In the mean time here is a little joke to make time go by: Check it. There's these four little nuns. One morning they decide to go out and help the community. They hop into the church station wagon and drive off into the city. Around the first turn and BAM! Head on into a garbage truck. The nuns awake before Peter and the Pearly Gates. "Now before I can let ya'll up in here," Peter says. "Ya'll need to confess your one and only sin." "You front and center" Ordered Peter, pointing at the first nun. The first nun walks up and confesses, "I touched a penis" "NO!" Gasp Peter. "And what did you touch that penis with?" He asks. "My finger" She replied, holding up here middle finger at Peter. "Ha, ha, very funny." Said Peter putting his palm over his forehead says, "Go dip that finger in the holy water and scoot on in there missy" "Now serving number two!" Peter yelled out with a grin on his face. The second nun walks up. "I too touched a penis!" "And what did you touch that penis with?" Peter asked. "My hand!" She cried out while waving here hand in the air. "Hmmm?" Peter replied raising one eyebrow. "Go dip that hand in the holy water and stay out of the finger foods while you're in there young lady. Ya hear!" The third nun made here way up to Peter, when suddenly out of nowhere the fourth nun shoves her out of the way and makes a dash for the holy water right past Peter. "What the hell is going on?" Peter yelled. "Oh, my apologies Peter." Confesses the fourth nun. "I just want to wash my mouth out with the holy water before that one dips her ass in it." Now back to your regular programing.