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Below 30

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Everything posted by Below 30

  1. Below 30

    Two 15's

  2. Below 30

    Two 15's

    On the rear side.
  3. Below 30

    Two 15's

  4. Below 30

    not getting much at low volume...

    His system volume isn't gradual, it's abrupt, is what I get from that. At 20 the cone doesn't move then at only 25, it just starts going mad. All the while the sound pressure is low, doesn't sound loud. Wiring might be out of phase.
  5. Below 30

    Does anyone here know me

    DBF is back, I'm done with the other 2 forums, so it is the dawn of a new day. Time for us all to move foward mang.
  6. Below 30

    MB Quart Premium 12"

    Reason I believe RF is backing them, is because their Subs aren't selling, yet they still have a 2004 line. Especially the premium line, it has got to be syphoning money from their reserves, as they idle in the stock room. Fact is, MB is a commercial company that is well respected for mids. They have subs that aren't being talked about and aren't selling. There is a forum, where someone has 3 MB subs, in a sealed box and openly says he doesn't like it. From those facts, I draw a conclusion that alot of people don't find the subs good enough for the money. MB could easily sponsor some contestants, but they clearly see that their subs wouldn't compete with the names that are doing well. They probably look nice, but are truly designed for daily, low power use. The current market wants high Xmax, high power handling monsters. MB knows they can't compete.
  7. Below 30

    MB Quart Premium 12"

    It can't be advertising, because everyone knows about their components. People couldn't have forgotten to check their subs, after buying the mids. I think people realize that for the high price, the specs don't add up. JL's top subs have many patented features and an original surround, to help justify the price. That's why I believe MB doesn't bother waste money on advertising, they know it will be a lost cause. Too many Sub makers out now and alot of them are already good. Especially the net; brands. Since MB is part of RockFord, they can afford to have the high priced subs sit in the warehouse, while the mids carry the backbone of their sales. Un-impressive specs, for the high price, vs; JL's subs and high value ='s, not a good chance at turning a profit.
  8. Below 30

    MB Quart Premium 12"

    Interesting, a man with 3 MB subs and he's not happy with sound. This is the problem I see though. Only on MB's forum are you going to hear about the subs. Nowhere else on the web, as if nobody owns them, or wants to own them.
  9. Now, I realized that an electrical outlet is a wicked idea as a speaker connect. It's made with heavy gauge copper, it accepts heavy guage wire, to be screwed down and it makes for a very easy connect, disconnect. I know that almost nobody would understand the concept of this, which is normal. I would like to hear reasons, people would not use this method of connecting speaker wire. I'm looking for facts, to show why an electrical outlet, is not as good as a regular speaker plate.
  10. Below 30

    s10 box pics

    I like the custom fit wood work. That amp is looking large.
  11. Below 30

    Electrical outlet, as speaker connect

    I could agree that in a car, with a small box, the air leak could be audible. In a large box ported at the rear, you'd have to listen to the sub from the back all the time, to hear any noise. The fact is, speaker plates are made with cheap thin metal alloy, that seems to defeat the purpose of using low gauge, expensive speaker wire. I don't see how electrical outlets are more expensive, when it costs 60 cents (CDN). The part of solid core being resistive or anything, false. Solid core can actually have sonic benifits over stranded. That has to be studied further, point is, speaker wire is just stranded solid core. So speaker wire, is really just a more expensive, flexible branch of solid core. Remember, the speaker wire companies go to companies like HomeWire, to manufacture the wire. HomeWire takes the solid copper and braids it. That's all, nothing special, and they keep the solid portion for marketing towards home electrical. So speaker wire is just bendable copper, from the same copper roll.
  12. Below 30

    Nice day out, made some progress!

    You asked what we think of the colour, but from start to finish, get the colour you want to see on there.
  13. Below 30

    Nice day out, made some progress!

    The baffle ring the sub is sitting in, is wicked. Translucent black.
  14. Below 30

    Electrical outlet, as speaker connect

    This is what I'm talking about, constructive conversation. I'm getting good insight. I never thought of that, the middle of the electrical socket will leak air in a sealed enclosure. The border of the socket plate can be sealed off, but air will pass through the actual plate. It's established now that it's not good for sealed box. For vented, it's not a factor, because the air loss isn't enough to cause loss in performance (non competition).
  15. Below 30

    MB Quart Premium 12"

    I don't think any expirenced users are going to stop by. That is what interests me. When a search is done on MB Quart, nothing but their speaker components come up. Almost nothing on the subs show up. I was checking for views on the premium 15's, nothing. I know that they are a high priced very nice looking sub. I was considering that before the tumult, but because I couldn't find user views I figured it may just be a commercial priced product. JL's sub is doing well for the price, so there has to be a reason nobody is trying the MB subs. The world seems to like their component speakers though.
  16. Below 30

    Electrical outlet, as speaker connect

    See, that's interesting. So you would rather drill a hole, and pull the wire through it, than to use an electrical outlet as a speaker plate. This is what I'm looking for. So I wonder, is it because an electrical outlet is so unorthadox, that people wouldn't bother with it. This is like a case study. Surely some should agree, that an electrical outlet, with a face plate, can't be any worse, than pulling the wire through a hole. Is it that an electrical outlet would pose such a resitive property compared to a speaker plate, that wire through a hole would be more desired.
  17. Below 30

