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Everything posted by SQL_Volvo

  1. SQL_Volvo

    X18 or Z v.4 for limited space?

    Not trying to be an ass at all - thanks for the response. Im looking at 22" wide, 22" deep, and 34" tall. I want to maximize a single sub setup. I would really like to run an 18 as I've run just about every other setup imaginable except that lol.
  2. SQL_Volvo

    X18 or Z v.4 for limited space?

    Looking for suggestions on which sub would be better suited for my situation. I have right at 6 cubes after all displacements, figuring on 82 square inches of port tuned to 33hz. Power will not be an issue with either sub, current plan is one or two PPI Black Ice 1800s. Electrical will consist of 270A alt and 2 D3100s. Going into a very well deadened 99 Ram Quad Cab. The reason for the limited space is I'm attempting to keep a small seat area on either side and run the enclosure centered on the back seat, seat bottom to ceiling. With that setup the only wat I can realistically pull it off is to have both sub and port forward. I figure I'll center the sub between the front seats and have the port at the top parallel to the ceiling. Not sure if that will work well or not - this will be the first time I've installed anything in a truck. I'm assuming with the cabin area I have and the excursion of these subs it should be pretty nasty - that's the goal anyway, loud, low, and move a lot of air. Any ideas or suggestions wil be greatly appreciated.
  3. SQL_Volvo

    X18 or Z v.4 for limited space?

    It's a bench kyle so not possible. The thing is it's not going to effect my passenger situation but maybe 15% of the time. Truth be told id like to retain the ability to have both my kids ride back there when the need arises.
  4. SQL_Volvo

    X18 or Z v.4 for limited space?

    Pretty sure I stated very succinctly my original post what I wanted you to tell me, did I not? As to your opinion I don't see how that's really relevant. People rarely ride in the back but I wish to have the option if need be, not that that should matter one bit for the info I was asking for.
  5. SQL_Volvo

    X18 or Z v.4 for limited space?

    Seriously not a single response in over 24hrs on the manufacturers own supposed forum? This place has gone downhill I guess...
  6. SQL_Volvo

    My System

    For $350 (if you shop around diligently) you can score a decent comp set AND a 75-100X2 amp to run em AND the materials to build a simple sealed enclosure (which is all that really is.....it just has a fitted baffle screwed to the front of it). A skill saw, jig saw, measuring tape, screw gun and a pencil are all you have to have to do it. And you'd learn something in the process As you have it outlined now, you will have a decent amount of bass and stock speakers on h.u. power....no offense but that 's gonna sound just like pure chit. Especially with no deadening either. Do you want something that sounds good, something that is loud, or both?
  7. SQL_Volvo

    New Fi or AA vs AA Avalanche

    I have asked this question a few times to no avail....starting to make me wonder if its bein ignored on purpose.Posts 19, 23, & 24 Anyway. I am trying to ascertain what line/model of subs from Fi/AA would be an upgrade for me. I love the sq and low end capabilities of the Ava....don't care for the steep roll off up top but it is a trade off that is worth it if you have outstanding midbass. How does the SSD, Q, Havoc, etc. stack up. I would love to hear from some of you that have had the opportunity to hear all of them (or some) and the Ava. I know I am currently overpowering the hell out of my Ava, (Sundown 1500) and would like to possibly go with two 12s or another 15 but there are too many choices lol. My main concern is spending the dough to only find out I haven't really gained anything. Opinions Welcome...thanks in advance.
  8. SQL_Volvo

    New Fi or AA vs AA Avalanche

    Agreed. I cross mine a 63hz@18db. How does the Havoc compare on the low end? Louder off same power?
  9. SQL_Volvo

    Havoc vrs Fi Q comparison

    Can I get an answer?? Opinion, anything....damn.
  10. SQL_Volvo

    Question about my 15 inch Q

    I'd rather have a used Sundown than a brand new Hifonics with a warranty
  11. SQL_Volvo

    Havoc vrs Fi Q comparison

    Anybody have an answer to this??
  12. SQL_Volvo

    Havoc vrs Fi Q comparison

    Nick (or anybody thats heard both), how does the Havoc compare to an Avalanche? I'm in the market for a new sub for another car. I absolutely love my Ava and wouldn't ever get rid of it, but I also have the itch to try something new....
  13. SQL_Volvo

    assassin 8 recone

    Paypal sucks donkey cock. I imagine Scott would be happy to take a Postal money order
  14. Steve - Freaking phenomenal workmanship on this one, as usual I have gotten so many ideas from this build it's not even funny man. Bigtime kudos on sharin this chit, we are all in your debt for that my man. I'm a contractor (flooring) by day, and have wife, kids, dogs, etc......where in the fuuck do you find the energy it takes to do this kind of a build on top of a day job yo? Lolz....come on mang give that chit up!
  15. SQL_Volvo

    WTF are these? Found in ma closet

    1st Gen Assassins fa shizzle! I had 4 in 2.8ft^3 net @ 34hz and they sounded freaking fantastic. Definitely pm if you wanna sell
  16. SQL_Volvo

    New-b here with amp comparison question...

    Its already been said, but to reiterate... 1. Build Quality. I've been in this game since '88, and have ran just about every major amp line you could think of and probably a few you can't. Sundown amps are right up there with the best of the best in this category. They WILL do everything they are rated for and then some at real world voltages, unlike a lot of the industry's "test bench queens" (which unfortunately that Hifonics falls into that category). 2. Customer Service. Jacob is the best in the business at taking care of his customers bar none.....just search through some of the posts here for proof. 3. Re-sale ability. Should you find the want or need to get rid of one these things are not unlike the PPI Art series amps in that you will have people beatin yer pm box up trying to get it off of you, and they will be willing to pay what its worth. Try that with a Hifonics or Lanzar.
  17. SQL_Volvo

    Replacement/upgrade for Avalanche

    What up Fi gurus. I am in the design phase of a new build for one of my toys. Its an '87 T-bird Turbocoupe. I currently have a Sundown 1500D/ 100.4 combo and I am looking to pick up a 100.2 as well. I have been running my AA Avalanche 15 for a couple of years now and love it, but I want to go with 2 15s this time around as I can use up my whole damn trunk if I need to lol. I already have a 200A Powermaster alternator and plan to do The Big Three as well. I would like to stay in the Fi AA family. What would you guys suggestion be for subs? I have 1700-2200 watts to play with depending on impedance. I love the bottom end my Ava has but would like something a little more well rounded this time. Lemme know what ya'll think. Tia.
  18. SQL_Volvo

    Replacement/upgrade for Avalanche

    Yeah that was my first instinct, but I wanted to hear some opinions from those that know what the Avas are all about......I know you are definitely one of them. Btw, I'm sure you don't remember it but you actually gave me my box design that the Ava is in right now....I just tuned a little lower when I built it the second time around out of birch. Are the Havocs as low end biased as the Ava's are? It's funny cause one of the things thats so great about them is their ability to get so low but its also a curse if you do not have top notch mid-bass.
  19. SQL_Volvo

    USamps XT series vs. JBL GTO series

    I concur. I ran them for almost a year and never had any issues. 4000d ran cool as a cucumber and put out decent power for the $.
  20. SQL_Volvo

    Larger amplifers?

    My thoughts as well. I mean damn if you need more power just strap a couple of 3000s
  21. Did you actually bench it at those numbers?
  22. SQL_Volvo


    The tweeter...low as you can get
  23. M5, how is the Peerless HDS off-axis response? Just curious as I have an idea for a project with them.