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Everything posted by onebadmonte

  1. onebadmonte

    A Suburban A Warhorse and a Pair of SMDeez

    Lol, not much to ported boxes. You've seen one, you've seen them all. Interesting about the graph though. I do hope the windows work out though, I'm really looking forward to showing off the motors on these subs.
  2. onebadmonte

    A Suburban A Warhorse and a Pair of SMDeez

    [Dracula Voice] Muahahah, I vant to sauck your bass, hahahah![/Dracula Voice] Thanks Hey now, don't be leaking any inside info. The pics will slowly start trickling in on the progress. Thanks for noticing the carpet Dani. It's really the only clean spot in the house. Thanks fellas. I have. The boxes work. Thanks, I appreciate that.
  3. onebadmonte

    New "SQL" system for a metalhead - Right direction?

    Tweeter to play lower that 2.5k? Really?? Don't know of any but curious to hear about some. Some of the Morels do it. The supremo comes to mind. One that've been looking at is the new LD25X from CSS. http://www.stereocla...-ld25x-tweeter/ I don't know if either one of these will be loud enough for this app though. : Ninja'd by M5
  4. onebadmonte

    A Suburban A Warhorse and a Pair of SMDeez

    Thanks. Hoping for some win with this one. I hope so. Thanks for stopping by.
  5. onebadmonte

    SSA's Evil SS Camaro. 4 Evil 15s and 2 DC 7.5ks

    Congrats on the new score, both on the meter and the batteries. It's nice to see those amps will be well fed. It'll be nice to see this monster in person, can't wait.
  6. onebadmonte

    SSA welcomes Crescendo Audio to the forum and store.

    welcome to the club.
  7. onebadmonte

    Sneak Peak at the new GCON (Pics p5)

    At break right now at work, so sure why not. Lets see them pics.
  8. I used 3/8 x 1-1/2" for mine. As far as the grade, or type of aluminum just go with 6061-t6.
  9. onebadmonte

    Sundown SAZ-1500D in the Blazer......

    I would like to hear your explanation. I second the motion. Your truck is very very interesting dbDon. There is a local chap with a similar truck trying to do the same as you are but nowhere near as loud. He is using some quality gear. I myself would like to gather the knowledge to one day give it a try myself. Now knowing that dbDon is clamping nearly 3k out of the Sundown1500 the 6db gain is more inline with theory of double the power, gain 3db. Also just to clarify, I understand the economics involved when stepping up to bigger amps versus adding cone area. This is all very interesting.
  10. onebadmonte

    Sundown SAZ-1500D in the Blazer......

    I don't know what your talking about. What this guy has done is just magical. Cone area or not, those are 3k rated N3s getting just under 400watts each. There's more to it than just cone area. I don't think the same is possible with 4 dcons. Then again I don't know much about anything. Very impressive vid none the less.
  11. onebadmonte

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I lol'ed at that one. Pretty soon it'll be time to watch the GCB on ABC. I love Sundays.
  12. onebadmonte

    Sundown SAZ-1500D in the Blazer......

    O_o New amps??!!! Is someone waiting for a shipment of NS-1s to come in Keep the good stuff coming. It cracks me up it says "newbie" under your user name. "Newbie", yeah right.
  13. onebadmonte

    Sundown SAZ-1500D in the Blazer......

    Good deal. Nice vid to boot. Congrats on the new upgrade.
  14. onebadmonte

    First wall in the WaGoN! 4 15" DCONs... :)

    Nice woofers. In for results. Now get to building.
  15. onebadmonte

    4th order bandpass

    Here is a calculator of sorts http://www.carstereo.com/help/Articles.cfm?id=27 Here is some info on the terminology http://www.diysubwoofers.org/bnd/4thord1.htm Good luck.
  16. onebadmonte

    sundown lincoln

    Congrats on the win. I hope Leo took it well. Box looks sweet, very classy. Still bummed I couldn't make it. Hope to meet up with you guys at another show.
  17. onebadmonte

    SSA's Evil SS Camaro. 4 Evil 15s and 2 DC 7.5ks

    Excellent work on the block. Nothing like taking some leisure time while on a big project. Glad to see you enjoying it all. Keep up the good work.
  18. onebadmonte

    My new hooptie, 1980 CoupeDeville. Bumping on a budget.

    Trunk is looking classy. Excellent work man! Congrats.
  19. onebadmonte

    Help us welcome SPL-Labs to the forum

    O_o bout time
  20. onebadmonte

    Wanted to point something out with the DCON Dia

    Are the baskets sand cast or die cast? I can see what look like ejector pin locations on the inside of the basket, but I am not sure. From an engineering perspective, the baskets do not have a uniform wall thickness, leading to shrinking and out of roundness issues. Just recently I tinkered with a pair of 15s with 12 spoke baskets where the diameters were under sized causing a driver centering issue and the mounting screws not catching the wood. The drivers I messed with were not SSA per say but they were 1st gen BTLs. Just a thought.
  21. onebadmonte

    Happy Birthday Duran

    Yay, for old man Duran. Make it a memorable one for your next trip around the sun. Enjoy the ride.
  22. onebadmonte

    PWK Designs

    I've used PWK designs. They've worked out well. If you don't opt for the rush pack then it is a little slow to get your design. As for comparing his design versus some one elses I couldn't say. I will say this, you better know exactly what you want and why you want it. It's a give and take situation, you might want something and not realize that you end up giving up something else to get it, then you're left with a sour taste in your mouth. Good luck and keep us posted with what you go with.
  23. onebadmonte


    looks cool.
  24. I had not heard of them until now, that should say something. Odd that a brand named Everest in located in Florida..... I have a co-worker named Everist. :\ Nice amp, now get to building and show us your build skillz. Nice to see you round these parts of the intra-web.
  25. Awe schucks man you gonna make me blush infront of all the ladies. Soon enough I'll be up and running. Who knows, I might just get a wild hair and bust out without notice. O_o