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Everything posted by soundmekanixdan

  1. no problem, just had kind of a sh$$%y day, didnt mean to go off like that
  2. soundmekanixdan

    I need ideas for a badass bass race system

    I appreciate the advice on using less subs etc.....and i realize that with 12 x 15's wouldnt be the optimal choice for spl/output -
  3. First of all, not going for spl here - its purely for show, and bass racing/daily groundpounding. M5 - definitely no need to start throwing insults out there. I've got my reasons for wanting to do a system like this - no reason to insult me - you have no idea what i do or dont understand. I had 8 x 12's in a focus 4dr - sucked on the meter but it street beat like a mofo - and i always had people crowded around my car at shows - even though there were lots of cars with fewer woofers that were louder. -shrug- Never said i was doing 12 x 15's for sure anyway - just that its an option i'm looking into.
  4. soundmekanixdan

    I need ideas for a badass bass race system

    First of all, not going for spl here - its purely for show, and bass racing/daily groundpounding. M5 - definitely no need to start throwing insults out there. I've got my reasons for wanting to do a system like this - no reason to insult me - you have no idea what i do or dont understand. I had 8 x 12's in a focus 4dr - sucked on the meter but it street beat like a mofo - and i always had people crowded around my car at shows - even though there were lots of cars with fewer woofers that were louder. -shrug- Never said i was doing 12 x 15's for sure anyway - just that its an option i'm looking into.
  5. soundmekanixdan

    I need ideas for a badass bass race system

    and the measurements i took were very conservative.
  6. soundmekanixdan

    I need ideas for a badass bass race system

    Really....I know a guy that had 8 x 15" SSD's in a 97 blazer i think it was and had room for at least 3 more......there's room.
  7. meant to put $2500 as my budget....previous post edited
  8. soundmekanixdan

    I need ideas for a badass bass race system

    I couldnt do a like a vertical v shaped enclosure, 2 subs high - 3 subs deep (6 subs on each side)????
  9. soundmekanixdan

    I need ideas for a badass bass race system

    i just have to get my stereo equipment only credit card down lol, i should have worded my first post differently, what i meant to say is that I dont want to spend more than i have to - basically looking at lower level subs, rather than the BTL or something. Its looking more and more like 12 x 15in Fi SSD's or Ascendant Arsenals.
  10. $2500 or so for subs, maybe a little more
  11. soundmekanixdan

    Havoc 18s

  12. soundmekanixdan

    Need some assistance

    the BL is an awesome sub, used to have 2 of the 18's and they sound good too!
  13. soundmekanixdan

    Shirts??? Stickers???

    I'd def. be interested in a hoody or 2 for winter!!!
  14. soundmekanixdan

    Fi has GREAT Customer service

    X2 on the great customer service from Fi, i wont go into details of my own experiences, but lets just say I wouldnt go anywhere else but Fi/Ascendant for subs...period!
  15. soundmekanixdan

    Yayy! Ordered my 12" FI BTL!

    Have fun with the BTL man.....absolutely sick subs......had 2 loaded 18" BTL's in a wall in a Ford Focus (b4 i rolled the car driving back from dbdrag world finals)....loved the subs....was doing well over a 150 on music with them. What are you using to power it?
  16. soundmekanixdan

    Any news on the AA mids?

    Are there ANY AA component sets or coax's available to ship? timetable? I'd like to add a few to the new blazer soon
  17. soundmekanixdan

    New Vehicles under $17,500

    Looking at NEW (not used) vehicles that would be good to put a huge system in. It needs to be under $17,500. So far the only ones that I have like are the 2008 Scion XB, and the Jeep Patriot. Any suggestions would be awesome. Thanks guys. Dan
  18. soundmekanixdan

    New Vehicles under $17,500

    If i bought a new car i wouldnt buy anything except a toyota - darn things last forever, and resale value is incredible. I have my reasons for wanting a new car, new cars do have there benefits. The only new car i've really looked seriously at is the new Scion Xb, cuz I like it a lot more than the old ones. I've been thinking about a couple used cars too. Actually going to look at a Trailblazer EXT tomorrow - GM certified and everything....this could be the car...(bringing the measuring tape to to see if I can fit 4 x fully loaded BTL 18's in a wall in there.
  19. soundmekanixdan

    How lucky I am...

    Was tired driving home from finals, and about an hour or so away from home....swerved to avoid something that ran across the road (deer?), and rolled the focus at least 3-4 times. The winshield shattered and caved in, front half of the roof crunched, windows shattered, amps and batts were thrown from the trunk, and i guess scattered a good 20-30 feet from the car. I probably wouldnt be writing this if i had not had the wall built in the car, acted like a wooden roll cage....you'll see what I mean when/if i post pics. The car is completely totaled, not sure on teh condition of the speakers. Not sure how, but i was able to get out of the car with just a couple bruises and a small cut under my eye. I cant beleive how lucky i was - air bag didnt deploy because i forgot to plug the sensor back in after putting my seat back in the car after finals, and my good friend mike just happened to drive by just after it happened. Needless to say it shook me up quite a bit and has me counting my blessings. Life is short and precious so dont take anything for granted. And anyone else driving home from finals - be safe.
  20. soundmekanixdan

    How lucky I am...

  21. soundmekanixdan

    How lucky I am...

    glad you liked the car!
  22. soundmekanixdan

    How lucky I am...

    I'm already making plans for the next build. Its going to involve an suv, hopefully 4 x 15in BTL's, and I hope either a Kicker 10,000 (when/if they come out), or 1 or 2 stetsom 7kw's. then again, I love 18's so I may just stick with the 2 x 18in BTL's....we'll see though, a l ot of things have to happen first with the insurance companies so i dont know.
  23. soundmekanixdan

    How lucky I am...

    not sure if the extra weight was as much of a factor as me having the car on cruise control at 70mph....cops didnt say much at all about the stereo equipment
  24. soundmekanixdan

    How lucky I am...

    I'm still in shock a little i guess - trying to figure out how i walked away from that as I look at the pictures. Like Scott said, there were a lot of weird things that happened that night that played in my favor.