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Everything posted by kryptonitewhite

  1. There seems to be a lot of misconception about an infinite baffle, so here goes my stab at it with a link to a forum that has a lot of dedication and experience to them. What I have gathered: A baffle is a board a speaker driver is mounted to. When a speaker is not attatched to anything, and the front and rear wave are completely allowed to go around the driver and are not in any way isolated or coupled, it is free air. When it is on a baffle, the sound waves are forced to travel further to intersect. The smaller the baffle, the higher waves (upper frequencies) are no longer cancelling out as the baffle separates them. As we increase the baffle size, the longer it gets, the lower the waves that no longer cancel depending on 1/4 wavelength and total wavelength. The 1/4 wavelength for 33Hz is 8.5 feet, the total wavelength is 35 feet. For a driver to effectively recreate 33Hz without any cancelation and all the way up from there, the baffle would have to be 35 feet out from the driver, or a total of 75 feet in diameter. An infinite baffle is a "sealed" ROOM with a minimum airspace of 25 times the drivers Vas, so that the driver does not "see" the enclosure. Anything less, and the air acts as a spring. http://www.hometheatershack.com/foru...er-system.html
  2. kryptonitewhite

    Infinite Baffle pics and vids

    I don't want heart pounding bass, I want serious excursion can get more angles, better views with vid too
  3. kryptonitewhite

    Infinite Baffle pics and vids

    Hello, I've been planning an in-car IB set up for about 3 months now, I finally ordered and received a Fi IB3 18 a little while back. It's going to be hard to get an 18.5" diameter in a trunk opening to the cabin... but I'm creative. I need a bunch of pics and vids for some inspiration and some ideas... please help! Thanks in advance. Krypto
  4. kryptonitewhite

    Infinite Baffle Wtf Is That? Car? Home? Pro?

    I made a mistake, I haven't read the link in quite a while but i figured since I posted it I better reread it.... he states 10 times Vas, and as low as 4 times can work... but I have heard minimum of 25 is desired. Really, if you model your driver with any modeling software, you can determine what will work for your desired responce. If you type 4 times for one, do another project and compared 4,10, 25, and kept going... you will see that there is a point where making huge increases in sealed size makes very little change in responce. That is the "true" desired airspace per driver. I guess that can be said too... to model a driver in IB, you use a large sealed enclosure and keep making it larger until there is little change in the FR curve from a drastic change in volume
  5. kryptonitewhite

    Infinite Baffle pics and vids

    The IB3 is for "true" IB applications, not "fake" car audio. True infinite baffles require the driver to be in 25 times it's Vas. The IB3 18 Vas is 13.8 cubic feet. My trunk is less than that(let alone 25 times that), therefore my trunk would be a chitty leaky flexing sealed box, nothing close to an Infinite Baffle. That asside, I don't choose my drivers by being labeled "IB" or "sealed only" or "SPL". I choose my drivers by Thiele/Small parameteres. It has a low Fs, low inductance, high Xmax, and enough power handling to reach it's potential if I put it in a large enough box and tune low enough... exactly why i chose it.
  6. kryptonitewhite

    Infinite Baffle pics and vids

    you have to totally seal it up. rear deck everything ugh.. and after all that work, if you get a different car, you cant just pull all your hard work out and transfer it somewhere else or sell it... I'm tryin hard to get her to get a rendezevou 17-19 cubes available
  7. kryptonitewhite

    Infinite Baffle pics and vids

    sounds good to me... but as I get older, all this work just sets me back... ya, gotta seal everything up as good as possible... I wish the GF would just get the rendezevous so i can do the huge ported... but sounds like a no go, so IB
  8. kryptonitewhite

    Any plans for a "SUPER WOOFER"???

