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Everything posted by bsmallard15

  1. bsmallard15


    Thank You
  2. bsmallard15


    I recently ordered a 1 ohm 12 Q and a Orion XTR PRO 1000. At 1 ohm the amp is supposed to give out 1000rms. How will i wire this sub to the amp, and will this sub run well with this amp as in pushing maximum power. Thank you. Im a noob lol soooo i prob sound super stupid. EDIT***GO TO THE BOTTOM POST.
  3. bsmallard15


    soooo what should i do to get the most power out of the amp. becaues i just orderd the sub and it just got shipped.. sooo????? someone pleaseee respond asap i ordered the dual 1 ohm like 2 days ago and it shipped so if i need the dual 2 ohm i really need to know asap so i can get it shipped back and replaced.
  4. bsmallard15


    soooo what should i do to get the most power out of the amp. becaues i just orderd the sub and it just got shipped.. sooo?????
  5. bsmallard15


    so saying that i need to know if my sub will run maximum power with my amp. And how it should be wired, i dont know way to much about wiring. Like it sounds to me that if i run it at .5 ohm paralell (not sure what paralell is) then ill be getting even more power to my sub becaues at 1 ohm on my amp it gives out 1000rms. If so do you think this could blow my sub?
  6. bsmallard15


    In about 2 weeks I'm going to be ordering a Fi 12" Q as well as a 1000rms Orion. I really need help on tuning my amp to play the best on my sub, or how to even tune an amp. Lol I'm a complete nube and just joined this forum but hey, I'm trying. If it helps any i drive a 1999 Cherokee with plenty of echo room. Ill post pictures of everything when i get it all setup. - thanks a ton everyone