do a sweep when i hit 139.2 i just said my box is tuned at 35hz and he said try 43hz so i did.. got me to thinken maybe that isnt the best tone for my car. So next time i get metered im going to do a sweep.. but i think 145 is a pretty good goal to set... and btw the car is a civic hatch and my box is 6.1 cuft at 35hz
  13. ThomasG

    JBL GTi's

    well anyway im running a 15" GTI i hit 139.2 LEGAL score with 4 guage wire 900 watts and stock electrical Now i have done the big 3 have all 1/0 wire and orion 2500D now i just need a deep cycle battery and im gonna shoot for 145 legal and a termlab was used for that score
  14. ThomasG

    JBL GTi's

    I heard mark bartell switched over to btls.. is this true? Probly would be better for him since he does SPL and alma gates competes in SQ with GTI's
  15. ThomasG

    Hello From San Diego

    Hi everyone My name is Thomas Grove some of you may already know me/met me. I have been into car audio for a little over two years now so im not a noob but still have a lot of learning to do. I am a member at Ca.com.. i hope this place isnt like there lol. And a member of Cajunkyard.com great place. I hope to enjoy this forum ill leave you all with a rough draft video of my work log.. Final video should be coming soon http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E_s3D...did%3D12161395
  16. ThomasG

    Hello From San Diego

    hey tom/yeti