    Yes, Exodus is doing a 21" Maelstrom-X to get by until the Sicko 21" is ironed out. Fi is doing 22" IB3's and an auto version as well. I heard Soundsplinter has a 21" HT driver on the way.....
  9. kryptonitewhite

    bass i love you

    screwed up that top post, no link! then I got bored again... made some excursion vids with a DVD player disc tray and laser guide
  10. kryptonitewhite

    bass i love you

    sorry guys... i can't stop myself... I've never heard and seen it before without a car amp where unfortunately SSF are almost always undefeatable, now with this tiny HT plate amp I found this from 2:40 - 2:50
  11. kryptonitewhite

    bass i love you

    amen! the camera refresh rate makes the 15Hz and 5Hz look the same, but watchin it live.... insane! freeair on my IB3 18 that is a purdy woofer, are you running it yet? how much power you giving it? Right now just 1100. it's an IB woofer so actually that's double it's rated power, but Scott said thats fine, the 550 is mechanical free air rating and it will take double no prob. I got the IB3 18 for now just to get me by till the IB3 22 comes out, or the Exodus Audio Maelstom-X 21" is done. I have a Lanzar OPTI2000D that does 1100 RMS @ 2 ohm, 2000 @ .5. If I can get it sold, I'm going with 2 Kicker 2500.1's, 1 per coil on the 22"
  12. kryptonitewhite

    bass i love you

    thats why i have 4 extremis 6.4's and 2 FR125S's
  13. kryptonitewhite

    bass i love you

    amen! the camera refresh rate makes the 15Hz and 5Hz look the same, but watchin it live.... insane! freeair on my IB3 18
  14. kryptonitewhite

    Fi IB3 18"

    if only that pole vent was a tad bigger..... ah, who am I tryin to kid! That is only to get me by until either the IB3 22" comes out in 2 months, or the Exocus Audio Maelstrom-X 21" comes out.... and some day I want to put the Sicko in there
  15. kryptonitewhite

    Fi IB3 18"

    She's beautiful, she's huge, and she can MOVE! http://i248.photobucket.com/albums/g...y/DSC_0001.jpg http://i248.photobucket.com/albums/g...y/DSC_0002.jpg http://i248.photobucket.com/albums/g...y/DSC_0003.jpg pron: enjoy (I did) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hs5u0...e=channel_page http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jKYkN...e=channel_page
  16. kryptonitewhite

    ******GEO METRO WALL BUILD******

    very sweet built
  17. kryptonitewhite

    Fi IB3 18"

  18. kryptonitewhite

    Fi IB3 18"

    hmmm.... lemme try this
  19. kryptonitewhite

    this is what was hovering over my house today

    hahaha ooold scool!
  20. kryptonitewhite

    >30mm Xmax <20Hz Fs D2 15's

    I am looking for a pair of D2 15's that have at least 30mm Xmax, 20Hz or less Fs.
  21. kryptonitewhite

    >30mm Xmax <20Hz Fs D2 15's

    so you were 1/4 power less 1 coil? did the coil change change your ohm load, therefor also alter your power?
  22. kryptonitewhite

    >30mm Xmax <20Hz Fs D2 15's

    the ICONS I used in my Video are 10" not 12"....... I bet I could get at the min another 6db in the 20hz range with a pair of 12's with a pair of 15" ICONS a person could make themselves puke with the low notes if done right if you are looking for the easter bunny he doesn't exist...if you want loud lows you have to work for it (get dirty and do some experimenting) cause your not gonna just drop in a WONDER SUB and hit super high numbers on the low stuff kick ass vid, thats what I am talking about... I have 6 adire audio extremis 6.4's and a KX850.4 to get 50Hz on up.... I want my subs for 30Hz down as for the tip, thanks, but i already know
  23. kryptonitewhite

    >30mm Xmax <20Hz Fs D2 15's

    got vids? your setup is right up my alley man! screw bigger numbers above 30Hz... I have SUB woofers, and to me "bottom" is 20Hz. I could care less if anyone can get 160 deebeez at 60Hz. here is a vid from the comp i went to. kick ass what's with the 1/2 power? got any vids of the woofer in action?
  24. kryptonitewhite

    >30mm Xmax <20Hz Fs D2 15's

    I was going to put XBL^2 as a requirement in the title, but I am trying to open up to things like the RL-p as well... But yes, i do prefer XBL! However, Re: 6.1 Ohms (Single 8 Ohm VC) Exodus is the new Adire, which would make things totally easy, except they went thru this weird stage of 8ohm and now they arent much better at 4 ohm, and have seen the light. Maelstrom-X D2's come out in February!
  25. kryptonitewhite

    >30mm Xmax <20Hz Fs D2 15's

    got vids? your setup is right up my alley man! screw bigger numbers above 30Hz... I have SUB woofers, and to me "bottom" is 20Hz. I could care less if anyone can get 160 deebeez at 60Hz.