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Everything posted by Rameek

  1. Rameek

    New Mag

    are the T/S on the website for the new prototype?
  2. Rameek

    New Mag

    what would that be?
  3. Rameek

    New Mag

    Why don't they list Xmax or suspension travel capability?
  4. Rameek

    lets take a vote

    I vote for a decepticon logo if not the sig is nice
  5. Rameek

    Updates or Pron

    So are there any more updates in regards to the D2? Pron, Price, etc....
  6. Rameek

    2 15" RL-p got metered & PRON

    Nice but i wanted some xplod pron B)
  7. Rameek

    SoundSplinter RL-i12 Excursion Porn

    Thanks. I played that clip a good 10 minutes because its was nnnnaaawwwzzzz
  8. Rameek

    SoundSplinter RL-i12 Excursion Porn

    All I could do was smile thats nice real nice Gosh I wish their was an RL-i 15" Can I post it in SoundDomain? My son is 4 years old and when i played the clip he said can i get that song and sub
  9. Rameek

    How did you guys find SSA???

    I guess I am stalking insidetheight and denim...
  10. Rameek

    This game is hard

    I got up to level 5
  11. Rameek

    Orion H2 or RE HC

    Now that my Altima is almost done just gotta build my enclosure and waiting for my Viper 1200.1. I just got my HU for the 240 the 8443. I am looking for a new sub for my 240. I have been battling for a while on what to get. I am looking for the LSQ. I've been waiting patiently to decide. I did have the RE HC first thought it was too large for my car so I got the SE decided that was too small so I was going back to the HC. But the whole time I have been intrigued by the Orion H2. So I wanted to get your feedback. The dimensions for my 240 is W23 H16 D17. The enclosure again will be a circle port due to the small space involved. The power to the subs either one will most likely be 1200rms to 1500rms. I have not selected the amp yet until I get the sub. I am heavily leaning towards an all Orion install.
  12. Rameek

    IN SHOCK....

    :ugh: sorry to hear this... Materials are replaceble not people... G/L
  13. Rameek

    IB Subs

    The Kodas as well? I wanted to make an L shaped box for a 10" sub in the back of my 240 above the rear strut bar. Something crude like this _____ | |
  14. Rameek

    IB Subs

    what are good IB subs other than the orions??
  15. Rameek

    D2 loves the new viper 1200d

    That is a sweet set up.
  16. Yeah that would be nice but I would hate to buy something that I have no clue what I am getting it in terms of build quality, workmanship, warranty, etc.... But it is intriguing. I wish someone could give me info though...
  17. Someone is selling it for $400. I wanted to know what is anyones experience or info in regards to this amp. I was not able to find anythingthrough google or yahoo.
  18. Well I will not be burping i would just run it at 1 ohm i know they are suppose to go down lower than that.......
  19. Yeah thats where they are selling them at. I heard of them but never had any info about them. would it be good for daily driver 2500x1ohm?
  20. Rameek

    Pics of my cars progress

    :cough: thanks for volunteering :cough: when can I expect you:cough:
  21. Rameek

    Pics of my cars progress

    I finally took some pics of my cars there is nothing impressive yet still gathering equipment for both. I traded my new Viper 1200.1 for a Hifonics 1500 and Orion H2 12" + cash. I do not have pics of my Eclipse 8443 yet because I left it in the store so they can install it in my 240SX when I am ready gotta have the 3 year warranty. I am trying to decide whether to upgrade to the 8053 and get the BLA and run Cadence amps depends on funding. As of now I intend to get the Orion P.6 and the Orion 6002 if I do not get the Cadence. I was going to wait until I finished both installs but I said what the Hell... The Pics are for my '97 Altima and '90 240SX. I also have a '01 BMW 3 series (in Japan) that is strictly for when I am in Japan my mother-in-law rides in style but this summer I will go back and take pictures... I will start building my box tomorrow and laying the ground work for my Altima. My Webpage
  22. Rameek

    Pics of my cars progress

    I wish I had more room to spare in the trunk so I do not have to do inverted subs but I cant win them all....
  23. I checked and the only one i saw was $600. What is a good price for them?
  24. I just got my 12" H2 but I have spent to much funds lately. I still have to get my components and an amp for the components. I really wanted to get a 2500 amp but its not going to happen for now. So do you think I will be missing out a lot by getting a 1200 amp? I will be running it in a 1.5 cu ft sealed enclosure.
  25. Be patient and wait for the results of the amp in the shop. You waited this long whats the difference now. I know how you feel I waited a month after sending in my viper. If money is the issue why would you spend more? Then what will you do with 2 amps? If i read it correctly..