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chad y

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Everything posted by chad y

  1. chad y

    Looking for advice (again)

    Have you thought about a single 15 BTL on a SAZ 3000d? just a thought more cone area then what you have now and twice the power, should yield favorable results. Just a thought.
  2. chad y

    A couple enclosures i might make.

    What kind of truck? dodge,ford,chevy......... ever thought about down firing port back on top? I have made a few center console enclosures and IMO, they sound best either back firing or sub down port back.
  3. chad y

    How about an IXL 8

    I would love a few myself!! great power handling, great sounding, pure SEX. Great idea if at all possible
  4. chad y

    IXL 10's

    I am thinking 1.6ft^3 for the 2. I could extend the port farther back firing under the back seat with out limiting much leg room. Opinions?
  5. chad y

    Happy Birthday Kent!!!

    Happy B-Day
  6. chad y

    Help with LOW BUDGET build

    Rockford fosgate power 3002, nice amp good power pretty cheap on ebay.
  7. chad y


    I have noticed as of late that allot of people feel they need 3000+ watts. OK I admit I would love to have a saz 3000d or 2 or 3(lol) but I also understand that I don't have the electrical to run one let alone more than one. I think allot of newer people see big numbers and think if I get that I can do this. what they fail to realize is what it takes to to properly run at these levels. now don't get me wrong I am by no means as knowledgeable as I would like to be, But I am willing to learn and have learned a great deal from this forum. For that I would like to say thanks. I guess what I am getting at is. I have done and have heard systems that sounded great, got quite loud and were well under 1000 watts. I am all for high wattage systems I love seeing them, making my ears bleed(lol) I would just like the newer people to know if you want to go big be prepared to spend the money to do so properly. just my little rant.......lol Chad
  8. chad y

    HDB bigjon

    happy birthday!!
  9. I have a PG 1200.1 and I love it. so how much do you want for yours?......lol
  10. chad y

    >30mm Xmax <20Hz Fs D2 15's

    audiopulse axis......TC Sounds 3000
  11. I really lol'ed or L'edOL if you want to be grammatically correct As did I yeah I'm an ass
  12. so since no one asked.............(lol) how many watts was the light-bulb? do you have the proper electrical to run that light-bulb? did you consider any other light-bulbs prior to changing it? what is it you didn't like about the previous light-bulb? what is your end goal of it? what will it be used for? hahaha
  13. chad y

    putting togather a system for a friend....

    mach 5 Mj18M 5 ft^3 tuned to 30 hz powered off a rockford fosgate power t3002. Mj18M ....$155 T3002.... ebay $150-200 box $75 wiring $100 500-600 dollar range ..... this was just the first thing to come to mind
  14. chad y

    putting togather a system for a friend....

    how much space you have to work with?
  15. chad y

    Team Sundown is taking over

    congrats to all
  16. chad y

    Fi Q 18 port help?

    4.5 ft^3 is not enough for a 18 ported. why don't you consider a 15 instead?
  17. You could, what you could also do is drill 2 holes slightly smaller than 3/8" and then use 3/8" bolts to attach your wires to. use some wood glue and then thread the bolts through the holes.
  18. chad y

    Beefy 10"

    mach 5 IXL
  19. chad y


    look at that for once I had a interesting topic (haha) Just funny how many misconceptions there are out there.
  20. chad y

    About a week overdue

  21. chad y

    5.25 Mid range looking to change

    using 3/4" baffle you will be able to fit 3.5"-4" of depth on the 8's and still clear your door panels.
  22. chad y

    Welcome to the IHoP

    pop the top......oh yeah
  23. chad y

    Need help with set-up ideas

    ^^^^^^^ Great advice!!! maybe you should read http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/i...showtopic=22684 just a suggestion
  24. chad y

    5.25 Mid range looking to change

    do you have your doors deadend? I know in those trucks you can fit up to 8" midbass in the door with minimal modifacation. You may want to consider 3 way active. midbass in the doors and 3"-4" midrange in the kicks. then tweets. There are others here that can help you more. something to consider.
  25. chad y

    Front stage help

    looks like a very solid front stage. what are you going to use for processing? what amps do you have in mind? I am very interested in this build as I have stated before. please keep us updated on your progress. also if you run in to any issues. thanks chad