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Everything posted by bose301s

  1. bose301s

    Bigger Sub ?

    Would be cool, but if you can't get enough interest in a 5KW sub, what makes you think this will work?
  2. bose301s

    box carpet

    Hehehehe.... box carpet...... hehehehe I generally prefer them shaved.
  3. bose301s

    Going to be ordering single 15. SSD or Q?

    Q is louder and has better SQ, just an overall better sub.
  4. bose301s

    Any beer snobs here?

    I love beer. Just had a Bell's Oberon and a Blue Moon on tap for my friends 21st. My favorite beer however comes from here: http://www.keweenawbrewing.com/ I love anything of theirs except for their Pale Ales, not a fan of those from any brewery.
  5. bose301s

    Forum is broke...

    Just a tip, its myLSQ, not myLSQ, LSQ is a database coding language. ok, it's my LSQ, (i'm no programmer). however,denim has changed something in the forum to make LSQ appear as LSQ. as it's more fitting to audio, and more accurate. but if myLSQ is coding language, then maybe that's what is causing the issues? the automatic changing for regular members of LSQ to LSQ. and shizzon probably got it right bose, lol. the forum changed it on him. btw, LSQ = loud sound quality wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Lol, I didn't even notice that it changed it in my post too. Sorry shizzon, didn't think you were dumb, it's just that LSQ isn't a common language so not everyone has heard of it. It appears that the database has been corrupted or that possibly the index entries for the parent forums have been lost, either way it is server/software related and is not on our ends. Hopefully this gets fixed, I like SSA and kinda miss browsing.
  6. bose301s

    Forum is broke...

    Just a tip, its myLSQ, not myLSQ, LSQ is a database coding language.
  7. bose301s

    The future of SPL

    Haha, air can sustain around 193dB IIRC, water can go much higher and even denser materials can get louder than that, no way in hell does it split atoms, have you ever seen what is necessary for that? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Particle_accelerator
  8. bose301s

    Sundown question

    Maybe if you actually own your own shop like you always brag about you should become a Sundown dealer.
  9. bose301s

    Talk about 5k amp List Here

    At this point it looks like Sundown 5K is not going to happen. I definitely don't need one but it would be nice to see Sundown with the "Big Boys" and have a 5K amp, so if you really want it let Jake know as the project gets scrapped at the end of May is not enough money had come in.
  10. bose301s

    my chicks hobby..

    She's pretty hot.
  11. bose301s

    TC Sounds Auction

    He didn't declare bankruptcy: his incorporated business did. Totally different animals. True, incorporating is meant to protect individuals from this sort of thing.
  12. bose301s

    Mag vs Flatline (Arc Audio)

    True, I will edit
  13. bose301s

    TC Sounds Auction

    I'd rather see them go to someone who knows how to run a company. And most countries economies are doing poorly right now as well, maybe not as bad as ours but they aren't doing great either.
  14. bose301s

    Mag vs Flatline (Arc Audio)

    Yea, not gonna happen, the Mag is pretty much unanimously regarded as one of the best SPL to SQ sub on the market.
  15. bose301s

    TC Sounds Auction

    How is that possible, if he had money to do that legally it should be going to his creditors.
  16. bose301s

    SSA 18" Prototypes.....vids

    Still gonna be in the Icon line or is this a new line of subs?
  17. bose301s

    Future Amplifiers

    Those definitely look nice, the only thing I am not a fan of is losing the ability to strap them. I mean, for 2 Mags 2 SAE-800Ds strapped would be ideal as you could run them at 2 ohms. If you were to go with a SAZ-2000D you would have to run at .5 ohms where you are getting more power than you want nd not under warranty, or at 2 ohms where you aren't getting the power you want. I know you probably have the amps finalized, but I beg you to keep them strappable.
  18. bose301s


    I would never compare Monitor Paradigms with 800 series B&W's, yes if I had $10000 and nothing better to do with it I would buy the 802's also.
  19. bose301s


  20. bose301s

    E8 Pre-Order / Intro Sale

    all in the box/ install. True, mine is the recommended size and porting for the BMs, its a SQ box, not optimized for SPL at all.
  21. bose301s

    E8 Pre-Order / Intro Sale

    How does that hiy 143dB when I have 2 12" BMs nd hit 143.6 only?!?!
  22. I drive a 2001 GMC Jimmy 4 door with a 4.3L Vortec V6 and want a 200 amp or so alternator to replace my stock one with and would like recommendations on what companies to look at. I am considering Excessive Amperage, Mean Green, PowerMaster and KnuKonceptz. There were others but I forgot them. Any feedback is appreciated.
  23. bose301s

    Sundown E12 Driver

    WAY too heavy for this driver. No, I know you definietly have reasons for what you did, a rubber surround just looks better, lol.
  24. bose301s

    Sundown E12 Driver

    Hmm, a high roll surround, sexy, but I like the looks of a high roll rubber surround better, lol.
  25. http://www.woofersetc.com/index.cfm?...category_ID=58 http://www.sonicelectronix.com/cat_i...isolators.html http://www.hifisoundconnection.com/S...8040/SFV/30046 Of those which would be best for a second battery for my system? I am capping it a ~$200, so a $220 would be an option but thats at the most. I am mostly considering the HC800, but was wondering if any of the Stinger batteries are better.