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Everything posted by soundmekanixdan

  1. soundmekanixdan

    How lucky I am...

    not even totally sure what it was, it was so sudden.
  2. soundmekanixdan

    How lucky I am...

    I'm not even sure that it was a deer, i remember seeing something then all of a sudden i'm rolling end over end, then rolling sideways....exactly what happened is still a little foggy
  3. soundmekanixdan

    How lucky I am...

    looking into whether the speakers amps and batts are insured - it looks like they could be....not sure yet though
  4. soundmekanixdan

    How lucky I am...

    pics at this link... http://audioforum.termpro.com/topic/4/18251.html I'm not posting this to get sympathy, but rather to say that life is precious and should never be taken for granted. I certainly have a different outlook on mnay things after what happened. Live everyday like its your last, you never know when something random like this could happen. I walked away from by God's will alone, had one or two things been different, I could have and probably would have been killed. Please, be safe out there.
  5. soundmekanixdan


    The wall is about 6in thick in the weakest bart of the wall, and the port acts like a brace, the enclosure doesnt flex at all....cant afford different shocks before finals....she sags like crazy though, hopefully she makes it down to finals and back :-/
  6. soundmekanixdan


    Finally got started the other day on the wall build, mainly just measurements and taking body panels out....here are some of the pics so far, I should be adding more at the end of each week until its done....also added some sound deadener tonight....anyway, here are the pics... only put the sound deadener on the front half of the roof (2 layers), more will come i hope Dan
  7. soundmekanixdan


    still needs another layer of paint....not sure if we'll get to it or not before finals, but hey pretty doesnt make it loud! more pics... the Bl's look huge in this pic...i cant imagine what the BTL's are going to look like!!.... BTL pics....
  8. soundmekanixdan


  9. soundmekanixdan


    heres some more pics of the recent changes to the wall to get it ready for bass race world finals...pics are with 18" BL's, BTL's going in for finals...also new amps - 2 x Kicker 2500's, new batts - 4 x Optima g31 bluetops, and several more layers of wood and 2x4's etc etc..... pic of the wall before all the recent work...
  10. soundmekanixdan

    BTL 18's, bass race pwer handling????

    My BTL 18's are fully loaded, with all the options.....will be running a kicker kx2500 on each for dbdrag world finals, and am thinking about one of the Kicker 10,000's next season (if they are out by then). Obviously a lot of factors come in to play in regards to power handling....just wondering what everyones thoughts were/are
  11. soundmekanixdan

    BTL 18's, bass race pwer handling????

    how much power can you put to a btl 18 for bass race???
  12. soundmekanixdan

    bl 15 or bl 18

    I've got 2 x BL 18's with all the options, love em....go with the 18, 18's look way more badass anyway
  13. soundmekanixdan

    pics of BTL loaded with triple stack mag

    Just wondering if anyone has pics of the BTL with the triple stack magnet, any size, would prefer pics of the 18 though. Thanks. dan
  14. soundmekanixdan

    First show with the 2 x BL 18's (walled)

    i'll try and get some videos posted soon, been busy trying to figure out if i can get a bike next summer - looks good and it looks like it'll be either an 07 yamaha r6, or an 07 kawasaki zx-6r hopefully, i'll have the videos up by next week.
  15. soundmekanixdan

    First show with the 2 x BL 18's (walled)

    First show with the BL18's finally playing in the wall, didnt do dbdrag, but managed a 148.3 for bass race....I was pretty happy considering we still havent done any testing on it Lots of work to do yet, the baffle (5 layers thick) was still flexing like a mofo, so we def. need some bracing. Still have to tune the wall as well, woofers getting a little warm and smelly :-) Love the subs, def seeing a 150+ bass race in the near future!! I'll try and post pics soon...
  16. soundmekanixdan

    Enough power for BL???

    I've got about 1500-1700 going to each of my loaded BL 18's and they do fine. i've heard of them taking up to 10k, but that was for burps only. dan
  17. soundmekanixdan

    First show with the 2 x BL 18's (walled)

  18. soundmekanixdan

    First show with the 2 x BL 18's (walled)

    pics to be posted within the next 30 min.
  19. soundmekanixdan

    First show with the 2 x BL 18's (walled)

    the 150.1s are wired to one ohm....the wall is in a ford focus sedan
  20. soundmekanixdan

    First show with the 2 x BL 18's (walled)

    yeah, i was as surprised as anyone about the flexing, oh well....we were going to do the bracing anyways. my windshield doesnt like the 18's too much either lol - no more auto car washes in case it starts to leak ....and if anyone is wondering, each BL 18 is running of a gold american bass 150.1
  21. soundmekanixdan

    Can I change my order?

    I just realized I ordered the extreme leads for my BL 18's that are intended for daily/bassrace, I ordered the subs about 2 days ago. Is it too late to get rid of the extreme leads, or is it not really going ot be an issue? PLEASE HELP. If there is somebody I can contact by phone please pm me with the info. Thanks.
  22. soundmekanixdan


    has anyone ever done a horn shaped port, where its wide at the baffle then gets narrower towards the back of the enclosure.....just curious if anyone has done this in a wall....
  23. soundmekanixdan


  24. soundmekanixdan


    I'll do that, I'll try and get a moer precise estimate as to how big the port is actually going to be, I HAVE to be able to sit a little inside it though, i'll give you a call this weekend. Can't wait to get 'em playing.
  25. soundmekanixdan


    The one problem that we're having is we have to make the port pretty big.....I'm 6'5" and the only way I can fit in the car with the wall (still have to daily drive it) is to basically sit in the port....and the only way I can do that is to make the port just big enough to be able to lean my seat back into it.....its well over 300 sq according to the last measurements - closer to 400sq in......might be too much for the 18" BL's.....we'll see I guess