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Quentin Jarrell

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Everything posted by Quentin Jarrell

  1. Quentin Jarrell

    Bc 3500

    Yes again that's the same thing I said in the above posts. I even gave example impedances and voltages and wattages.
  2. Quentin Jarrell

    Bc 3500

    I'm not arguing the definition of impedance. I'm fully aware capatance and reactance affects impedance. Find a company that you find reputable and let us know who they set gains. If it's any different than JL s version then you will have a little to add to the conversation besides the definition of impedance. Which you have already beaten to death as you say.
  3. Quentin Jarrell

    Bc 3500

    Ok lol you just said the same thing I said. You just copy and pasted what someone else typed. I kinda figured you understood that RMS ratings take into account impedance as any manufacturer worth their salt uses a device with a reactive load to measure RMS, that a 50 hertz tone is just a mean figure to use. But anywho since you can't help the OP or correct Jl's method, I'll stick to the engineer's method who have more knowledge than any of us can hope to have and have designed, built and sold hundreds of thousands of amps with out the problem of the pesky impedance thingy causing problems.
  4. Quentin Jarrell

    Bc 3500

    I fully understand you point. If the sub's inductance (re and inductance is interchangeable ad their formulas are the same) drops to .1 the amp will put out a Quadratic rating of 36,000 watts and at resonance the sub might be upwards of say 15 ohms then it would only put out a quadratic rating of say 240 (@60 volts) But that is exactly why I said "manufactures" rating. Most manufactures use powercube or the similar which uses a load box. As I know you already know the meaning of "RMS". By it's very definition the RMS rating should already take impedance into account being the proper testing methods use a reactive load. I bet if you were to take the quadratic measurements at various points in the usable passband of the driver in use with the amp's hpf and ssf and averaged it would be close to just using a 50 hertz test tone.
  5. Quentin Jarrell

    Bc 3500

    So please explain how you would go about setting the gain on this install
  6. Quentin Jarrell

    4th order help

    Although the wider range is incorrect. The same range can be obtained from a ported enclosure
  7. Quentin Jarrell

    4th order help

    Yes your correct. You were just mislead on the name of the enclosure. You just need to model the enclosure to your desired output response.
  8. Quentin Jarrell

    Bc 3500

    If you want to get technical no method will be accurate bc output voltage will vary with input voltage, Re will vary with frequency and heat, and some music is made hotter than others. We aren't trying to get output down to .000001 percent accuracy. Just trying to get to a close "manufacture's" rating.
  9. Quentin Jarrell

    Where to get supliments

    If you need soy. I can send you all the soybean meal you want. It may taste like chicken feed but it's 46 percent protein.
  10. Quentin Jarrell

    4th order help

    Yes that is a 4th order bandpass. This means the box will give you a 24db slope of drop off per octave at the low and high ends of the frequency response. And a qtc of .7 9 times out of ten the people building these boxes aren't building 4th order bandpass boxes. They are simply building a closed(sealed) bandpass box since the response of the box doesn't represent a 4th order butterworth filter. So, if you are Truely wanting a 4th order enclosure it would be just as easy to build a ported enclosure and get the same response unless you are limited by area such as a blow thru
  11. Quentin Jarrell

    Please help!

    By a copy of Vance's cookbook and learn all the T/S parameters. That will be enough to build damn near any box you want and have a general understanding of why and how.
  12. Quentin Jarrell

    Please help!

    Are you looking for information on the why's and how's, or are you just looking for someone to give you deminsions.
  13. Quentin Jarrell

    Bc 3500

    http://mediacdn.shopatron.com/media/mfg/9013/media_document/live_1/gainSetting.pdf?1342137466 Set it like the link above. You will have to figure out what voltage to set at using the amp's rms rating and your sub's Re
  14. Quentin Jarrell

    Where to get supliments

    Hmmm, 50 grams of protein in a 12 ounce shake. Im gonna try a carton. If it tastes good I'm gonna get my lab to test it and see what the protein content is and how much of it is soluble
  15. Quentin Jarrell

    Where to get supliments

    Any comparison between Buzzsaw and Jack3d. I personally prefer Jack3d over no explode. And I used quite a bit (4 or 5 jars) if each. Do they offer any RTD protein. I normally drink a shake with each full meal per day (3)
  16. Quentin Jarrell

    my New Sp4 reads 2.2ohm With 3 diffeent DMM

    Is there a high xmax option. That would cause an increase in re if the same gauge wire is used.
  17. Quentin Jarrell

    ascendant havoc bottoming out?

    As stated in the post above, we have no clue bc we don't know the alignment that will be used.
  18. Quentin Jarrell

    my New Sp4 reads 2.2ohm With 3 diffeent DMM

    Or the coil may be bifilar, or an exotic breaking coil and it might have been wired wrong on the former from the supplier.
  19. Quentin Jarrell

    my New Sp4 reads 2.2ohm With 3 diffeent DMM

    Normally Scott uses .6 or . 7 ohm coils. He may have went with a different DCR coil but he would have to answer that.
  20. Quentin Jarrell

    my New Sp4 reads 2.2ohm With 3 diffeent DMM

    Impedance is AC resistance and reactance. AC curance causes the coil to read as both a open and closed circuit, which varies with frequency Re(electrical resistance weather it be series or parallel) or DCR(direct current resistance) is used for multiple coils(dual one, dual two) to indicate the Re of each coil.
  21. Quentin Jarrell

    Gcon 12 vs Sa 12

    Sundown is built in bulk overseas and ssa is built as ordered in the US
  22. Quentin Jarrell

    Gcon 12 vs Sa 12

    Instead of just choosing a volume and tuning, if you go with a BB4 alignment (basic boom box with a peak inresponce close to rolloff) with minimum group delay the two sub's would model as followed. ASSuming posted specs are correct Sa-12 .95 cubic feet 33.71 hz tuning 30.02 hz f3 Gcon 2.19 cubic feet 31.5 hz tuning 27.72 hz f3 .
  23. Quentin Jarrell


    If you dont watch the whole thing check out 5:35
  24. Quentin Jarrell

    directed security question - installers please look

    Dei has always recommended zip tying shock sensors to a wiring harness.
  25. Quentin Jarrell

    Help with 18" Box

    Box size will change mechanical power rating not electrical. But why would you purposely use an inefficient enclosure just to run more power if you have the space. 27 hertz is way too low. I'm sure you want loud so more than likely a box around 6-7 cubes tuned around 32 hertz will give a nice boost in output in the mid 30's range (although I haven't modeled the sub this should be a good starting point) Go to the12volt.com and read everything on that site to inform yourself a little. It would take a 2 hour conversation to explain why to go one route or another with out a little basic knowledge.