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Everything posted by oakteg21

  1. Ok thanks Alton helped me design a box but I'm trying to get subs up port back. I'm maxed out on height and width so how much more depth would be needed to make subs up port bak possible with with either Aero port or slot port?
  2. so im trying to figure out how to design my own boxes and learn how to use these calculators need advice on how this looks like if its right or wrong please. im looking to build a enclousre with subs up port back going into my hatchback integra. subs i will be using are 3 skar vvx 8s. ive had a couple other threads with this same thing but since i have limited space to use and want to try a aero port now. want it to be tuned either 32 hz or 33hz not sure i want to hit the lows i mostly listen to rap/hip hop and some rock but mostly rap/hip hop. please take a look and give me advice on what you guys think thanks.
  3. Ok thanks Alton helped me design a box but I'm trying to get subs up port back. I'm maxed out on height and width so how much more depth would be needed to make subs up port bak possible with with either Aero port or slot port?
  4. Ok thanks Alton helped me design a box but I'm trying to get subs up port back. I'm maxed out on height and width so how much more depth would be needed to make subs up port bak possible with with either Aero port or slot port?
  5. So how those outer ports with pcv work? I might want to try that and see how the subs work for me before I sell them
  6. oakteg21

    civic hatch port and sub direction

    I hear you nothing like feeling hard bass giving you back massages as your driving lol
  7. oakteg21

    civic hatch port and sub direction

    I hear you nothing like feeling hard bass giving you back massages as your driving lol
  8. Never tried it or even thought about it but wouldn't mind giving that a try if I decide to keep the subs
  9. I have more room but would like to save it in order to be able to carry things around back there. And ok got it thanks sorry for having to sound all stubborn on trying to keep it at 2.25cu ft. Like I said I dnt want it to take up my whole trunk.
  10. Lol ok thanks well I will have to go find out then
  11. Yea I'm starting to give up lol do you know how much is to ship subs?
  12. Yup I'm really trying to use all 3. I guess if I net 1.8 cu ft after port I guess I will be ok with that
  13. Room I got to use is h x w x d 13" x 29" x 18" looking to get the box tuned to 32hz
  14. Slot port takes up more space that I need for the subs
  15. Wow so you think a 6" Aero port? How long?
  16. Oh ok I wouldn't be able to use a 3" Aero port?
  17. So what are the right numbers to use and equations to make the right calculations?
  18. 4" x 20+" Aero port? Is the torres calculator that off?
  19. Sorry should have specified mark lafountain ssa member and Im guessing owner of ssa.
  20. according to marks guess the xmax of the subs are 12-14 one way
  21. yea i know ive learned my lesson i regret buying them they are still on their boxes new wish i was able to return them but im stuck with them atleast would like for them to be 2 10s instead i made a mistake getting this since i like getting loud and feel the bass hit hard and starting to doubt i will be able to do this with these.
  22. skar audio doesnt have it displayed anywhere ive looked for it and cant find it anywhere Hmmm... skar audio doesnt have it displayed anywhere ive looked for it and cant find it anywhere Hmmm... what can i do in that situation?