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Quentin Jarrell

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Everything posted by Quentin Jarrell

  1. Quentin Jarrell

    My batteries are paralleled WITHOUT being connected

    It should be infinite ;)/> Zero means short circuit. Infinite means open circuit. I've yet to see a meter say infinite when on the resistance setting.
  2. Quentin Jarrell

    Newbie Question: Porting Rear Deck

    . Wouldn't do that unless u are adding some steel tubing somewhere. The rear deck keeps the strut towers from falling inward.
  3. Quentin Jarrell

    My batteries are paralleled WITHOUT being connected

    Hard to understand what u said but the first few that hooked up were .68 ohms or something. And the last one was zero? I'd assume it was zero because it wasn't hooked up.
  4. Quentin Jarrell

    any tips for finding a good ground without a dmm?

    How did you determine its a ground problem. Also you can buy a test light and go from the positive of the amp to the spot you sanded and see if it lights up. A dmm would be the better choice. Never ever ever ever use a test light or analog meter. In the wrong hands you'll be buying a new ecu or bcm.
  5. Quentin Jarrell

    any tips for finding a good ground without a dmm?

  6. Quentin Jarrell

    any tips for finding a good ground without a dmm?

    Need to add the MECP basic installers guide as another book to read before attempting to install a potential death trap.
  7. Quentin Jarrell

    Reselling of car audio?

    And the big boys ain't gonna allow you just carry a select few products. You are gonna carry everything or nothing. Recently the dealer I used to work for decided they didn't like Alpine's new headunit so they only wanted their amps and speakers. After 30 something years and over $100,000 of dealer cost per month Alpine canceled their account.
  8. Quentin Jarrell

    Reselling of car audio?

    You might get away with getting accounts some of these smaller companies. But any big brand is going to have a rep firm you will have to go thru. They will send an agent out to verify your location. You might be able to find a few distributors that will sell to you with out visually seeing your location. But they will be breaching their contracts with their brands selling to you in this manner. Regardless which route you go you are going to need proof of business. I.e. state and county tax and resale liscenses.
  9. Quentin Jarrell

    dodge charger sub boxx

    The first thing you need to do first is get some cardboard and make the biggest box you can physically slide into your trunk. This way you will know exactly what you have to work with.
  10. Quentin Jarrell

    dodge charger sub boxx

    Like you said it's hard to get sound into the cabin. Those cars have pretty thick seats. To get the most potential you will want to have your seats lowered. As far as the quality of sound is concerned in a properly built ported or sealed box you aren't going to be able to tell the difference. To gain maximum output you will want to face the sub(s) forward. And use the maximum amount of port as possible. Regaurdless of what people will tell you using proper port area will give you a noticeable difference in output. This has been tested and proven by some the best transducer designers in the industry.
  11. Ill take that as some form of sarcasm
  12. Quentin Jarrell

    dodge charger sub boxx

    ok, im just really hoping this works out. ive tryed with ported enclosures but im just not having luck lol. i dont have much expierence with ported and every single one ive ever built sounded like shit. and now with my charger im mind fucked with trying to solve my problem. i went to big with the 18'' but i think i can make it work out (one day) eventually. Just recently i had a 6cuft box with an 8'' pvc tuned to 33hz half internal half external shooting thru the left rear seat. but of course once again SHITTY. And this one is gonna turn out just as horrible. You can't expect to cram 10lbs in a 5lb bag and have everything turn out wonderful.
  13. You need to google ohms law first. Then the definition of efficiency. It may answer some of that question.
  14. Quentin Jarrell

    0ga or 4ga

    What they all said. Plus if you purchase your wire from. www.weldingsupply.com It'll be cheaper to do one larger run rather than two smaller runs.
  15. Quentin Jarrell

    (4) 12" Ported Enclosure

    external 38" wide x 27.25" tall x 41" deep
  16. If the amp was ever turned on without the crossovers installed or if the amp was mounted directly to the vehicles metal it might be the reason why it's broke.
  17. Quentin Jarrell

    Sp4 4th order or 6th order

    Maybe I have worded it wrong. You can typically cram a bandpass in a smaller area due to physical area of the way it can be positioned in the vehicle. For example you could shoe horn a bandpass to go thru a ski hole but it might not be logical or possible to get a big ported box to work.
  18. Quentin Jarrell

    Sp4 4th order or 6th order

    The only reason to use a bandpass box over a ported enclosure is if you are restrained by space. You will almost always have a better response and be just as loud if not louder by going ported especially on the "lows" as a bandpass enclosure will normally start to rolloff relatively high compared to ported.
  19. Quentin Jarrell

    Sp4 4th order or 6th order

    The 4th or 6th is the rate of roll of the enclosure has. It has nothing to do with style or "type" of enclosure. People normally prefer 4th order has a rolloff rate of 24db per octave.
  20. Quentin Jarrell

    Sp4 4th order or 6th order

    That's a personal preference. Which roll off do you prefer.
  21. Quentin Jarrell

    4th order on a xcon 10

    That would be the reason. You are going to need your max deminsions including where the port needs to be located to fire into the ski hole.
  22. Quentin Jarrell

    Ethos motors have been ordered.

    Curious if there is a specific reason the guys at STEP use that specific pattern for the mounting holes? Same thing they did on the UL12. Hard to tell by the drawing. But the "Square" is 12.5" OD. Same OD as typical 12's. so I can get 25-30% more Sd than normal frames. Or I can go up to a 2.75 wide surround and keep the same amount of Sd which is needed for the MMAG motors I'm working with.
  23. Quentin Jarrell

    4th order on a xcon 10

    ^ what he said limited reasons to use one.
  24. Quentin Jarrell

    Ethos motors have been ordered.

    Audibel Customs was set up as a DBA. It's a long and expensive process in Louisiana to change a DBA to a LLC so I just dropped it. Ah, that's too bad, I love your AC logo. You mean the Pinnacle Acoustics logo? Pinnacle Acoustics will be used for all my MMAG subs.
  25. Quentin Jarrell

    Ethos motors have been ordered.

    Audibel Customs was set up as a DBA. It's a long and expensive process in Louisiana to change a DBA to a LLC so I just dropped it.