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Quentin Jarrell

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Everything posted by Quentin Jarrell

  1. Quentin Jarrell

    Dodge srt4 MONSTER!!!

    And they have horrible torque steer. If it doesn't have a giken in it Id ask for another 3 grand in cash.
  2. Quentin Jarrell

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Miss. River came up five feet today.
  3. Quentin Jarrell

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I don't do drive thru. Not even liquor or fast food.
  4. I am going to try to put together the drivers I am working on here in this one topic. I'll try to give all the info that I have available including expected t/s parameters, price, ETA, ect. This first one could cater to the SQ crowd. It's designed to work in pretty small sealed and ported enclosures. It will be available in 10, 12, and 15 inch models. Below is the expected 12 inch parameters. Projected specs. 12'' sub Re 2.06 (series) Fo 32.82 Qts .4686 Qes .5022 Qms 7 (estimated) Vas 23.01 liters BL 17.19 T/M xmax 22.5mm one way @ 82% BL or ~27.5mm @ 70% BL Rms 10.29 Mms 346.1g spl 89.8 @2.83 volts 750 watts rms COIL 8 layer flat copper ID 76.657mm OD 85.83mm 20 gauge copper 30mm winding hgt 213.9 turns AND A RECOMMENDED PORTED ENCLOSURE 1.5 cubic feet Fb 29.6 hertz F3 26 hertz Pemax 1072 watts ripple 0 DB CUT VIEW OF MOTOR This is a MMAG so you can see the two top plates. The silver are Faraday rings. As you can see the coil will be engulfed throughout its entire stroke. I have samples coming with the Ethos order in March. As long as everything comes as expected I will have a production order on this model for July. It should fall around the $350 price range. The faraday rings add about 40% to the manufacturing costs of the driver. 2ND MMAG DRIVER This is a very very stout 270mm (11 inch) OD motor. It,ll offer a daily or SPL option. I also have a sample of this motor coming with the Ethos production.
  5. Quentin Jarrell

    complete list of drivers currently being worked on

    As soon as you buy up all my Ethos wooferlers
  6. Quentin Jarrell

    Dc audio never ceases to amaze me (sarcasm alert)

    If you ran 250 watts thru those subs for a period of time and physically touched the coil im surprised it didn't burn the piss out if you.
  7. Quentin Jarrell

    Fi Q10, Hornresp, D.A.T.S, vs. Me :)

    So the Fo of the sub free air came out to be almost the same as in the box?
  8. Quentin Jarrell

    Dc audio never ceases to amaze me (sarcasm alert)

    With the very little info given. I'd go as far to assume that you have the coils out of phase.
  9. Quentin Jarrell

    Fi Q10, Hornresp, D.A.T.S, vs. Me :)

    I'm curious as to why it is calculating Fo in the mid 50's
  10. Quentin Jarrell

    Fi Q10, Hornresp, D.A.T.S, vs. Me :)

    Because it is in a vehicle. You will always have losses that will affect Q. It's never gonna be the same.
  11. Quentin Jarrell

    1980 Camaro Subwoofer

    And be carefull with those screws. I'm about 34.86 percent sure the gas tank is below that panel.
  12. Quentin Jarrell

    1980 Camaro Subwoofer

    Throw that shit in the garbage and either build a sealed enclosure for the two subs. Once you have experience with a sealed box then step up to a ported box.
  13. I'd try to narrow your subject just a little if you only have 8 minutes to work with.
  14. Quentin Jarrell

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Since you're the dark one with the scruffy beard, what the hell does that say.
  15. Quentin Jarrell

    build or buy subwoofer enclosure

    Pulling volume and tuning out of thin air for any driver is not the correct way to design an enclosure. Just because you tune at a certain frequency doesn't mean you are gonna hit the LOOOWWWWSSS
  16. Quentin Jarrell

    mids/highs amps

    You need to fugue out how they will be mounted first. A driver designed to work off axis sealed may not be the best driver to used Infinant baffle or ported.
  17. Quentin Jarrell

    Team SSA MB W140

    Outside of racing. . . .All my shit gets Steins, except my old T-bird, but I got a deal on some Red Konis that was too good to pass up. They make pretty nice stuff too. I've always been partial to moton's
  18. Quentin Jarrell

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Buy 2 chickens. Old hens if possible. Spatchcock them at the spine and then sear the skin. Use bacon fat and make sure to salt liberally. Flip chickens over and lay skin side up in a pan that can collect juices. Under the chickens have celery, carrots, garlic clovers cut in half and onion. A little more EVO on top and roast slowly until just under done temp.Let cool enough to separate bones and chicken. Put bones and juices in a roasting pan and add enough water to cover about half the bones salt bones and add any herbs you may want. Splash or 2 of soy sauce. I reccomend taragon as one of the herbs. Salt and pepper well, then roast bones in oven. Once bones are roasted put into a large pasta pot. If you have the straining liner use it. Fill pot with water and vigerous bring to boil, then gentle bubbling simmer. Simmer for an hour or so with a closed lid. Taste broth and fix what ever needs to be fixed. Then strain. Bring broth to a boil and ladle over rice noodles and chicken. If you want more traditional simmer carrots and later celery. then add broth and veg into a bowl with cooked noodles (fat home made egg noodles are best). Make sure to keep the noodles and soup separate until serving. two major problems. 1 - use duck fat, 2-don't ever boil it'll cloud it all up. Simmer is fine. Huh..... I don't know about the clouding up thing. I never noticed...probably don't care much either. I also don't know where to get duck fat. If I did I would fill a bathtub and confit myself. Easiest way to not cloud up is to simmer long and low with JUST the animal parts. Veggies take nearly no time and when they breakdown too much you end up with a stock that is clouded as well. The clouding doesn't lead to as nice of a mouth feel either. Raw animal coulds less than cooked. Definitely start all cold with cold water. Bring to near boil on stove and then plop in a 180F oven for 24 hours or use a slow cooker. About the only use I can think of for a slow cooker. Okay, one other. Fermentation pot if you've got control of a really low setting.And for duck fat... http://www.amazon.com/Fat-Rendered-Duck-Lb-Pail/dp/B003UMZADC/ref=sr_1_9?ie=UTF8&qid=1367173037&sr=8-9&keywords=duck+fat Ought to be enough for a bathtub Lordy. Don't you need to refrigerate it?No, duck fat is very low in FFA (free fatty acids) about 0.5 % which is what causes food to go rancid. Your typical cooking oil can be up to 10% which are normally treated with a preservative.
  19. Quentin Jarrell

    complete list of drivers currently being worked on

    The designing on them have been completed. The samples for them will come with my next production order.
  20. Quentin Jarrell

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    .5 micron can remove some color and body. But not much taste.
  21. Quentin Jarrell

    complete list of drivers currently being worked on

    They should be on the boat on the 30th
  22. Quentin Jarrell

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I bought a new gun. So in her view it was only fair that she got a new toy too
  23. Quentin Jarrell

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Go price stainless shower pieces. I broke down last month and remodeled the ole lady's part of the bathroom. The parts alone for the 10 piece brushed stainless rain system was nearly 6 grand.
  24. Quentin Jarrell

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Stop being so cheap and get a hand beat copper one to match the cookware.
  25. Quentin Jarrell

    router bit help

    I use this. http://www.rockler.com/m/product.cfm?page=32007