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Everything posted by xxbobbyfinxx

  1. xxbobbyfinxx

    Fi SSD 10 (High Qts)

    Yeah but I have 2 subwoofers in that 1.8 cubes so it's .9 each which isn't a lot. For a ported enclosure I don't think it's enough. It seems like everyone tells me that subs are geared for ported and I feel like the only person running a sealed enclosure. It really sucks. It's not like I picked sealed, it's just the Thunderform box fits perfectly and happens to be sealed. I have two CVX 10s in their now and they sound really nice.
  2. xxbobbyfinxx

    Fi SSD 10 (High Qts)

    I understand that much, but how and why? What changes about the subwoofer? I just want to know more about High Qts. "How and why" isn't a simple short answer. But basically, they machine the gap a little wider to reduce the motor force some. The change in Qts changes how the subwoofer responds to a given enclosure volume and the enclosure volume needed to achieve a specific Qtc. In a similar alignment (same Qtc) the high Qts option will have slightly more output and slightly more extended low frequency response throughout most of the passband, although it will require a larger enclosure to obtain a given Qtc. If instead of keeping alignment the same we keep the enclosure volume the same, the high Qts option will have a higher Qtc and the associated differences that comes from having a higher Qtc (slightly more peak output, less damping, less mechanical power handling, slightly less low frequency extension, etc). So two of these would be perfect for my 1.8 cubes sealed enclosure in my single cab truck then? Just curious, how would these sound in a ported box? Not something I would do soon, but just wondering.
  3. xxbobbyfinxx

    Fi SSD 10 (High Qts)

    I understand that much, but how and why? What changes about the subwoofer? I just want to know more about High Qts.
  4. xxbobbyfinxx

    2 SA-10s in a Single Cab?

    Hahah, went to go pull out a CVX to see how one would sound with more volume to itself. Each speaker had a voice coil wired to itself...... Needless to say they are wired correctly now and I can see a little improvement as far as the bass goes. I will see how it sounds over the next few days and see if it still doesn't feel like 1,000 watts.
  5. xxbobbyfinxx

    2 SA-10s in a Single Cab?

    The SSA GCON will be nice, but it's mounting depth is over 6". So it wouldn't fit in my truck as is. The SD-2 10 looks promising though!
  6. xxbobbyfinxx

    2 SA-10s in a Single Cab?

    Even though they require such little space? I mean I have a single cab so porting isn't a good option for me.