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Quentin Jarrell

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Everything posted by Quentin Jarrell

  1. Quentin Jarrell

    Aero port vs normal port?

    Click the link pinned to the top of my forum section there are calculations and calculators to help you
  2. Quentin Jarrell

    Oh knoes!! It's making noise...

    You removed the ground and nit the power right? This caused the capacitors in the amp to ground through the RCA ruining the output in the headunit. That is if the outputs really are bad. This is why almost every install states the ground is always the first wire you hook up and the last to unhook.
  3. Quentin Jarrell

    Audio Addicts .net

  4. Quentin Jarrell

    Audio Addicts .net

    join our group at Audio Addicts
  5. Quentin Jarrell

    Video of ND and SD Hydro Dams with floodgates open

    This photo is one week after the river started to come up. Where the boats are sitting is a driveway that takes you to where the river bank is normally. One week prior I drove my vehicle through here. It was about 10 feet deep at the time of the photo. The next two photos are from standing on the boat. You can barely see a bow line for a vessel about 200 feet past the last light pole. This is where the river bank normally is.
  6. Quentin Jarrell

    Video of ND and SD Hydro Dams with floodgates open

    Our levees on the lower mississippi are the highest they have been since the early 1900s. It is up 20 feet in new Orleans about 3 feet from the top if the levees in some places and we still have our annual June rise to look forward too. There is enough water coming through our spillway to fill up the super dome every minute
  7. Quentin Jarrell

    Should I?

    I would check with your parents insurance to make sure they will cover it when someone hits you in the ass end because they can't see you brake lights during the day
  8. Quentin Jarrell

    Is there any demand for air suspension parts?

    most likely went to my spam folder.
  9. Quentin Jarrell

    Is there any demand for air suspension parts?

    They are selling at 15% off MAP ?
  10. Quentin Jarrell

    Walled 08 Tahoe

    I don't care about moving air and blowing my hair, if I want that I'll roll down the window. I like it where it hurts so bad you can't see straight
  11. Quentin Jarrell

    Is there any demand for air suspension parts?

    Did you check out the batteries Ant has on ROE. They seem to be pretty good with cheap pricing
  12. Quentin Jarrell

    Is there any demand for air suspension parts?

    That's fine just let me know. You doing zcons
  13. Quentin Jarrell

    Is there any demand for air suspension parts?

    What Are you planning on doing?
  14. Quentin Jarrell

    Is there any demand for air suspension parts?

    Just get yourself a couple Bazzoka tubes and call it a day.
  15. Quentin Jarrell

    730lb raw squat @ 210 lbs body weight

    That is pure awesomeness. And for your information there is a such thing as a sumo deadlift. I actually lift sumo style
  16. Quentin Jarrell

    730lb raw squat @ 210 lbs body weight

    Jesse has done over 1000 squat in meets at 220 Look on YouTube there's a few videos
  17. Quentin Jarrell

    730lb raw squat @ 210 lbs body weight

    my buddy August around 50 seconds in to the video. 395lbs at about 140 lbs of bodyweight.
  18. Quentin Jarrell

    730lb raw squat @ 210 lbs body weight

    USAPL doesn't allow that type of rack so I would imagine she is lifting a different league, it looks like she has a two ply suit on as well which they don't allow. She is hella strong though. And she is not that big either. SHe looks like a big girl in the video but she lifted as a 148 in college so I would imagine she is still under 165. Who are your buddies, everyone I trained with were older and lifted in open meets. Unfortunatly I blew my knew in 2003 and had to have it pinned back together, so I don't train anymore but I do workout pretty heavily. Ask them if they know Jesse Kellum or August "coco puff" clark jr. They normally lift in the big events like the arnold classic (untill USAPL started lifting there instead of the WPO).
  19. Quentin Jarrell

    730lb raw squat @ 210 lbs body weight

    She graduated in 2002 spring, I started in 2002 fall. She along with a couple others were still there training for an overseas collegic meet. A. I certainly agree she is one of the strongest female lifters in the world. However the video that was posted is not legal and you can plainly see she did not even reach parallel. B. The fact I stated we were at Tech and your responce was "because we were at the same school doesn't mean we were in the same fed". tells me you don't have a clue about the sport. It is very common knowledge for anyone in the sport that La Tech has over 14 National Championships in men's and over 10 in womens'. And that they lift USAPL just like most every other college team. Once you give me a federation that allows a parallel squat, or show a little general knowlegdge of the techniques envolved in the sport I will continue the conversation.
  20. Quentin Jarrell

    730lb raw squat @ 210 lbs body weight

    Name the federation that would call that a good squat. If you read correctly you would have saw that she graduated the year before I was at La Tech. Therefore she lifts USAPL and in USAPL you have to go below paralell. I never said I knew her, I only know who she is beacuse of her powerlifting history. Why is it when I post my credentials with facts that could easily be googled, only ignorant responces can be giving in return?
  21. Quentin Jarrell


    Two d con 10's will fit ported behind the seats. You might have to pull the seat up one or two clicks to keep the sub from hitting. I had two IA 187's behind mine
  22. Quentin Jarrell

    730lb raw squat @ 210 lbs body weight

    She graduated from La Tech the year I started there. We lifted USAPL. Parallel might have worked in WPO or WABDL, but any ligit organization like USAPL the highest part of your thigh must go below your knee. I was ranked 5th in the nation @ 123's in 2002 for highschool and 14th in the nation at any age group. I know when I see a legal lift.
  23. Quentin Jarrell

    730lb raw squat @ 210 lbs body weight

    My right acl tore completely off while water sking. I don't go over 315 now
  24. Quentin Jarrell

    Door way Pull up bar

    Food is the best thing about Louisiana. It's the only place you can get a box of chicken and bowl of gumbo when you stop for gas. Then pull through a drive thru and get an adult beverage on the way home
  25. Quentin Jarrell

    Door way Pull up bar

    If you aren't gaining weight you are not eating enough. I am about 5' 3" and have to eat 3800 to 4000 calories a day to stay around 160-165. And I don't drink protien drinks because I am lactose intolerant. Buy some bsn no-xolode and cell mass. If you don't gain at least 1-2 pounds a week you need to increase your calorie intake