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Quentin Jarrell

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Everything posted by Quentin Jarrell

  1. Quentin Jarrell

    New Fi BTL N3 never installed in vehicle

  2. Quentin Jarrell

    Flat boat fishing next to a Post Panamax

    A few weeks ago. All the drivers and what not are going through DSS, so I'll no longer be using "Audibel Customs" Whenever Aaron gets time he's gonna transfer everything to the manufacturer's section.
  3. Quentin Jarrell

    Backup Camera

    Audiovox makes nice units http://www.sonicelectronix.com/item_22638_Audiovox-CMOS2.html
  4. Quentin Jarrell

    New Fi BTL N3 never installed in vehicle

    Free box with sub. (you cover enclosure shipping, normally around 50 bucks)
  5. Quentin Jarrell

    Good protein supplements

    I wouldn't consider supplementing protein unless you are already consuming 20-30 grams every three waking hours via whole foods.
  6. Quentin Jarrell

    New Fi BTL N3 never installed in vehicle

  7. Quentin Jarrell

    do you have heat issues with your NS-1?

    If your buddies don't have a temp gun you can find them fairly cheap at lowes and home depot. http://m.homedepot.com/p/Milwaukee-Laser-Temp-Gun/203168529/ I use this one to check temps on heat sensitive grain. It is normally within a degree compared to a certified temperature probe.
  8. Quentin Jarrell

    door lock troubles

    The programing for ignition controlled door locks can be found in the manual. There is a sequence you have to do with the foot brake, light switch, and ignition to turn the feature off
  9. Quentin Jarrell

    Coil Heat Transfer Material

    They will be positioned between the coil and the magnet ID. The pole is already close enough to the coil that it provide pretty good heat transfer. We are trying to fill the void and increase surface area between the coil and magnets as air is horrible for heat transfer. We are going to try some top plate machining similar to what JBL started in the '70's along with some machining on the back plate that will allow air to forcefully flow through the motor assembly rather than just be compressed which is happens no back plate exhaust vents are present. We are going to first test this on the big MMAG motor. One with and one with out the foam inserts. A Klippel analyzer will be used to measure the temperature differences on each of the motors. If we see a noticeable increase in performance it will become a standard feature.
  10. Quentin Jarrell

    Coil Heat Transfer Material

    Imagine it being installed like a faraday ring. Except the forced air will have to travel through the material to exit the exhaust vents in the backplate. The idea be hind the foam is it creates turbulance in the air flow, increasing heat transfer. The material is currently used in other heat transfer applications and offers a substantial increase in cooling over convential finned heatsinks
  11. Quentin Jarrell

    Coil Heat Transfer Material

    The material is an open cell foam made from several different materials. The 8 percent density aluminum foam has a compression strength of 360 PSI and has a surface area up to 50 square inches per cubic inch. In a larger diameter motor we will be able to fit enough material to get around 800 square inches of surface area to help dissapate heat as air flows through the motor.
  12. Quentin Jarrell

    Serious Groundpounder info needed...

    Nic Watts is the current authority on zcon bandpass blow throughs
  13. Quentin Jarrell


    Be cautious taking Plexus Slim and the accelerator. I had to call 911 today after my Fiancé took one serving of the Slim and the Accelerator as prescribed on the package. She experienced a floating sensation with extremely high blood pressure and a heart rate of 115 along with intense muscle spasms in the neck and face with a numbing sensation. The doctors at the ER contacted the Poison Control Center and although they haven't pin pointed what exact chemical combination is causing these reactions, they have received several hundred complaints from this product in the last few months. On a side note she has taken other diuretics like USPlabs and hydroxycut in the past with no such reactions.
  14. Quentin Jarrell


    We are not novices when it comes to exercising and health in general. I've been a nationally ranked powerlifter shes into fitness modeling. We ride road bikes 25- 50 miles a week, eat perfectly, ect. I'm 5'3" 160 lbs around 10 Percent body fat. She's 5'3" 120 pounds around 18 percent body fat.
  15. Quentin Jarrell


    She is fine now, they gave her benadyl intavainiosly. But it was horrible. It looked like she wad having a seisiure. According to the doctor, the spasms were caused by the drug pulling water, patasium, and sodium rapidly from the muscles in the mouth and throat.
  16. Quentin Jarrell

    my New Sp4 reads 2.2ohm With 3 diffeent DMM

    Is the Ascendant phone line public? There is no need to dispute it with paypal. Scott is a great guy and I'm sure if he knew about the problem he would have already commented. Like said before he has a lot of irons in the fire for him to handle in a normal fashion due to unforeseen circumstances. This of course isn't your concern as a customer but I'm sure he isn't deliberately ignoring you.
  17. Quentin Jarrell

