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Quentin Jarrell

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Everything posted by Quentin Jarrell

  1. Quentin Jarrell

    a '99 peterbuilt with some marines

    So he can listen to music while he cleans the truck. Yea disels last forever. But it has been over haulled two or three times. They run their trucks 24/7. They only stop for holidays.
  2. Quentin Jarrell

    a '99 peterbuilt with some marines

  3. Quentin Jarrell

    a '99 peterbuilt with some marines

    He owns about 40 trucks. I put systems in all of them. Every year he changes the system in every truck. This is a 99 model with 2.5 million miles on it. He just spent 60 grand on the trailer. 15 grand on the engine overhaul, and 30 grand on the paint and chrome on the truck (tractor). This one is his baby if it rains he doesn't drive it.
  4. Quentin Jarrell

    an enclosurwith plexi glass

    Some one asked me what I have done with plexi in an enclosure. This enclosure housed two JL W7 12s. The front and top was plexi and the bottom was frosted plexi with neon under it. The inside was wraped in matching carpet along with brushed alluminum.
  5. Quentin Jarrell

    solox t-line enclosure

    Yea I wouldn't consider that truck custom either. It only took 4 days to do the install. Wander over to Incriminator and look at the "Another canidate for a high-end install"
  6. Quentin Jarrell

    sirlancelot's enclosure

    What exactly is port noise? Like a whistling sound or something because I have never noticed it with regular ports? Not nessaccerily whistling, but kinda like if you turn the a/c wide open in your car and tun all of the vents off but one.
  7. Quentin Jarrell

    Another enclosure sale

    I know there are people out there that have subs now or will purchase subs in the near future that I don't carry. So this is what I'm going to do. Starting Monday running through May 22nd I will be offering custom built enclosures half off my listed pricing.
  8. Quentin Jarrell

    sirlancelot's enclosure

    No where the port starts to curve. I measure from half the width of the port out.
  9. Quentin Jarrell

    solox t-line enclosure

    we're all rednecks around here. He's just a high class redneck. LOL
  10. Quentin Jarrell

    standard rates for ported enclosures

    Sorry just added those details. The enclosures pricing does not include shipping, but they do include double baffle and flush mounted woofers. For flarred port add 15 percent to just the enclosure price. My flarred ports are smoothed with bodyfiller, primed, and then painted with an automotive single stage enamel.
  11. Quentin Jarrell

    solox t-line enclosure

    In Folsom. Do you know John? How did you hear the Tahoe?
  12. Quentin Jarrell

    solox t-line enclosure

    Come on now you're right down the road from Swamp road. Everyone around here has a little redneck in us.
  13. Quentin Jarrell

    solox t-line enclosure

    Bush, who's this? Not one one of those Lee Road rednecks ?
  14. Quentin Jarrell

    carpet color options

    I wouldn't do leather. It normally runs about $180 per hide but I do have 3 books of hiigh quality Morbern and Naugahyde vinyl. I also carry suede. For two 12s it would add about $80 to the purchase. I would know the exact price once we figure out the enclosure demensions.
  15. Quentin Jarrell

    carpet color options

    Here is some pictures of the carpet I offer. The top picture is a silver swatch of normal trunkliner material, a piece of black carpet which is what I prefer to use becasue it is much more rugged and personally I think has a better appearance. The board is half inch MDF to get a scale of the thickness of the carpet. The second picture is color swatches of the carpet I carry. I also carry the normal black, heather, and silver trunkliner.
  16. Quentin Jarrell

    Total SQ Sub

    12s and 15s only no 10s
  17. Quentin Jarrell

    im stuck

    Go with four IA peath penalty 12s and get a free enclosure.
  18. Quentin Jarrell

    2006 charger with 6 pairs of 6.5 components

    At least you are in the right major. Everybody needs help with there finances now a days.
  19. http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseacti...ideoid=48527716
  20. Quentin Jarrell

    solox t-line enclosure

    LOL no, it just rattled the sensor apart that was in the bumper so it threw a Airbag code in the computer. How ever I did see the passenger side airbags go off in a brand new 08 dodge van. A local shop I know well was doing a navigation install for a dealership. Well this particular van had the upgraded system with an external amp in the rear side panel. So instead of the "top dog kno it all shop manager" pulling the panel to access the amp he looked the wire colors up and figured he could just tape into the harness by the back door. since this wasn't my first rodeo I said I would pull the panel just to be sure. He said what could happen I got the wire colors. Again remember I've worked on one or two dodges before. So I back up, way way back. So mr know it all grabs his meter test for the driver door and gets them, test for the passenger door and gets them, then tests for the rear driver. The meter reads 4 ohms, so he takes his crimps and boom. powder and smoke everywhere. he blows every bag on the passenger job. And this was the top of the line model. The ones with the bags in the seats and the headliner. Later I found out he done 12 thousand dollars damage. So the moral of the story is the bastards at dodge makes their airbag wires the same color as their rear speaker wires.
  21. Quentin Jarrell

    which alarm??

    Get the 5901. The 7900 had issues because of the antenna.
  22. Quentin Jarrell

    2006 charger with 6 pairs of 6.5 components

    We can MAKE it work. Paypal me 4 grand we'll get the car shipped to me. I'll cut out the back deck, build a nice little fiberglass enclosure firing the subs out a custom built rear deck with a nice little amprack in the trunk. If I can put a 42 inch plasma in a Caprice I can make dam near anything happen.
  23. Quentin Jarrell

    which alarm??

    The only things that would affect you are the 7900 is color and the 5901 is black and white. The 5901 is rechargable and the 7900 take a normal battery. plus the 5901 doesn't have an antenna to break off.