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Everything posted by soundmekanixdan

  1. soundmekanixdan

    T/S of Fi SSD 15 with bp power option

    finally got on on a different computer...pm sent lord baccus
  2. soundmekanixdan

    T/S of Fi SSD 15 with bp power option

    dur....i know, for some reason i cant look at the fi site right now
  3. soundmekanixdan


    lord baccus - just sent you a pm about a box design for 4 x 15's in a 2004 chevy trailblazer ext.....that box with the 4 x soundstreams looks sweet - ever bass race with it? also how much power were you using??
  4. soundmekanixdan

    6 x 15's in a wall, 2004 blazer ext

    or does anyone have any other ideas???
  5. soundmekanixdan

    6 x 15's in a wall, 2004 blazer ext

    Going over yet another system design...6 x 15's in a wall.....have a couple ideas....thanks to Shawn Flemming...that could work pretty well :-) just trying to get some opinions on both 1 - subs facing forward (would be staggered to fit the height requirement) with the port in the middle 2 - subs firing towards each other, staggered with the port in the middle - basically a ported clamshell there would be 3 subs on each side
  6. soundmekanixdan

    6 x 15's in a wall, 2004 blazer ext

    the subs in the 2nd one would most likely be n some type of a triangle config.
  7. soundmekanixdan

    new sub/box porn *lots of pics, dial-up users BEWARE!!!*

    I dont think i could ever get tired of staring at a BTL
  8. soundmekanixdan

    First Victims of the Caddy......whats a 160 feel like?

    That escalade is one of the most rediculously AWESOME things I have ever seen.....wish i could sit it inside there just to see what its like...nice work steve, keep the vids coming!!!
  9. soundmekanixdan

    amps to power SSD 12's

    or the SAZ3000 - not sure what those go for though
  10. soundmekanixdan

    amps to power SSD 12's

    take a look at Sundown audio amps - especially the saz-1500.....great amp. If a new one is too much, You might try contacting Sundownz (he's the owner), or someone at SSA to see if they have any used ones....great amps and great customer service if you have any questions
  11. soundmekanixdan

    Best SPL: SSD's vs. BTL

    nice score. i cant wait to get my ssd's installed in the blazer - going to try and do the 149.9 bass race class with 4 of the 15's, without a wall - 2 x sundown 1500's for power. What type of vehicle was that in and what type of box did you use?
  12. soundmekanixdan

    Best SPL: SSD's vs. BTL

    SSD's....maybe get the bp power option.
  13. soundmekanixdan

    What other subs does the SSD compare too???

    i guess i mean more well known, mass produced brands like alpine, rockford, kicker....etc what do the ssd's compare to that an average user might recognize???? I'm also wondering what is comparable performance wise.
  14. soundmekanixdan

    What other subs does the SSD compare too???

    What other subs does the SSD compare too??? Just wondering what subs from other companies are comparable to the SSD. A friend of mine who i'm tring to get hooked on fi was asking me...any input would be appreciated.
  15. soundmekanixdan

    rav4 builds

    looks awesome!!!!
  16. soundmekanixdan

    Just received my SAX-1500D

    sweet looking amps arent they?!? just got my first 2 a couple weeks ago....now i just need to get my other 2 subs so i can finally have a system again....
  17. soundmekanixdan

    SSD18 power questins

    As far as the ssd taking that much power....doubtful it would last long, but then miguel had 4 12in SSD's with an incriminator 20.1 at .35 on each of his and bass raced it....i dont know how he wasnt blowing subs left and right
  18. soundmekanixdan

    SSD18 power questins

    Had 2 BL 18's with a gold american bass 150.1 on each and they loved it
  19. soundmekanixdan

    Where is Fi

    I know for a fact that the guys at fi are usually very busy, having spoken with some of them. In addition to being busy with Fi Scott is also trying to get everything going with the Ascendant Audio line, not to mention preparing for and attending CES. These guys can get hundreds of emails a day...so be patient. A week or 2 really isnt bad, especially during such a busy time for them - hell most companies wont reply at all. As far as the recone prices just keep trying - when you get huge amounts of emails its impossible to not miss some.
  20. soundmekanixdan

    My first "real" system

    be sure to post on the sundown forum too
  21. soundmekanixdan

    My first "real" system

    Sounds awesome! Sundown is an awesome company too - great customer service, great amps.....I went with sundown this year as well, cant wait to install my amps!!! That sundown 1000 on each should be damn near perfect!......let us know how it turns out and post pics of the instal when you can.
  22. soundmekanixdan

    who runs a lot of power to their ssd's ?

    just wondering if anyone is running a lot of power to their ssd's? and by a lot i mean 1000 watts or more......if so, how much power were/are you running to them and how do the subs take it? Just wondering cuz I've been having some financial issues and may not be able to do the monster system i planned to do this season.....I'd like to try and do the 149 class with 4 x 15in SSD's without a wall...
  23. soundmekanixdan

    yeah.. baby....

    lil john - that is going to be insane....scott and shawn were telling me how loud your last setup was.....hopefully I can make my way down from WI to SBN....and get to meet some more Team Fi members....good luck on the rest of the build man
  24. soundmekanixdan

    98 honda C-RV , 2 Fi Q15" - some pics and vids.

    nice system! and the vids are cool too....have you ever metered it?
  25. soundmekanixdan

    New to car audio

    x2, can you give us more specific details as to exactly what model kenwoods your friend has and how much power/what amp he has..and enclosure details is it sealed or porte?.....as spl blazer said, there are a lot of variables