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Quentin Jarrell

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Everything posted by Quentin Jarrell

  1. Quentin Jarrell

    Thinking of stepping up from my DCON 12s

    Gives up your maximum external deminsions
  2. Quentin Jarrell

    Thinking of stepping up from my DCON 12s

    I would do the 15 ported being you have 3.5 cubes to work with
  3. Quentin Jarrell

    Single 12 daily driver stealth enclosure

    Added another layer of tape over everything to make sure everything is strong and sealed. Added a temporary back wall. This is just so I can calculate the volume of the cavity and will be removed. I take a normal square box then mark inches on the inside I filled the cavity with dog food because I have plenty of it. Anything will work kitty litter, sand, ect. Then poured the dogfood into the box. The dog food went to the 10 inch maker inside the box. So I take the 10" x 18" depth x 18'' width = 3240 cubic inches = 1.875 cubic feet. So now I have a base line of volume inside the cavity and I now I have to figure port and driver displacement to determine how much higher I need to make the enclosure.
  4. Quentin Jarrell

    Single 12 daily driver stealth enclosure

    I normally ude 3m's green autobody tape. It is the best I have used. But I'm not spending $25 a roll when I ca just clean the goo off afterwards. I will be going 1.8 cubes net and the cavity came to 1.875 cubic feet. I'll post how I got that a little later.
  5. Quentin Jarrell

    Single 12 daily driver stealth enclosure

    First claen all surfaces to be masked with alcahol to remove dirt and grease. I normally use a better tape because this cheap stuff will leave glue residue when it heats from the resin. However I am not concearned being it's my vehicle. mask off all areas be sure to get in all the little nooks. This will make the enclosure more rigid I use heavy painter's masking paper instead of cardboard because it is easier to use. mask off all corners making sure they all have a nice smooth slope
  6. Quentin Jarrell

    So Many Questions..........

    Fb=((14630000*(D/2)*(D/2))/((Fb*Fb*Vb*1728)-(1463*(D/2)))) here's your formula for determining tuning frequency with volume in feet giving you port length in inches
  7. Quentin Jarrell

    So Many Questions..........

    The tuning frequency is not the peak. By definition the tuning frequency (f) would be where the responce line sits at zero db.
  8. Quentin Jarrell

    So Many Questions..........

    You ought to cut that smart ass attitude out man, I didn't ask for your fancy wording that a normal human has no idea what it means.. Got off of my topic please and I'll recieve help from real people. And besides, I'd rather put the x in the 29cg chamber. Thinkin of goin with a 47h slant on the 63 curvature. That's exactly the reasoning behind my first post because I knew you wouldn't understand or take the time to google basic t/s parameters and terms needed for designing and using any box building program. And no a sealed enclosure will not give you a flat responce curve if it is not the correct volume.
  9. Quentin Jarrell

    Is it human nature?

    I pity people who are constantly think negatively, you live longer when you are happy.
  10. Quentin Jarrell

    So Many Questions..........

    snappy commnets like "causing the word to end" around here will get you no where especially when you already stated you were over your head. If you fully read the instructions that are posted in the file with WinSd you would have a llittle understanding of the program and what each function means and shows. Yes moving from 32 to 36 hertz while keeping the same volume can have dramatic effects on responce. At a give volume tuned to 32 hertz can give you a nice flat respnonce curve, while moving tuning to 36 could give you a 3-5 db peak with an f3 way above your desired f3. When tuning low and I don't mean 32. 32 hertz is no where in the realm of low, when using an enclosure too large for the driver's Kms it is very possible for the enclosure's "f" to be way above the actual tuning. I didn't say all that before because you stated you didn't know anything about designing an enclosure. And most of the time it is easier to give people what they need instead of giving them what they think they want.
  11. Quentin Jarrell

    So Many Questions..........

    I highly recommend going with Fi's recommended enclosure specifications. Winsd will assume you are wiring your sub in series which most t/s parameters are derived from which will be different from parallel wiring and will throw off the response curve. Also the stiffness of the BTL will give you a real funny response curve as well because it is beyond Winsd modelling ability. Nick has stated this numerous times.
  12. Quentin Jarrell

    4th order build continued (M5)

    Needs to be conducted to show results. This constant arguing is going to go nowhere and I am personally ashamed to see it
  13. Quentin Jarrell

    4th order build continued (M5)

    Is it possible to do a sound sweep in the car with a termlab in it? If the output measured by the termlab corresponds with the other graph then we can agree that the system does indeed create pesky output demonstrated by the graph. If not and the termlab shows a relatively smooth response then so be it. A debate is just arguing. If scientific theorems and such are going to be brought up, and I am one to use tried and proven formulas and techniques when building enclosures, then a experiment
  14. Quentin Jarrell

    Need help finding brown carpet

    Like this???
  15. No, I said to take the carpet off the back of the seat.
  16. You can pull the carpet off the back of the seat and cut a few of the triangles out of the plastic backing on the seat. Then glue the carpet back with contact cement. The below vehicle sounded real weak with two flatline 12's. It was a night and day difference afterwards.
  17. Quentin Jarrell

    Car shipping

    link worked fine for me but i'm sure you can find fedex's homepage.
  18. Quentin Jarrell

    Car shipping

    http://www.fedex.com/us/services/customcritical/autotrans/index.html I have used fedex several times for customer vehicles
  19. Quentin Jarrell

    a little project i'm working on

    it's collecting dust waiting on subwoofers
  20. Quentin Jarrell

    Fi BL 10"

    it'll fit. I've done a rockford p3 12 ported. The bottom of the seat is not solid.
  21. 1) unhook sub wire from amp 2) us a double A or a 6 volt battery and tap each end of wire to battery terminal, positive wire to positive terminal and negative wire to negative terminal. 3) sub should move out. A)If sub moves out then you have other problems. B)If sub does not move out go to step 4 4) remove sub from enclosure and repeat step 2 on each individual coil. A)each coil should make the sub move out. B)if each coil does not make the sub move out you have a broke woofer. ALSO WHILE THE SUB IS OUT MAKE SURE THE RED POSITIVE TERMINAL ON EACH COIL IS ON THE LEFT. These subs are hand made and it is possible the terminals could be backwards making the sub out of phase if you wired + to + and - to -
  22. Quentin Jarrell

    2 SA-12

  23. Quentin Jarrell

    Sir-Lancelot's Yukon XL - UPDATE 18" ZCONS / 4 GP3k Page 27

    A video needs to be stickied, 28 pages are too many to scan through.
  24. Quentin Jarrell

    2 SA-12

    slot port
  25. Quentin Jarrell

    2 SA-12

    If you didn't do kerffed and inlayed port with just a normal black spraypainted port you would be looking at $210 plus shipping. But again I do not use the cheap trunk liner most use, I use a heavy napped carpet which is three time as much money.