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Everything posted by Koridan

  1. Koridan

    Box too big?

    I recently took my two 12's and put them in a prefab box built to hold two subs. Its a camaro box so it's wierd. I put them in that box because I had two single boxes for the subs and one was leaking real bad. Anyway, MY question is, how come they hit harder in the two single boxes than they do in the dual box? I think it might be because the box is too big. So is there anyway I can fix that? I seen a box another person had and he had it stuffed somewhat with newspaper? Would that help the subs hit harder in the dual box? Thanks ~MadroX
  2. Koridan

    I cant install my HU!!

    Here are the pictures of the truck.
  3. Koridan

    I cant install my HU!!

    Got pictures. Just waiting to get them back. in the mean time. What about mounting it into the ceiiling?
  4. I have two questions... 1st. How do you set the time on this thing. I lost my book for it so Im a little lost. And 2nd. On the HU there is a subwoofer control thing. And the options are, Forward, Reverse, and Normal. What does that do and how would it affect the subs performance?
  5. Koridan

    What do you think I should get......

    On the ssd.... what is the flatwind and copper coil options mean? and are they worth the extra money?
  6. Umm, Just like the title, Are there any magazines made that are dedicated to car audio? Thanks ~MadroX
  7. Koridan

    I cant install my HU!!

    I'll post some pics soon. Then you can better visualize my situation.
  8. Koridan

    Box too big?

    I know that ///M5. I'm saying, could the reason they sound bad because there might too much space in the box or what?
  9. Koridan

    I cant install my HU!!

    yeah i noticed that after about 7 minutes of google time
  10. Koridan

    I cant install my HU!!

  11. Koridan

    What kind of box do you suggest?

    Alright thanks J.C.
  12. I am getting 2 Fi SSD 15's and I am wanting to get some pretty deep bass out of them. So what kind of box should I get to get the most out of them? If ported, slot or round? tuned to how many hz? Thanks in advance ~MadroX
  13. Koridan

    I cant install my HU!!

    Are there any prefab center consoles that hold a HU?
  14. Koridan

    What kind of box do you suggest?

    Well these subs are going in the trunk of my Taurus..... and someone told me I would not have enough airspace to commidate them. I am not sure though as this person is one of those cocky type audio enthusiast. So If this is true, should my box be tuned to a different setting? When I get the enclosure built should I have it made to where it is in a "V" shape or any other type of shape? Or will a basic enclosure be sufficient enough? If there is going to be any hesitation with trying to get 15's to work in the car I will go with 12's. Thanks. ~MadroX
  15. I am getting some money built up to get some SSD's and I want to push them just right. Since I have no experience with Fi Car Audio, I was wondering what would be the best choice of an amp for these subs. Money is almost not an issue with me. But not a rediculously priced amp. Thanks in Advance ~MadroX
  16. I got it Denim. Thanks alot. ~MadroX
  17. Koridan

    Sub is popping....

    I got 12" Jensen hooked up on a Lanzar Vibe276 and for some reason it is continuously popping. The sub pushes out like it's playing a 1 hz test or something. Someone told me it was clipping but I am not sure. Any Ideas. Thanks ~Thomas
  18. Koridan

    What kind of box do you suggest?

    1.Well deep enough to turn heads at a distance 2.Rap and Alternative Rock 3.Just daily banging but I want to have enought output to set off car alarms
  19. is it cheaper anywhere else? i know I said money is not an issue but i want to save money if I can.
  20. Thanks alot man.....
  21. The voice coil wire on my subwoofer disconnected from the terminal. and the Terminal popped off the basket. It is one of those old timey sub terminals like the ones you see on some 6x9's. Any way to replace it or fix myself? Maybe a good solder job? Thanks in Advance ~MadroX
  22. Koridan


    dosent sound like a good idea. But like dopey said, I have never heard it done so....
  23. Koridan

    more problems

    Thats pretty similar to what happened to me with my subs, and speakers. To keep the subs from moving in and out "popping" with no signal, I had to turn the Gain and LPF down on the amp little by little until it stopped. That stopped the speakers from moving in and out with no signal. This could be the problem, it might not. But worth the try eh? Another member on here told me it could be caused by a bad component on the amp. So check that out. ~MadroX
  24. Koridan

    I cant install my HU!!

    well do they even make a wiring harness for an aftermarket HU or just an adapter to the stock radio.