    Bc 3500

    I'm not arguing ohms law. I'm using it. We can all agree that music is dynamic, and that impedance changes. Yes I would be a fool to argue that. I'm not. Going back to the graph posted by Honda if you manually calculate power by using the formula for RMS you get roughly 185 watts. Now if you take the re of that sub which would be around 12 by looking at the graph, using ohms law we get 208.33 (using 50 volts). So we can conclude the the RMS power would be less than the quadratic power. Correct? So if this amp was 225 watts RMS we could conclude that most of the time we would receive an unclipped signal? Yes, again I agree impedance will drop below Re especially right above and right below tuning. But for the most part we would stay above this, correct? Please don't get afended. I'm just using using ohm's law to calculate this. If this is incorrect that's fine. I just want something more than impedance fluctuates as a rebutle. Which I know, and has already been factored in with the formula for RMS and the impedance curve that had been posted. I do agree to tune by ear, which is stated in the last paragraph of the JL tutorial. And this works fine when you have a 1,000 watt sub and a 1,000 watt amp bc in most any alignment you will come into mechanical noise before you hit the 1,000 watt RMS limit. But say you have a Fi SP4 but you only have an amp that is 500 watts RMS. If you just tune it by ear you would be able to turn the gain wide open without hearing any type of mechanical noise. What would be the best approach to setting the gain in this senario? Again please don't say it idiotic. Just respond with some mathematical data that disproves it.
  18. Quentin Jarrell

    Bc 3500

    And OP. If you have a DMM can you please measure the output A/C voltage of the amp AFTER you set it by ear. I'd like to see how close JL is, just for giggles.
  19. Quentin Jarrell

    Bc 3500

    So the sensitivity of a t-line can't be 8-12 db more than a ported box, ok. All I have posted was factual information by a reputable company that are one of the forefathers of modern car audio. If their technique is flawed I guess it's just dumb luck. Using Your graph, and the formula for Root mean square we get a close wattage as when using the sub's Re alone. If the correlation can be seen then I'm sorry.
  20. Quentin Jarrell

    Bc 3500

    And for competition how does inductance cone in to play at your peak frequency. By what you have already said over and over inductance is raised and lowered by frequency. If you are only burping one frequency then wattage aint gonna change therefor you simply set the amp by JL's method. It'll be off a little bc amp output resistance hasn't been calculated but it'll be close.
  21. Quentin Jarrell

    Bc 3500

    Take a look again at you sernario. The Fi q is rated at 1500 watts root mean square. Meaning when they tested the sub it's inductance raised and lowered just as it would in an enclosure. They don't say "it's rated for 1,500 watts, but make sure you don't give it that much power bc inductance will cause it to pull more power from the amp". No they say by a 1500 watt rms rated amp and stick it on it.
  22. Quentin Jarrell

    Bc 3500

    I didn't say anything about system efficentcy. Only the correlation between impedance and velocity. If you use your graph and manually figure each with in the usable bassband using a voltage of 50 volts. If each tone between 35 and 85 hertz were played for one second we could conclude an estimated root mean square of 185 watts. It's a bit crude but the graph isn't clear enough to figure every hertz Going by the graph this sub should have an re of around 12? If you then use that figure you would wind up with 208 watts I believe we could conclude that that would be a very good starting point t o set the amp.
  23. Quentin Jarrell

    Bc 3500

    And to give a quote from a qualified source. On page 63 of loudspeaker cookbook, using figures 2.3 and 2.4. Quote "figure 2.3 compares the impedance curves,which are similar for all three alignments. Transducer velocity shows the peaks in driver acceleration to be roughly coincident with the impedance peaks, and minimum at the impedance minimum." Now is the driver is getting so much less power at the high impedance spikes how is it that acceleration increases. One would think with that much less power caused by inductance of less than one ohm to over six ohms, that the driver would accelerate considerably less at a higher impedance(less power) than at lower impedance(more power)
  24. Quentin Jarrell

    Bc 3500

    And if impedance is such a large factor in loudspeaker output. Wouldn't we see or notice a large drop in response output at the high and low impedance rises and drops. I mean when a sub's impedance spikes at tuning wouldn't we expect to hear a large drop in output at tuning due to lose of wattage? I'll bet if you set you gains by ear on a speaker and then figure wattage using voltage and Re it'll be close. That is of course if the speaker is in a enclosure that will allow it to play near thermal maxed levels without bottoming out.