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Quentin Jarrell

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Everything posted by Quentin Jarrell

  1. Quentin Jarrell

    chat? yeh

  2. Quentin Jarrell

    using EQ to modify the fs curve of my sub (winisd)

    use as normal. The adjust EQ settings as needed. We do not perceive frequencies in a linear fashion so your curve on paper will more than likely not be perfectly horizontal
  3. Quentin Jarrell

    using EQ to modify the fs curve of my sub (winisd)

    you need to RTA the vehicle first before you know what you need to model for
  4. Quentin Jarrell

    chat? yeh

  5. Quentin Jarrell

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Same shit happens to gen 3 vipers. A low/bad battery will throw a fuse under the hood pucking up the passkey (or what ever they call it) and creates all kind of crazy ass codes to pop up. Car will turn over but not crank.
  6. Quentin Jarrell

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    yesterday was the possum's birthday http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2xZaD_v5PDg
  7. Quentin Jarrell

    Car Audio Subwoofers For Live Audio

    See above post
  8. Quentin Jarrell

    WTB 10" woofer in great condition

    I got a XBL motor ill ship to you for flat rate shipping fee. Got a couple coils I can send with it. ~22mm xmax ~500 watts rms.
  9. Quentin Jarrell

    chat? yeh

    Mobile so will be in and out.
  10. Quentin Jarrell

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Okay, I am pucking lost here. . . . .In others words he do t know the owners. He knows someone who went to highschool with the owner.
  11. Quentin Jarrell

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Just placed the itinerary for my lil sister's 21st bday. First class seats for her, my ole lady, and myself via United and 5 nights at Mandalay Bay's two room strip view suite. She turns 21 on Nov. 16th. We r leaving the 18th. Gonna be a surprise trip.
  12. Quentin Jarrell

    Car Audio Subwoofers For Live Audio

    Below is the Loudspeaker Bible. Buy it Read it. Learn it. http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/1882580478/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?qid=1379109659&sr=8-1π=AC_SX110_SY165
  13. Quentin Jarrell

    Cablguy184's 97 Chevy Silverado

    Maybe one day ill make it up north and hear this thing in person.
  14. Quentin Jarrell

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    You are the epitome of Six Degrees of Seperation.
  15. Quentin Jarrell

    6500 watt subwoofer rms!

    Power needed to move the cone to xmax in a particular alignment is RMS power rating. The following is an example. Subwoofer A uses a 8 layer 80mm long coil that weighs 400 grams (total MMs). This sub takes 6,500 watts to hit 35mm in a 5 cubic foot box tuned to 32 hertz. Subwoofer B has the same T/S parameters but uses a 4 layer 80mm long coil that weighs 200 grams (total Mms). Due to the lighter weight this sub only needs 3,200 watts to hit xmax in a 5 cubic foot box tuned to 32 hertz. Couple this with the fact inductance will double with subwoofer A than sub B above 35-40 hertz. Sub B is not only as loud as sub A with 3,000 less watts it will be 2-4 DB louder above 40 hertz due to inductance. This means Sub A would actually need 12,000 watts to be as loud as Sub B on 3,200.
  16. Quentin Jarrell

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Meter matches test strips? You would know it if your BG was 240.
  17. Quentin Jarrell

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    That's my problem.....I don't know what force I need to be able to hold up the trunk lid but isn't so strong that closing the trunk is difficult or that whips the trunk open.Clearly 2x 60lb gas spring wasn't enough. I could easily step to 2x 120lb or anywhere in between, but I want to get "enough" with going overboard on force and have it so strong my wife can't close the trunk. you could measure resistance with a spring scale similar to a scale for weighing a deer. The is actually the same method I measure Cms by using calibrated spring scales and a jig. But autozone has a 7 day retrun polocy why not just buy some and if it dont work just return them
  18. Quentin Jarrell

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Thinking of doing something like below. I would only do one 12 or 15 sealed with plexi on the back of the box.
  19. Quentin Jarrell

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    This untrue about non ground beans. Beans have a harvest season just like any other crop. There aren't many countries that have harvest avaliable from Feb to end of May. Of corse this verses by a few weeks depending in yearly seas only changes but most beans in the US are at least 6 months old before they reach the consumer.
  20. Quentin Jarrell

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Just use a french press and let it sit overnight? Not sure about where y'all are from but we drink a ton of coffee around here. I normally drink http://www.communitycoffee.com/product/Gourmet-Coffee/Dark-Roast/12oz-Ground-Louisiana-Blend or http://www.communitycoffee.com/product/Our-Traditional-Coffee/All-Coffee-and-Chicory/12oz-Ground-Coffee-and-Chicory we drink a lot of chicory down here ah yes, le cafardhttp://www.foodrenegade.com/your-coffee-has-ground-up-bugs/ I inspect commodities for a living. I can guarantee you that EVERYTHING you buy or its ingredients that you put in your mouth has been infested at one point or another. I can also guarantee that community's warehouse and factory is free of any type of infestation as they are a client and are right down the street from us.
  21. Quentin Jarrell

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

  22. Quentin Jarrell

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Just use a french press and let it sit overnight? Not sure about where y'all are from but we drink a ton of coffee around here. I normally drink http://www.communitycoffee.com/product/Gourmet-Coffee/Dark-Roast/12oz-Ground-Louisiana-Blend or http://www.communitycoffee.com/product/Our-Traditional-Coffee/All-Coffee-and-Chicory/12oz-Ground-Coffee-and-Chicory we drink a lot of chicory down here
  23. Quentin Jarrell

    chat? yeh

  24. Quentin Jarrell

    chat? yeh

  25. What I would do is purchase a snorkle for a new truck and build an adapter at the fender instead of building the entire piece.