    Electrical outlet, as speaker connect

    We'll clear something up. My picture posts, I wasn't asking for advice and so much people were acting like I don't like my enclosure. For this thread, I am asking for opinions/advice. See, that's the difference. I think that for how cheap electrical outlets are, and the build quality of them they are good. That was wicked though, now I have insight into the lower power applications. I don't see how it would be anymore a hinderance than a $2.50 speaker plate. I would think that the make-up of the socket, is higher quality than a speaker plate.
  18. Below 30

    How do you shake a room; Tumult

    No mang, there is no leaving now. I heard what you guys are saying and I'll just leave it as you guys seen the pictures and we'll move on.
  19. Low-end authority. Once you hear the true low end of audio tracks, video games and movies, it's not easy to go back to standard front speakers. Removed.
  20. Below 30

    Electrical outlet, as speaker connect

    The plate.
  21. Below 30

    How do you shake a room; Tumult

    Here is my take from the comments I'm seeing in this thread. I will just leave this situation as is and move on to other areas. Most important thing for me, is I left the other forums behind. Alright people, we get back to audio talk, until I bring up other unorthadox things, that will cause an uprising.
  22. Below 30

    How do you shake a room; Tumult

    You must remember one thing, the thread started out as pictures. I didn't want advice on tuning and ports. Since they wanted to hijack my thread, I fired right back at them. I didn't have to and never will have to justify my enclosure. The point about building to industry specs, was to say that since they are trying to put me down about my design (I didn't ask advice on) I put them down on their idea of following industry standards, which I don't really have a problem with. You see, it really didn't matter what I said there, they hijacked my thread and they are like ignorant rapid dogs, you can't outlast them, they come in packs. I just knew it was time to leave. Any forum where I post a picture and my thread is hijacked, I'm not going to spend 10 pages fending people off again, I'll just go somewhere else. If you notice that forum, everyday the only threads that are made are ones asking which sub is better or this sub vs that sub. So I'm not surprised at the level of intelligence there. Thats an interesting thing about proof of industry specs and designs. They are just guidelines. Example, jeans/pants; Your waste is 36, but you want your pants baggy, so you buy a 38 or 39, to get the effect. That is not what the jean maker recommended, but it's what the person wants to do with the jean. There are formulas for porting and tuning, to make sure that DIY'ers don't go so far out of bounds, that they don't get good results and blame the sub maker. So I found that my style works for me, I won't blame the sub maker for anything, I am happy with my design. So people trying to give me advice, which I didn't ask for doesn't make sense. It's like a person supes-up their car to be faster and look better. The car maker doesn't car about that, they're just glad they sold the car and the buyer must know they voided their warrenty. The maker of my subs, got paid, so it's not their place to tell me how to use it now. It's my job to know that if I blow the sub in my enclosure, it was my fault, for using improper industry specs. If I ask for advice from the maker, then I expect any advice or specs, that will be given.
  23. Below 30

    How do you shake a room; Tumult

    While the account is still active, I AM A break some things down. The other forums, I have contributed large to. The caraudio forum was first, I contributed nicely in many parts. Later on I posted pictures of my setup. It was all over, I use an unorthadox vent system, that works very well for me. The thread was not an advice asking thread, it was a picture post thread. For some reason, people took my design personal, as if it was their speaker I modified. They turned the thread into nothing and every other thread I would post in, on different subjects, they would follow me in and bring up the picture thread. I went to soundIllusion forum, not knowing it was owned by one of the members of the caraudio forum. So the same thing happenend. In this forum, I tried to make sure there wouldn't be a repeat. When I thought that there wasn't anyone from the past here, I posted this thread to start anew. As you can see by the links to the other forums, I was wrong about them not being here. So the idea of a thread to highlight me and look for jaws dropped, is understandable. I am done with those other forums thats why I start the pictures here. It's like if someone post a picture of their sub here, I'm just doing what they are. I just got here, so there was lots of time before I post elsewhere. My priority was just to post my pictures to start new, away from the other forums. The thing I don't understand is, if a person post pictures of their setup, why people who don't like it, would bother post in the thread. I would think it would be easier to just not browse that thread. Instead of posting links to old forums, where I was harassed out of. I believe that pictures of peoples setups should be posted more and thats what I encourage and do. If I don't like a thread where someone bought a new sub, I will just ignore it. I won't post a link to other forums, where I've seen the same sub before. Just remember, it's not about all attention on my setup, it was about getting the pictures out of the way, to move on from those other forums, to start new. Fact is though, those members from the other forums are here. I don't see any reason on Earth why they should change their view of me now. I'm still the same person, who is going to use rear vents like I do, for life. So for me to stay and be in other threads on different subjects, with those memebers, is going to be fake. Just go to caraudio.com forum, search my member name and watch how they were to me in those threads. Then try to picture them being neutral to me here, it would be a forced change of their original view of Below 30. While the account is still open, I got this explaination out of the way, cause the people who don't know me here, is cool.
  24. Below 30

    How do you shake a room; Tumult

    Thanks people. The opinions are cool. This is why I asked if anyone knew me here. I thought I saw some names that looked familiar. Well it was nice while it lasted, I AM A let the forum have it's integrity back. There are a couple forums I know you guys aren't at, so I'll stick to those. Moderators, I would like the account banned. Later.
  25. Below 30

    How do you shake a room; Tumult

    Such an amazing idea I got. That was to use an electrical socket for the connection. You can wire solid core, 10 gauge wire to it and screw it down tight. Unlike regular speaker connects, electrical sockets use heavier gauge copper through out. It's also so amazingly cheap (60 cents (CDN) ). Easy plug in, plug out, wicked. Removed.