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Everything posted by cjj2d

  1. cjj2d

    Pics of new Mag 12's

    just finished final caulking and will add L braces tomorow then drop this bad boy in and get it broke in.
  2. cjj2d

    Pics of new Mag 12's

    Just got my 15D2 today and I am totaly blown away by the build and looks of this speaker. Even after drooling over the pics I am floored now that is on my table. Also the first time I am going to be running a 15, always ran 12s, and damn this thing is huge.
  3. what do you suggest bracing it with. I just got my 15 D2 in today (less than 48hrs after I ordered it, thanks Nick). even after all the pics I am still blown away by the build and looks of this sub.
  4. cjj2d


    what kind of prices we talking on that box for a 15 D2?
  5. cjj2d

    ported or sealed?

    I am going with two sealed in my Altima also. Well once I get a second one in a few weeks. For now I just built a ported box for one to hold me over till then.
  6. cjj2d

    G,check my dimensions

    what is the displacement of a 15" Mag?
  7. trying to figure out my box vol. and whatnot now that I screwed up a little bit putting it together and the dimensions are slightly off from the plans. what is the displacment of a 15 D2?
  8. cjj2d

    I need to order a Mag!!

    I already got a reply from Nick saying he will break the sub in and get it shipped out tomorrow. That is awesome! He is one hell of a guy. I am almost done with the box. It is my first and of course I made a first timers mistake and now the dimensions are off a little bit. not too much though, hopefully it won't hurt the overall cuft/tunning too much. This box is just to hold me over anyways tilll I get my SECOND 15D2!! and get a good box built.
  9. I know they are all real busy, but I would really like to order one so if any reps see this please drop me an email on how I can do this via paypal. thanks cory [email protected]
  10. cjj2d

    G,check my dimensions

    how do you calculate internal volume from the external dimensions? and what about displacement? and tuning? I decided to try my hand at my first box today and used the dimensions Gnome posted for a 15XXX, the only thing is I made a first timers screw up and now the dimensions are off a little bit, not much though. so now I just want to find a formula to use to try and figure out what I have here.
  11. cjj2d

    I need to order a Mag!!

    did I mention this is my first time with a 15" driver. I have always been a 12 person. Hope I like it.
  12. cjj2d

    I need to order a Mag!!

    that is exactly what I was thinking. I didn't just want to send him money and say give me a damn sub. That is not good communication. I did however get ahold of him via email. apparently when I tried emailing him from the link on the SI site it did not make it to him. So when I emailed him from yahoo, he replied confirming it never made it the first time. alll is good now I have ordered me a sub and sent the money. Can't wait to get it in, should be finished with my box tomorrow. Hope to get the sub next week, but I know that things have been busy, whenever is fine. It is just good to know I have one coming.
  13. cjj2d

    I need to order a Mag!!

    Do I need to let him know before I send the money???
  14. cjj2d

    Free Box Plans

    would that box plan for a 15 XXX work for a 15 D2??
  15. cjj2d

    Free Box Plans

    how massive is a box for two 15 D2s, trying to decide if I have room or should wait on the 12s.
  16. would this be plenty of power for 2 D2 12s. My Tantrum's birthsheet says it is 1507 watts. would that be sufficient for the two?
  17. I need to order a 12" as well. I sent an email but if any rep is on here reading these I would like to know where to send payment via paypal. assuming there are some 12s left.
  18. cjj2d

    Free Box Plans

    could I get some box plans for 2 12" D2s??? ported.