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Everything posted by onebadmonte

  1. Nice baffle. Reminds me of a new born being sent home from the hospital, how they wrap the little one up tight with a white blanket so all you see is there little face. Congrats on the new record.
  2. Woot! And a Woot, Woot for the special lady friend. God bless their generous little hearts.
  3. onebadmonte

    anyone with DD audio experience

    I've got a pair of 9515 with the pulp cones and carbon dust caps. They sound fine with all music. I do find myself tinkering with the bass knob when going from rap to rock and vice versa. Pretty much turning the bass down to match the mids and highs. If the mids and highs are lacking then no about of adjusting on the subs is going to fix that. Well, scratch that, you can cross the subs higher to an extent, but the sound is going to be a bit different.
  4. onebadmonte

    SSA's Evil SS Camaro. 4 Evil 15s and 2 DC 7.5ks

    The LULZ were had.
  5. onebadmonte

    5 hr build, budget blowthru

    I like your panel saw in the back ground. Any info on it? Looks like good work done for 5 hrs. I can't even get out all my tools in an hour, yet alone get a box done in 5.
  6. onebadmonte

    Big Secret?

    Happy Veterans Day to all those involved in the cause.
  7. Okay, I think I get the 96 poles, it's the number of stator wire groups inline with the axis of the alternator?... The reason I ask about the power requirement is I swapped out the CS130 alt out of my olds, in my sig, for a AD244. I cut off the original connector for the CS130 alt and put a AD244 connector with a 5 watt 85 ohm resistor on the "L" terminal. Will this new alternator of yours work in this application?
  8. While the 6 phase stuff sort of makes sense, two stators in a way. The 96 pole stuff is beyond me. Usually when I hear about poles in an alternator it's referring to the "fingers" wrapping around the field coil on the rotor. Typically there are 12 poles/"fingers" on an alternator. Are you saying there are 96 poles on the rotor of this alternator? How much horsepower does it take to produce this much amperage? To the motor this has got to be the equivalent of churning molasses by hand on a cold day.
  9. onebadmonte

    Big Secret?

    I just checked the site myself, you guys are right, nothing new there. :\
  10. onebadmonte

    Big Secret?

    Anybody see the Fi Audio website lately? O_o
  11. Is this a denso hair pin style stator or a conventional wire wound stator?
  12. onebadmonte

    Big Secret?

    [quote name=Impious' timestamp='1320795030' post='849735' There was that one short lived company about 5 years ago that had a 6" coil. Can't think of their name. EDIT: Actually it was Acoupower. Interestingly when I was googling to verify that was the company, I found this link in a thread on another forum. That guy was the owner of Acoupower. Guess that explains why the business went under. Lol, other way around. Business unraveled, didn't pay suppliers, never deliver product(luckily cc reimburse me), marriage broke apart, then this. What a schmuck.
  13. onebadmonte

    Big Secret?

    You got it all wrong bro. 4in coil, 40lbs compression drivers is where it's at. Did you miss when Nick was caught doing a little modeling on the side for his birthday?
  14. onebadmonte

    Big Secret?

    Neither are 18s, but that ain't stoppin us. Bring on the unnecessary!
  15. Got me in the background(Jeep Shirt) lookin all crazy O_o....lulz Hey there! Welcome to the forum. Great seeing you there. Thanks. It was a little nutty competing in SQ for the first time. It was fun though. There were even some guys from Louisiana. Got some good tips and pointers. Hoping to make a better showing at the next show.
  16. O_o Always to the point. Congrats fellas. No problem, when ever you've got some free time.
  17. I competed in Modified SQ+ I place first, out of two, but competition was stiff. Glen, the other competitor in my class is a heavy hitter in the SQ world, and all around great guy. I wish I had taken pics of the SQ guys cars, very clean and tidy installs.
  18. It was a great show, my first time competing SQ. I was a little nervous. It was great seeing fellow SSA brethren, meeting new peeps, and putting faces on forum user names. These are the only pics I got. THE WINNERS! Steve aka stevemead Chris aka ccnncc99 Me aka onebadmonte The SSA gang representing Can't wait till the next show.
  19. onebadmonte

    2012 SSA Tri-Fold Brochures

    We are not that advanced yet lol. Baby steps it is then.
  20. onebadmonte

    SA-8 v.2 Prototype Completed

    So when is the oversized 6.5" version of this mini-beast gonna come out?
  21. onebadmonte

    2012 SSA Tri-Fold Brochures

    I'm sorry I have to be the one to mention this, but you all need to get with the program a slap a QR code / Matrix bar code thingie on the lower right corner that will send people to the website for more info and vids. Com'on now!
  22. onebadmonte

    Big Secret?

    Since the price of neo has gone through the roof, and because Scott finds adjustable Qts subs so novel. Fi is coming out with a line of high power SPL type field coil subs. Ha, ha, made ya look.
  23. onebadmonte

    Big Secret?

    I'll let the cat out of the bag fellas. As it turns out Scott and Nick actually sleep inside out, and it's been rumored that they blink sideways. No, wait.... this is a car audio forum? Opps.
  24. Look! there's my suburban. Its off in the background behind the vendor's booth. See you all tomorrow.
  25. Off to Fry's show in Houston. :)

    1. ccnncc99


      didn't see you there today :(

    2. onebadmonte


      I was at the SQ seminar inside the Fry's. Will see you all tomorrow for the comp.

    3. stevemead08


      you and the fam have a safe trip back. congrats on the first place trophy

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