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Quentin Jarrell

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Everything posted by Quentin Jarrell

  1. Quentin Jarrell

    A new candidate for another high-end install

    This is where I am at so far, 18 hours into the build. This has to be the ugliest fleece job I have done. It was a PITA getting aound inside that trunk. Luckily for me I get to do it all over again on the other side as soon as the Audison gets in.
  2. Quentin Jarrell

    IA 6.4 - 4 Channel Amp!

    kinda like waiting for Christmas ain't it LOL
  3. Quentin Jarrell

    need a clarification on "nice box"

    Check out www.the12volt.com there is a lot of useful information and a lot of calculators that will help in your design process
  4. Quentin Jarrell

    Wall Layout

    Did you ever decide on your set-up? I'd like to see some pics
  5. Quentin Jarrell

    decisions decisions

    you could make that work.
  6. Quentin Jarrell

    decisions decisions

    Do two IA death row 21's
  7. Quentin Jarrell

    Can this safely be removed from my car?

    All I'l say is that's what he wanted. And he paid me in 2 one gallon ziploc bags of $5s and $10s
  8. Quentin Jarrell

    Can this safely be removed from my car?

    I know we got way off track but I needed a little humor after workin on that dam M5 all day. Forgive me. LOL
  9. Quentin Jarrell

    Can this safely be removed from my car?

    dont alot of people in texas like to rool around with thier trunk open i dont get that either lol No no no no You anit pimpin if it just opens you have to be able to close it too. http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseacti...ideoid=27297044 Or you could be really pimpin and do a big screen.
  10. Quentin Jarrell

    Can this safely be removed from my car?

    southeast Louisiana about 30 miles north of New Orleans
  11. Quentin Jarrell

    Can this safely be removed from my car?

    what the hell y yea pimpin that's my hoopdy. I drive it when I want to piss my girlfriend off she can't stand to ride in it LOL. 8 pack in the deck with four fifteens ported to 35 hertz in the trunk. That's how we do it down south. If the car don't sound like its fallin apart you ain't hitting.
  12. Quentin Jarrell

    Can this safely be removed from my car?

    What type of vehicle do you have? Most can be removed by pulling the bars off of the adjustment brackets on the side by the trunk hinge. Normally a pipe 1 or 2 foot long will give you enough leverage to slip over the end of the tensioner get it off the little bracket. Don't even try the hacksaw you'll be there all day. The only thing the tensioners do is keep the trunk lid up. To be sure we are are the same page though post a pic so we can make sure you dont cut your whole trunk lid off.
  13. Quentin Jarrell

    Can this safely be removed from my car?

    Yankem out. Make sure you prop up the trunk lid first so it doesn't break your neck when it falls. The tensioners are tempered the best way to get them out is with bolt cutters. I couldn't tell you how many I have removed doing 4 packs.They normally get in the way when you do this.
  14. Quentin Jarrell

    A new candidate for another high-end install

    The box has dried enough to test fit again. While the box cures I started on the floor panel and an insert that will be painted to match the car and frenchedin the floor panel. I am now 12 hours into the build hopefully it'll be done by Sunday.
  15. Quentin Jarrell

    A new candidate for another high-end install

    Well I am pretty modest. I don't know everything about car stereo.......................just a hell of a lot. LOL It also helps when you have clients that are millionaires. This one client spent a little over 160 grand($160,000) with me in 2004.
  16. Quentin Jarrell

    A new candidate for another high-end install

    Box has been fleeced with two coats of resin and grinded with a 24 grit grinder. The edges were then floated with cabosil and resin. It looks blue like bondo because I dye my resin, it makes it easier to see airpockets when laying the glass. Then 8 layers of 1.5 ounce chopped strand mat was applied along with a layer of 1/8 ounce woven mat on top to smooth the finish. After the resin tacks up I will cut the excess off with shears. After a sanding with 60 grit paper it will be ready to wrap in suede. No body filler will be needed to smooth the surface only a little fairing compond in some spots.
  17. Quentin Jarrell

    anyone dealt with chevy std. cabs?

    Do 4 IA 187 12s. It'll wang pretty dang good for 5 bills.
  18. Quentin Jarrell

    2 12" SDC's.....first box!!

    Keep at it. I was always told it is better to just do it and learn the hard way. It is much easier to remember what not to do than to remember what should have been done in the first place................or something like that.
  19. Quentin Jarrell

    Double DIN unit

    Pretty much all the units in the market right now will have the function you are looking for. Personally I like Jvc's 7000Bt. Your harness for that car though costs an arm and a leg. Retail PAC's part runs around $220. Retail most double din navs are running the 1100 to 1300 price range.
  20. Quentin Jarrell

    A new candidate for another high-end install

    yea his dad is into internet trafficing
  21. Quentin Jarrell

    A new candidate for another high-end install

    yea this is the customer's daily "beater" so he needed to be able to stow groceries around.
  22. Quentin Jarrell

    A new candidate for another high-end install

    Now that all the junk is out of the trunk I started on a little box. .79 cubes net per woofer.
  23. Quentin Jarrell

    A new candidate for another high-end install

    An Audison LRX4.5, two sets of Focal 100VRS 4" components, Powermaster battery, IA20.1, and two Flatline 12's
  24. Quentin Jarrell

    a few pics for Nick

    it's actually a customer's car. It'll be at Scrappin the Coast if Nick wants it for his booth.
  25. Quentin Jarrell

    a few pics for Nick

    The install is not 100% done yet but here's a few quick pics. I have some better ones when it's all cleaned up.