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Quentin Jarrell

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Everything posted by Quentin Jarrell

  1. Quentin Jarrell

    Where to Deaden Front Doors on 2012 Fusion?

    Beat on it. If rattles or resonates than apply to that area. If it don't resonate and you only need to stop road noise then u need MLV.
  2. Quentin Jarrell


    What's the system consist of? Can't see ur sig I'm mobile.
  3. Quentin Jarrell

    I'm not seeing much IA builds here

    Gonna help a buddy after Xmas on a wall with (6) lethal injection 15's.
  4. Quentin Jarrell

    three sample motors coming with Ethos production

    I have added the big MMAG to the list of samples. OD is 270mm just like the above overhung motor. I'm gonna use a 50mm long 8 layer copper coil as the standard coil. I'm also gonna try out a 100 mm long 8 layer aluminum coil. If it doesn't completely destroy the softparts ill offer it as a SPL coil.
  5. 1st motor will be a 3inch four layer flat copper coil with 12mm of xmax 2nd motor will be a 3inch four layer flat copper coil with 20.25mm of xmax 3rd motor is a fairly large motor: top and bottom plates are 260mm OD and 50mm thick magnet is 270mm OD and 50 mm thick the first test coil will be 3inch eight layered flat alluminum coil 100mm long (gives around 35 xmax) my magnetics modeler was dead on compared to Klippel results on the Ethos so I can safely say that this motor will be around 34BL with a 1.75 Re giving a motor force factor of 660 All three of these samples will be coming along with the production run of the Ethos which I expect to be in for tax time. Magnetic pic of the BIG 270mm motor
  6. Quentin Jarrell

    ssa gcon

    It's really pointless to use Small signal parameters to model the higher output subs that are being manufactured today as they don't acuratly represent the driver in its normal operating range. Due to the characteristics of the materials being used and the stiffness of the suspension t/s parameters will change greatly from 1watt (small signal) which will only move most subs less than 1mm compared to 40 or 50 watts (large signal) which is needed to get most subs in their normal operating range. For example you will typically see manufactures recommend 1.5-3 cubic feet for a 12 but when you model the t/s parameters you come up with a figure around 1/2 cubic feet. The reason being is the creep factor of the suspension and surround on the sub. Most suspensions aren't too bad and doesn't affect parameters a whole lot but the surround does. The typical wide suround's Fo is in the mid 40's at 1mm but in normal operating range can be in the high 20's. The cone's Fo is directly related to the sub's vas which is directly related to box volume. So this sub which will measure say at 45 hertz Fs at 1mm will have Fs of 30 hertz in its working range which in return can increase vas from say 15L up to 25L which is why the sub works well in 1.5 cubic feet but when modeled the program tells you that you need .5 cubic feet.
  7. Quentin Jarrell

    Stetsom Service

    No, caps charge and discharge almost instantly. The spark you get when you first hook up a power wire, that's the caps charging. They will remain charged (or charging and discharging if operating) as long as main power is applied and keep charge for a while even when main power is disconnected.
  8. Quentin Jarrell

    (4) 12" Ported Enclosure

    Yes, 4 of my 12's on 4 IA 20.1's
  9. Quentin Jarrell

    6 Rockford T2 15"s and 7500 Watts, and a destroyed windshield.

    Y'all need to look into an account with Hogan Hardwood. Cheaper pricing and they deliver for free.
  10. Quentin Jarrell


    More air and the same amount of fuel. No worries about running lean?
  11. Quentin Jarrell

    Parallel wiring vs Series wiring

    When you strap an amp you are running the series so voltage doubles. But it doesn't matter bc resistance doubles as well Amps strapped= 100 volts and re of 2 P=e x I P= 100v x 50 amps P= 5,000 watts Amps not strapped 50 volts, re 1 P=e x I P=50 volts x 50 amps P=2,500 watts So it doesn't matter still the same amount if current over each system so same amount of heat.
  12. Quentin Jarrell

    box design... 3x SSA DCON 12's

    Small's formula is about 15m/s
  13. Quentin Jarrell

    Troubleshooting ideas for sub pop.

    Are you using high level inputs? Sit in the car leave everything off except leave the amp on like before. Open and slam the door. If the subs thump it's just the signal that's created by the coil in the door speaker back feeding thru the 360 into the amp.
  14. Quentin Jarrell

    Troubleshooting ideas for sub pop.

    So amps were on when it thumped. Are you using a signal adaptor?
  15. Quentin Jarrell

    Troubleshooting ideas for sub pop.

    Are amps off when it thumps? Are you using a high to low signal adaptor?
  16. Quentin Jarrell

    Need help

    based on your deminsions you have enough volume. Port will be less than optimum but doable. post some pictures of your trunk.
  17. Quentin Jarrell

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I like my Kershaws. I have several scallions, chives, and leeks. I use them at work and in my shops. They sharpen quick and easy (I am an old school stone sharpener). The quick actions can be picky, but as long as they are kept clean and lubed they work great. But they tend to dull easily. I use the paper wheels at the bottom of this page. I can literally shave with my pocket knife. http://www.texaswood...g_Equipment.htm *of the shaving and results that is When I get back in town I can get the old lady to hold the camera and I can do it on my face if need be
  18. Quentin Jarrell

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I like my Kershaws. I have several scallions, chives, and leeks. I use them at work and in my shops. They sharpen quick and easy (I am an old school stone sharpener). The quick actions can be picky, but as long as they are kept clean and lubed they work great. But they tend to dull easily. I use the paper wheels at the bottom of this page. I can literally shave with my pocket knife. http://www.texaswoodcarvers.com/Tool_Catalog/Sharpening_Equipment.htm
  19. Quentin Jarrell

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Pretty hard to see the GPS screen through that... http://www.pelican.com/cases_detail.php?Case=i1015 If pelican don't make it no one does
  20. Quentin Jarrell

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I keep a leek composite on me at all times. Never know when you'll have to cut your arm off.
  21. Quentin Jarrell

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I like Kershaw leeks. you might be able to find them in that price range.
  22. Quentin Jarrell

    Loud front stage opinions (SQ guys beware, lol)

    I knew I had seen them used somewhere before. http://www.usdaudio.com/sw/cars/buick/
  23. Quentin Jarrell

    Loud front stage opinions (SQ guys beware, lol)

    I'd prefer this over a super tweeter any day.
  24. Quentin Jarrell

    Loud front stage opinions (SQ guys beware, lol)

    Doesn't BMS make a smallish Neo HLCD
  25. Quentin Jarrell

    My batteries are paralleled WITHOUT being connected

    He said the one reading zero isn't hooked to the others. If I understood correctly he put one lead on the positive of the one not hooked up and put the other lead on a group that was hooked together. His reading was zero. I'd assume its zero due to the two not being connected.