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Below 30

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Everything posted by Below 30

  1. Below 30

    How do you shake a room; Tumult

    Exhaust Note. Removed
  2. Below 30

    New Toy... Tee-Hee

    That receiver is looking classy. I like to see this stuff, being able to go all out on audio. No shorts.
  3. Below 30

    Does anyone here know me

    Ok people, that's cool. I just thought I saw some names that were from the past, that would cause some problems. Already two other forums they were a part of and they did a nice job bringing the place down on me. It would be a waste to make this forum #3, that they bring down on me. Short background; At the first one, they disagreed with some of my thoughts and decided to gang up and it was like a 10 page battle. That was fine, so I sign to another forum I found. To my disbelief, the forum was actually owned by one of the people who were part of the other forum. He made sure to quickly bring the forum against me (no surprise). So I ask him to ban my account. So you see why I wanted to check and make sure they are not here too, because I don't have time to put up with them ruining another forum. Alright then, I hear you all, I can officially relax then. It's now time to do this.
  4. Below 30

    Does anyone here know me

    What's up Denim. Those who know me, know about the Tumult pictures. Because of those pictures at the other forums, certain individuals started an uprising against me. So if they are here, I don't want it to start here too.