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Quentin Jarrell

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Everything posted by Quentin Jarrell

  1. Quentin Jarrell

    Various Installation Tools - An ongoing thread

    These are the best strippers ever built. The below pair are over 10 years old with 5 years worth of 40 hour work weeks doing 10-20 headunit installs a day.
  2. Quentin Jarrell

    What would you like to see?

    I'd just run em free air and hook a 4th order crossover to em.
  3. Quentin Jarrell

    Audio technix deadener.....

    80 ft^2 is a shit ton of deadener for one small sedan.
  4. Quentin Jarrell

    drive thru liquor store

    In New Orleans. We have drive thru (fast food type) daquari shops that serve in styrofoam cups with lids. Louisiana law states that as long as the straw isn't inserted into the lid it is technically an UNOPENED container.
  5. Quentin Jarrell

    Sub power handling questions...

    At system tuning the box acts like a sealed box. And directly above and below tuning the sub will show spikes in excursion. Thermal power rating is a set rating. Normally it's a 100 kelvin increase of coil temperature. It's the temperature that the coil can withstand without falling apart. Typically the glue that holds it together is what fails and not the wire itself. However, an enclosure will affect the rate at which the coil will heat up. The major contributor to coil heating is insufficient port area. A port that is too small will cause nonlinearies in the system that creates inductance in the coil which in turn creates inductance heating which increases coil temperature. Extensive Klippel and Leap testing has been done on this by Pat Turnmire and Vance Dickason. Some of which can be seen in Vance's Cookbook.
  6. Quentin Jarrell


    Still has nothing to do with a melted fuse holder. Even if your system was using a regulated power supply the fuse would just blow due to too much current. I'll stick to what I said before. It was either a faulty fuse used from the amp kit or the wire wasn't tighten well in the fuse holder. If the same person that did the install told you it's the alternators fault they are trying to cover up their mistakes or they are just plain ignorant.
  7. Quentin Jarrell

    drive thru liquor store

    So this is a northern thing? This place is in Sulphur, Louisiana. On the coast about 20-30 miles from Texas line.
  8. Quentin Jarrell

    drive thru liquor store

    No, we have fast food drive tru style places around new orleans. But not a place that you literaly drive in.
  9. Quentin Jarrell

    Trip pics over the years

    Do you live in Belize?
  10. Quentin Jarrell

    Amp Power\Ground Inserts, Dieing them question

    Why not just machine the very top of the insert flat so the screw screws down onto the flat surface. It's not gonna turn that way Or just not tap threads and just make the hole a bit bigger in the insert so the screw can tighten down into the hole.
  11. Quentin Jarrell

    inward facings subs

    What you are trying to do is called a manifold enclosure. They are used in HT. you can model them using horn response.
  12. Quentin Jarrell

    ICON Specs

    I would bet the boxes are figured using large signal parameters. When small signal t/s are done the sub will only move about 1mm. So in reality the T/S parameters don't show what these large drivers do in the real world. But when you do large signal testing (25, 50 volts ect) to get the sub to move in normal working range you see a big difference in the parameters. For example VAS which is directly responsible for box volume can go from 19 liters on t/s parameters to 30 or 40 liters on large signal parameters. It has to do with the fact that most of these large thick surrounds resonate very high at 1mm and much lower at high excursion.
  13. Quentin Jarrell

    In depth paper on Low Reluctance Return Path MMAG motors

    Going a bit further into the technology helps in high xmax which becomes not practical with overhung. Say I want 62.5 mm of one way excursion. I use three top plates 25mm thick sandwiched with two magnets 25mm thick while using a coil 50mm long. In order to get 62.5 mm one way xmax with over hung you would need one 25mm topplate and a coil 150mm long. That's almost six inches. A 4 layer copper coil this long would weigh upwards of 2 pounds. It would take a rediculous amount of motor force to compensate for it. Not to mention a coil that large is very very expensive.
  14. The below link goes over the advantages of using LRRP and MMAG. http://stepip.com/IssuedPatents/Low%20Reluctance%20Return%20Path%20Motors.pdf
  15. Quentin Jarrell

    In depth paper on Low Reluctance Return Path MMAG motors

    Read the second one if you didn't understand the first. It reads a bit easier so you might see a bit better. No, it's not NEW, the patent was given to it years ago.
  16. Quentin Jarrell

    time to bottle

    Now that wouldn't be exactly legal. I'm still working on getting a resale liscense for alcohol. It seems a lot of people like it, and technically homemade wine must be consumed in the home that it was made. Most everything I make is pretty sweet and high alcohol content. I use a champagne yeast that I can get 19% before the alcohol kills the yeast.
  17. Quentin Jarrell

    time to bottle

  18. Quentin Jarrell

    the gearbox CNC build

    Well since you are here trying to make money. These kits can be easily found online. By the looks of the parts this is more than likely just a kit you purchased and are now just going to use the machine you are building to copy the kit you purchased and sell them to others. Please correct me if I'm wrong. I'm just assuming due to your post count.
  19. Quentin Jarrell


    But if he takes out his treble then all the other kiddies in the school parking lot ain't gonna be able to hear him when he pulls up.
  20. Quentin Jarrell

    In depth paper on Low Reluctance Return Path MMAG motors

    No problems with high BL in SPL applications. In fact more the better. The faster you can accelerate the moving mass the louder the sub will be.
  21. I get foam tape because I also use it to do gapping between my pieces for accounting for the space that vinyl and carpet takes up... you'll see... I doubt you'll be able to show me anything I didn't learn from Mark Fukuda or Brian Schmitt 10 years ago. The foam tape that you showed is no where near the thickness of Vinyl. The high end 3m red double stick is almost exactly the same thickness as vinyl however. Besides the reasoning to compensate for vinyl when applying bondo to recess that panel, that foam is too thick and allow the template to shift on the material especially with the strait fllutted bit you are using and with small panels like a tv or radio trim ring that's only 1/8 or 1/4 inch wide.
  22. If the done fuse is blown and nothing else is done except run a wire to the battery I gaurantee the car is going to burn to the ground.
  23. Quentin Jarrell

    aero ports; .56%....

    No. 99.9999998% of rules of thumb are ignorant There is math behind everything. Just like there is a formula for calculating BL of a sub there is a formula to calculate port area. It is all derived from physics. Just like air plane wings are different so are port chamfers and there are formulas based on fluid dynamics to calculate them.
  24. Quentin Jarrell

    Welcome to the IHoP

    That's why I asked the country. You can get a 3 course meal for a family of 4 in the Phillapines for 5 bucks