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Everything posted by soundmekanixdan

  1. soundmekanixdan


    How is everyone liking the vlx3de? what kind of power are you seeing?
  2. soundmekanixdan


    im hoping that the vlx4de is out before the dbdrag season starts in my area!!
  3. soundmekanixdan


    anyone? im having trouble finding info on this amp other than the specs on the website....does it do rated power?
  4. soundmekanixdan

    Introducing Supergauss

    Scott, havent talked with you in awhile....looks like an awesome woofer!!! Give me a call!
  5. soundmekanixdan

    My 2009 Bassrace Build...pics

    more pics soon, been trying to get some work done on the port mold....hope to have everything playing this weekend......only other thing left to do besides making the port is adding bracing
  6. soundmekanixdan

    My 2009 Bassrace Build...pics

    My new bass race build for 2009 will consist of 4 x 18in Fi Q's with the BP Power option....either 4 x Mbquart Discus 1500's or a Hifonics XXV Goliath, Kinetik batteries and an xs power alternator.....its not pretty but it should hit the lows pretty well.... start of the resin... 2nd layer of 3/4in mdf added to top...
  7. soundmekanixdan

    My 2009 Bassrace Build...pics

    thought about bl's but the q's should be a little better on the low notes
  8. soundmekanixdan

    My 2009 Bassrace Build...pics

    under construction mold for a 12in aero port...
  9. soundmekanixdan

    Assassin daily power handling

    Just wondering what you guys are running to your assassins for daily. I know they are rated for 250rms but am wondering if anyone is running more than that to them.....if you are running more, how do the subs like it? thanks
  10. how much airspace would you guys reccomend for 4 x Q 18's in a sealed wall?
  11. soundmekanixdan

    4 x Q18's, sealed wall, how much airspace???

    i know they reccommend 4-8 cu ft, but am wondering what everyone is running them at and what kind of results you are getting...how do they sound, meter results?
  12. soundmekanixdan

    Can Fi recone an apx?

    i should have the dimensions soon.....actually waiting for a friend to grab the 2nd motor out of his storage unit to make sure its the same as the first, and i'm also trying to locate a 3rd......Scott, its looking like i might need 12in recones instead, we'll see though
  13. soundmekanixdan

    Can Fi recone an apx?

    Can fi recone an atomic apx?
  14. What is the max amount of power you would run to a mayhem 18 for daily/music.....anyone running them daily with 4k or more?
  15. soundmekanixdan

    max power for Mayhem 18 for daily/music

    stealth .... are you running the sundown 3000's? how do you like them?
  16. soundmekanixdan

    max power for Mayhem 18 for daily/music

    i've seen a 148 bass race out of a single solox18 and 3k....may not be able to do it....if not i'll just add another 18 and another amp
  17. soundmekanixdan

    max power for Mayhem 18 for daily/music

    i was told i was allowed to put it in my sig back in 07
  18. soundmekanixdan

    max power for Mayhem 18 for daily/music

    was thinking about trying to bassrace a 149.9 with one 18, without a wall.......would have to be one hell of a box.......right now its looking like 3-4kw for the sub
  19. soundmekanixdan

    AA Chaos

  20. soundmekanixdan

    AA MAYHEM info ??

    have the first of my mayhem 18's on the way...will hopefully have it by the end of next week...pics will follow
  21. soundmekanixdan

    2009 Build - Slowest build ever

    I've been working on ideas for the next/new system in the trailblazer ext......gas has been killing me and almost all the shows this year in my area are far away - so - I've cut down on the shows i'll be attending to save up for next year and to get an early jump on the build... the new equipment will be: 4 x 15in AA Havocs (d2) 4 x Sundown SAZ-1500's (have 2) 4 x Kinetik 2400x's (have 2) Powemaster 220A Alternator The 15's will be walled behind the 2nd row seats - wont wall to the b-pillar until i can afford another vehicle :-) What do you guys think? Willl post pics as I go along, just be patient, almost all my money is going towards credit card bills, so I'll most likely be working on this from now up to and through the winter time.
  22. soundmekanixdan

    2009 Build - Slowest build ever

    still needs more damplifier pro......have a guy that wants to buy my ssd's as soon as he does, the box comes out and i get to start on the base
  23. soundmekanixdan

    2009 Build - Slowest build ever

    couple early pics......damplifier pro on the roof ....panels removed... one of the doors i've been working on.... i think it looks ok for my first fibreglass attempt
  24. soundmekanixdan

    pics of newer saz1500's

    Just wondering if anyone has any pics of the newer style saz1500's.....i think it was the heatsink that was a little different? I know the performance is identical, just want to see how close they are to the 1st ones. I have 2 of the original and am planning on ordering a couple more.
  25. soundmekanixdan

    all fi bl owners

    had 2 BL 18's myself at one point, each one on a gold american bass 150.1 - awesome subs......they get loud and can take some power