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Everything posted by onebadmonte

  1. onebadmonte

    DIY Soundgroup Zephyr build

    Thanks. I'll get some more pics on the way soon. Ha ha, thanks man. I just need to find a little more time to getting this project done.
  2. onebadmonte

    Fi BTL series replacement?

    Yes they are. But I am pretty sure Scott and Nick have something on the way. The Mayhem from AA and SP4's are also bonkers options too. Hey man, quit being stingy with the insider info and just spill the beans. Meow!
  3. onebadmonte

    DIY Soundgroup Zephyr build

    Here I start tackling the crossovers. Not sure about what best practices really are for these things. I've heard here and there that it's best to place inductors as far apart and have the axis of them perpendicular to each other. Like all things audio there are compromises to be made, available space being one of them. Manufacturability (is that even a word?) being another. Since I am not constrained by either, here is what I came up with. I was able to snag some abs scraps from work as the foundation for my crossovers. Here I turn round scraps to nice rectangular boards. Not much to show off in the assembly of the crossovers but I will mention that I opted for a steampunk / old school vacuum tube amp style point to point soldering technique. Finished crossovers. The compression driver crossover. The woofer crossover. Tata for now, exit stage right.
  4. onebadmonte

    DIY Soundgroup Zephyr build

    Thanks. Things are a little slow going with school for the little one just starting. :\ The end is near, I hope.
  5. onebadmonte

    DIY Soundgroup Zephyr build

    It's a heavy cut for my weak ass router to begin with, secondly once the drop breaks loose, it's in Gods hands on whether or not it kisses the router bit and goes flying in your face. O_o
  6. Wow! If true, that sux.
  7. onebadmonte

    DIY Soundgroup Zephyr build

    Here is a little update of my shenanigans. A quick mock up of my high tech bracing. [ I figured I use a nice $2 terminal cup I picked up at the local Radio Shack on clearance on these speakers. In similar fashion to the cut outs for the baffle I started off with some pilot holes. Since this time around I made a steel template at work to guide around the router. This is the "before" routing. "After" routing. With the rear panel done and glued in place I trued up all the edges using the same bit as on the router table, now just on a hand held router. Here is the box ready for a little trimming. The end result, some crisp edges. Although the sharp edges are nice I'm more of a round over kinda guy.
  8. onebadmonte

    DIY Soundgroup Zephyr build

    Thanks guys. More is on the way, you all just got to be patient with this old man.
  9. onebadmonte

    Solo X 15 (V.2) Sub-woofer build log

    Very impressive to pull the top plate off and have it machined. Makes me regret selling my solo x motor. Nice work dude, congrats on the fine craftsmanship. A+
  10. onebadmonte

    The Judge

    Any specs, parameters, box requirements?
  11. onebadmonte

    '00 camaro SS

    Congrats on the new toys. It's coming together nicely. I see some donuts in your future. personality flaw. Lately I've been spending my time with my family and newborn. Also at the gym trying to better myself. Right on. Nothing wrong with a little balance and keeping everything in perspective.
  12. onebadmonte

    Physical port length vs acoustic length

    build the box, add the woofer, and test with the woofer tester or the dayton audio DATS thingie and you'll have your answer.
  13. onebadmonte

    forget a hair trick.. check this out

    I lol'ed.
  14. onebadmonte

    FI Sp4 On Fire.. Warranty?

    Sounds like just what I need to get the umph out of the cannon shots in 1812 overture.
  15. onebadmonte

    '00 camaro SS

    Sounds like you're set!X2 I'd add a second 10 but thats just me.
  16. onebadmonte

    '00 camaro SS

    If you're still running that 9887, it should make for a nice start. Add some decent components, a pair of tens, sealed, and some healthy amps. WIN.
  17. onebadmonte

    '00 camaro SS

    Looking good. Maybe a little SQ build this time around.
  18. onebadmonte

    Sundown X and Z.4 review

    In b4. Lock.
  19. onebadmonte

    Fi BTL series replacement?

    The BL with the cooling option will fit the bill.
  20. Yes sir. It's the only time of the year I go out and get some sun. I like to stay lite complected.
  21. I will, I will.
  22. It has begun. For those not familiar here is a recap: http://www.soundsolu...of-double-dees/ For now this is just a box and sub replacement, and everything that comes with it. The goods: The box design: Estimated frequency response graph. O_o I decided to spruce up the box design just a bit by adding some windows. Just a little something to show off the insanity of the sub's motor design. It's not eveyday you get to see something this gonzo nuts. Here is a little test of the line of site. The red strip represents where the sub will be. You might have to close one eye to get the full effect in person. More on the way.
  23. onebadmonte

    A Suburban A Warhorse and a Pair of SMDeez

    The Dayton's were on sale so I thought I'd give them a shot. They sound good, but I noticed they don't go as deep as I'd like them to. I'll probably experiment a little more and try the titanium diaphragm since the spec a lower crossover point. From there there is one more compression driver I'd like to try out before I settle on which to keep. Don't ask which one, cause I ain't tellin. The Dayton driver mounted to the horn using the two hole pattern. No hole alignment issues. My only beef with the Dayton driver is that the threaded holes are metric. :/
  24. onebadmonte

    Possible new Skar Subwoofer

    Looks like nobody is catching a break in this thread. :/