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Everything posted by soundmekanixdan

  1. soundmekanixdan

    pics of newer saz1500's

    thank you sir
  2. soundmekanixdan

    AA Havoc vs. Fi BL

    How does the Havoc compare to the BL for SPL, SQ, and playing music low and loud.......looking at 6-8 12's also, would a Havoc take 1500 watts daily?
  3. Nick, Scott, and Shawn - sent out an email about this the other day - any help at all would be greatly appreciated!!! Also to anyone else that might have some ideas for a sick wall setup behind the 2nd row seats in my trailblazer let me know. Info on the truck: its a 2004 EXT, so its a little longer than the normal blazer Rough measurements are 42in wide, 39 in deep, and about37in high - i might be able to squeez out another inch or 2 for the width and height. Looking for something different....goal is the 149.9 bass race class thanks in advance
  4. soundmekanixdan

    Nick, Scott, Shawn, anyone else...system ideas

    was also thinking about 2 x 18in Mayhems with 3-4k a piece
  5. soundmekanixdan

    Nick, Scott, Shawn, anyone else...system ideas

    Only thing that is set in stone is that they will be Ascendant Audio woofers.....
  6. soundmekanixdan

    Nick, Scott, Shawn, anyone else...system ideas

    i def like the 6 x 12's idea.......leaning towards something like that, or if i can find a way to do 4 x 18in mayhems.......keep the ideas coming guys!!!
  7. soundmekanixdan

    Nick, Scott, Shawn, anyone else...system ideas

    looking at running 1 or 2 big amps, i'd like to run about 10,000 watts IF the budget allows, i will have no less than 6000 (hopefully sundown comes out with that 5k).....ported or sealed i cant really decide...also i guess i'd like to do more subs rather than only 2-4 (unless thats what would be best) like to be able to to low 50's on music again, still up in the air on ported or sealed, not sure if i have the room to do ported with a lot of subs amps right now are 2 x sundown saz1500's, the ssd's are in a 21 cu ft enclosure tuned to 32htz, ported with 8 x 4in aeros...burps a 148.5 at 32 htz,,,not that great on a meter, but it street beats and demos like a mofo!!
  8. soundmekanixdan

    Nick, Scott, Shawn, anyone else...system ideas

    I have 4 x 15in Fi SSD's right now and its just not enough for me....will be redoing everything for next season.....woiuld like to get an early start if i can
  9. soundmekanixdan

    I hate AA Havoc's

    any new vids pipo?
  10. soundmekanixdan

    I hate AA Havoc's

    I'm in WI
  11. soundmekanixdan

    I hate AA Havoc's

    who was this directed to?
  12. soundmekanixdan

    I hate AA Havoc's

    enclosure dimensions? looking for external dimensions around the outside of the enclosure
  13. Started working on the doors of the trailblazer yesterday.....2 x 7in asecendant midbass in each of the front doors, as well as 2 tweeters (probably 4).... pics...didnt get too much done but here they are... badass jigsaw... - some VERY rough pre cuts
  14. soundmekanixdan

    Trailblazer door build, 4 x Ascendant 7in Midbass

    couple more pics, this might be a slow process at best.....work has been kicking my ass lately ....basic layout of the mids: ....covered with fleece...ready for first coat of resin...
  15. soundmekanixdan

    AA sticker pdf ?

  16. soundmekanixdan

    Trailblazer door build, 4 x Ascendant 7in Midbass

    dont have any pics yet, camera is broken, but have everything laid out for the passenger door, have a piece of wood behind the holes attached with resin and glue.....have the speaker brackets done .......should be working on the first layer of glass tomorrow
  17. soundmekanixdan

    Trailblazer door build, 4 x Ascendant 7in Midbass

    more pics tomorrow evening.....got to get going on this lol....got a couple big triple point dbdrag shows coming up
  18. soundmekanixdan

    Ascendant/Fi fairs well at first WI show

    couple vids of the blazer.... http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseacti...ideoid=33515402 http://s277.photobucket.com/albums/kk49/br...nt=DSCN0007.flv
  19. Sound Mekanix - Dan (Red trailblazer, 4 x 15in Chaos: 1st place Bass Race 139.9 class, 2nd place SS 3-4 .... Sound Mekanix - Thee Michael Hughes (black yukon, 3 soon to be 6 Havoc 15's) , 3rd place bass race 139.9 class (he is in the process of building a wall with 6 x 15" havocs) Brandon Rossi (Red grand prix, 2 havoc 18's...already at a 150+ in the backseat) - 1st place ss 1-2
  20. soundmekanixdan

    Ascendant/Fi fairs well at first WI show

    I think we have a show in lacrosse on the 18th, mike and i should be there....hopefully brandon as well..... soundmekanix.com should have our show schedule, i think we actually have a couple in lacrosse this year
  21. soundmekanixdan


  22. soundmekanixdan

    pics of 7in midbass?

    just wondering if anyone has any pics of the 7in midbass