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Quentin Jarrell

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Everything posted by Quentin Jarrell

  1. Quentin Jarrell

    single 12 enclosure with blue inlay

    Sorry it took a while to post the pix. I'll send the invoice to you tomorrow evining after I wake up.
  2. Quentin Jarrell

    single 12 enclosure with blue inlay

  3. Quentin Jarrell

    Where to put subs? What would u do?

    You can not school me on xbl^2 technology. Look at my forum, I am working with ADI at the moment building several lines. If you can expand my knowledge of xbl technology more than the man who invented it, the same person I have been working with over the past two years, be my guest. The point I was making is if you keep whatever sub you buy BELOW XMAX which is defined by 10 percent total harmonic distortion you will not have distortion. Does this mean sub A will be as loud as sub B. NO. But they will have the same amount of distortion or lack there of because that is what XMAX means. And there is no way a Shiva will take 1000 rms. The Pmax on that sub is 1000 watts, which I doubt you know is the thermal rating. That sub only needs 400- 500 watts in a proper enclosure with a QTC of .7 to reach xmax. If you put 1000 watts on that sub in a proper ported enclosure it would sound like complete arseho because the spider would be slamming into the topplate.
  4. Quentin Jarrell

    Where to put subs? What would u do?

    Distortion is not your problem, it's the person that is controling the volume knob that is the problem. If you take any driver on the market and keep it below xmax you will be below 10% distortion and you will not be able to tell what name brand driver it is, to a certain extent. Yes of course some will be cleaner at louder levels because they have a higher rated xmax, which by definition is 10% THD. You first need to decide how loud you want to get. Then choose what setup will fit that goal while under xmax ratings. Another thing you need to consider is your install skills. Anything is possible. Are you willing to modifiy the truck for bass?
  5. Quentin Jarrell

    help planing system

    I would look into a sub amp combo on ssa store with a sundown/ Icon or xcon setup
  6. Quentin Jarrell

    single 12 enclosure with blue inlay

    She'll get over it
  7. Quentin Jarrell

    single 12 enclosure with blue inlay

    My old lady, and you got the lazy part right
  8. Quentin Jarrell

    single 12 enclosure with blue inlay

    This can be done in any color combination I have stickied on the forum. I will have enclosure pricing and size configurations posted soon as well.
  9. Quentin Jarrell

    What subs for rear seat enclosure?

    the port will be 14 on each side but will be half as wide
  10. Quentin Jarrell

    Where to put subs? What would u do?

    I would unassemble the glovebox and build a sealed enclosure for a Focal 21 WX Be. But looking at your last substage choice and location I would guess you just want something to sound good and not really "SQ"
  11. Quentin Jarrell

    Dual 12 enclosure

    Kinda I've done a couple veneer overlays
  12. Quentin Jarrell

    Box Carpet?

    It wasn't a bad setup for my 16 year old sister at the time. BTW she's the one who wrapped it.
  13. Quentin Jarrell

    Box Carpet?

    Bryan Schmitt has a great selection of tools that I personally use that is worth taking a look at. http://www.mobilesolutions-usa.com/index.htm
  14. Quentin Jarrell

    Box Carpet?

    suede is a nice material too.
  15. Quentin Jarrell

    Box Carpet?

    You will want to use a nonbacked carpet, as it is stretchy. You will have two types of carpet. Trunk liner which has a pressed look which is what you will find on most prefabenclosures. And carpet which has a nap like household carpet. Regular napped carpet is a preferred material. If you need more help I will do a write up with picture how I wrap my boxes,
  16. Quentin Jarrell


    If you need a box hit me up for a quote.
  17. Quentin Jarrell

    Help with choosing subs.

    I don't see xcon or zcon on that list. WHY NOT ????????????????????????????????????????
  18. Quentin Jarrell

    Who has a flatlyne in a sealed box or heard one?

    No it didn't hit "everything" if it was a proper bandpass. Bandpass enclosures are designed to create a peak in output over a small bandwith. That is exactly what the sub is not designed for. There is a big difference in a Flatline and your Deathrow.
  19. Quentin Jarrell

    Who has a flatlyne in a sealed box or heard one?

    That is the complete oposite design goal of the sub.
  20. Quentin Jarrell

    Who has a flatlyne in a sealed box or heard one?

    My shops not much to look at. Just a 50x50 building. I only do sound part-time. I survey a lot of the bulk cargo ships that come up the river. What model Audi do you have?
  21. Quentin Jarrell

    Who has a flatlyne in a sealed box or heard one?

    Here's pics of the enclosure. As you can see it was tiny.
  22. Quentin Jarrell

    Who has a flatlyne in a sealed box or heard one?

    Smaller box will be flatter, larger box will give you more output. If you can get specs from Nick I can work up graphs for each so you have a better idea. However I seriously doubt you will hear any "SQ" difference being they will be in the trunk. Are you positive you don't have room for ported.?