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Everything posted by SacredTanakh

  1. SacredTanakh

    Need as answer frro you guys..

    Yeah I heard that a few days ago and that's why I was waiting before sending another email or emailing someone else type of thing. I talked to Aaron before emailing mark, he's the one who told me to talk to mark about the quote. Thanks for the reply though guys Hopefully I can work everything out so I can get this build going ASAP!
  2. SacredTanakh

    mids/highs amps

    tweeters in/on A pillars mids in doors What kind of depth can you fit in your doors? How big of a tweeter can you fit? I'm assuming a pretty big tweeter if you were planning on those super tweeters haha. I would have done pods for the tweeters, the A pillars on my truck are small and just solid metal. Lots of room for mids, not quite sure on depth, but I can glass the doors and add depth that way if necessary.
  3. SacredTanakh

    mids/highs amps

    tweeters in/on A pillars mids in doors
  4. SacredTanakh

    mids/highs amps

    I have not bought the deck yet. soon hopefully. I mean reasonably so, didn't mean equally as loud haha. That seems like basically what I'm looking for. Trust me if you work with the vast amount of super knowledgeable people on here (I'm not one of them, but I'm no idiot ) You can have something that will blow away what you were looking at. ehhh.. at least give me a brand to look at haha, I need something to work with other then: pick something better. and no one else is chiming in so I'm looking at you There isn't a specific brand to look at. Look here http://www.parts-express.com/cat/home-audio-woofers-midranges-tweeters/13 and here http://www.madisoundspeakerstore.com/speaker-drivers/ I have actually looked in both those places, but ill search around a bit more.
  5. SacredTanakh

    mids/highs amps

    I have not bought the deck yet. soon hopefully. I mean reasonably so, didn't mean equally as loud haha. That seems like basically what I'm looking for. Trust me if you work with the vast amount of super knowledgeable people on here (I'm not one of them, but I'm no idiot ) You can have something that will blow away what you were looking at. ehhh.. at least give me a brand to look at haha, I need something to work with other then: pick something better. and no one else is chiming in so I'm looking at you
  6. SacredTanakh

    mids/highs amps

    I have not bought the deck yet. soon hopefully. I mean reasonably so, didn't mean equally as loud haha. That seems like basically what I'm looking for.
  7. SacredTanakh

    mids/highs amps

    Its actually funny that you should say that cause the only part of the front stage I have bought is the tweets haha... I'm not quite sure what I would say my budget would be... Nothing crazy. hmm... 100$ a driver seems reasonable to me. My goals are SQ mostly, but that can keep up with 6 15in dcons. Also deadening is on the list of many many other things.. In my defense haha, I've heard nothing but good things about crescendo speakers. I thought about so many other options but the crescendos are loud and reasonably priced.
  8. SacredTanakh

    mids/highs amps

    Yeah I know they are not the best, especially for SQ but from what Ive heard they are loud and clear so I figure with enough tinkering I could probably get it how I wanted. While I would like to have a bit of SQ, I haven't found any other drivers or tweeters that Ive really liked the specs of. Ive looked at aloottttt of different brands and drivers. Im going to be running the 80prs. I guess my goals would be sound quality mostly, but that can keep up with the 6 dcons very well. Oh and Please, Don't just say not a good choice and not give any sort of other recommendation, that's honestly not helpful. I wanted to get amps of more quality later, I don't have the cash to do those, the wall, sub amp, new deck, wood, etc. Figured a cheap temporary amp would at least make it so I could use them till I do.. but at the same time its going to be awhile so I also figured the amps being at least at rms would help keep my satisfied till then. Not sure how 50rms to each of those 6.5s would gain an advantage over the other amps, especially considering the ft1s would over power the mids. I would think I would have to do a lot of tweaking to get it to sound right. Sure the zeds a good amp, but I don't see how it pairs with these drivers well. explain?
  9. SacredTanakh

    Need as answer frro you guys..

    My alternator would need to be custom because of the age of my vehicle and engine, so Contacting mechman directly is the only way I believe. Also I already tried contacting mark about working out shipping for the 4 dcons and there was no response, its been around a week I think. not too terribly long. So I dunno what I'm going to do about that... keep waiting I guess, definitely not changing sub plans.
  10. SacredTanakh

    Need as answer frro you guys..

    Thanks! I'm excited, and anxious as hell to start on it I will be doing my best so hopefully its as impressive as I think it will be.
  11. SacredTanakh

    Need as answer frro you guys..

    Good idea, thanks bro
  12. SacredTanakh

    Need as answer frro you guys..

    Yeah I actually contacted them today. thanks for the recommendation.
  13. SacredTanakh

    EMF Audio Ermagerd 15

    It does create competition though which is good, drives down price, and ups quality in some cases. Although cheap Chinese drivers have flooded the market over the years, that part is not so good.
  14. SacredTanakh

    High Output Alternator Questions

    could be that the alternator charges at 14.1v Mine charges at 14.7v not all alternators charge at 14.4v
  15. SacredTanakh

    EMF Audio Ermagerd 15

    I thought the name was a clever marketing technique personally. also 84db @ 1w? thats fairly low compared to similar drivers like this that I've seen. Seems designed more for show/bragging rights by the price, limited number, large excursion, large RMS, and name. The sensitivity doesn't mean anything by itself. So even if it low it doesn't mean it won't be as loud as others with higher sensitivity. You assume too much, I never said it was the deciding factor to how loud a sub was... simply making an observation...
  16. SacredTanakh

    Rick's build log

    Those tweets and mids look nice definitely let us know how they sound when you get them in.
  17. SacredTanakh

    new B2 build. 09 silvy crewcab.

    I love the white black contrasted color schemes on amps and subs. very nice looking.
  18. SacredTanakh

    EMF Audio Ermagerd 15

    I thought the name was a clever marketing technique personally. also 84db @ 1w? thats fairly low compared to similar drivers like this that I've seen. Seems designed more for show/bragging rights by the price, limited number, large excursion, large RMS, and name.
  19. SacredTanakh

    EMF Audio Ermagerd 15

    This , I wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole. So that means there has been others? the woofer looked quite impressive in the video, sure to get a few people if it is scam of sorts.
  20. SacredTanakh

    BigPimpin91 Music

    download takes forever, russian servers need more vodka.
  21. SacredTanakh

    Mystery Package?

    Another one?! how many of these rogue subs are going out?
  22. SacredTanakh

    EMF Audio Ermagerd 15

    I like the looks of their line, I saw these awhile back, they've been in pre-order for at least 4 months.
  23. SacredTanakh


    http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/topic/58400-bigpimpin91-music/ 6th post down, Has all of his C&S zips there. Think there's one or two of his added bassline songs in there also. Most of the new bassline songs he did you have to scavenge for, and you can find most of them, there's a few that have eluded me though.
  24. SacredTanakh


    bigpimpin? thought it was decaf only No it doesnt, it only has decaf. Bigpimpin has done his best to wipe out all sources of his music.
  25. SacredTanakh


    Has decaf, and that has previously been said..